Truth behind whales!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

What a whale is and why this is bad.

you post good content. but because out of 36,800 users only 45 user actually have any real power to up-vote your content and therefore give you money.

What does this mean

even if all of the other 36000 members up-vote your post. the steemit network would think that only 7% of user were interest.

How to beat the system

1 MV = 1M VESTS = 243.723 STEEM = $869.362

If you wanted to become a superuser and grab a 2% influence it would literally cost you 869 dollars but to be a legend you would have to invest 869,000 dollars to the network so while you think you have a chance at fame and fortune the truth is unless one of the founders of the company up-votes your content. you will make very little money, and its simply not in there interest to do so.

It gets worse

on any given day there are only 5000 accounts active meaning that even if all users were to up-vote your post you would barely break 0.8% interest. but there are 24 hours in a day. meaning 5000/24= only 208 users on average will ever see your post. that doesn't even break .001% interest.

so why do some make money?

my thoughts while unproven are. I think its a shell game. while users put Money into into network whales take it out.

don't believe me up-vote this post and bookmark it for later. you will that unless a whale upvotes no money is to be made.

this is a problem that eventually will cause the end of steem!!!


You don't take the trouble to use proper sentences, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, or research/fact checking. Yet you have the audacity to say: "you post good content."

You have no idea of what good content is (from the viewpoint of those who put their sweat, tears and treasure into the development of this opportunity for you - not from the viewpoint of juvenile, entitled miscreants).

Your slovenly post and attitude add zero value to the platform - in fact they are probably deleterious in the eyes of the value contributors we hope to attract.

Hopefully you still have quite a bit of growing up to do and this is not a manifestation of your adult character. Heaven help you if it is.

I am sorry for the inconvinience of my poor english. But it is a second language to me

English as a second language does not excuse your lack of research/fact checking.

And it certainly does not excuse making baseless accusations and the spreading of FUD.
" while users put Money into into network whales take it out"

There are content contributors who started with nothing and have never put any money into steemit - but have withdrawn hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of dollars.

This poster also has English as a second language. But she has a positive attitude and is making contributions to the community whereas you have a negative attitude and are sewing dissension in the community. Who do you think will be rewarded?

ok now that i have managed to get the photos back up you can see my facts are acurate

Unlike the OP this comment is rude, nasty, personally insulting and unhelpful. OP took the time to write a carefully considered critique. That’s Proof of Work as described in the Whitepaper.

So we have a coment with 15 upvotes . And 1 downvote from a user called steemitservices . The post is greyed out because the whale down voted. I think were on to something here guys. Proof is in the downvotes made by whales

Maybe you should take the time and look at constant spam in their history. Then you might understand why their posts are being downvoted rather than making ignorant comments like this one.

True that , people getting annoying day by day many , bot keep on editing they comment every 5 minutes until we unable to see recent replies from others , there pro and cons for using bot and to attracts whales attentions , how i wish i can have filter bot to filter all craps out . hopefully steem will adding new button to delete useless comment .

What exactly do you consider as spam? @berniesanders just making sure I don't go this way.

What are the odds that steemit services havnt made a post that has not made over 200 dollars

so, this is about whales? we need upvote from whales for make our post big rewards?

Great insight! I was thinking the same.

Totaly agree with this

Would be surprised if the whole enchilada is an ill conceived plot from day 1. Faith in humanity would be null.

Interesting stats, thanks for the info.

Thanks for sharig

That friend5 guy is a whale...

That friend5 guy has made large investments into this project in both time and money, and has taken nothing out.

Sounds friendly enough to me.

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Some whales are actively trying their best to find and upvote non-Steemit-circlejerk, quality original posts so that the site doesn't swim into a whirlpool of self-congratulation and instead fills its best and highest use, rewarding people for sharing awesome things. At least one large stakeholder has even hired multiple people to find worthy posts for them, and their vote currently carries about $350 in total rewards.

Most of the people with a large stake understand that the value of Steemit determines the value of their own stakes, and are trying to make Steemit the best it can be.

In your case, some users do not believe having an automated message in every post is a great idea, as the noise is drowning out the signal in the comments. I applaud you for crafting a helpful message but I also somewhat agree that there are too many automated bot posts and they need to be discouraged. Downvoting and minimizing these comments is the tool available to discourage it.

Evil whales, yeah right. Stop shitting up the place with your spam and you won't get downvoted.