First of all i want to thank @dobartim for organizing this contest. As well as the donors to this wonderful contest designed to make us all better writers and better readers. Helping us all to be better people in our homes, communities and the planet. Thanks to @aidasfg7 @flysky @dobartim for Supporting this contest.
About Me

I have been many things in my life so far. I have been a second cook at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, MS, I have done jewelry repair and sales in both TN and CA, I have flipped houses and still do construction to this day. Anything to keep money coming in. I have traveled being a Pirate at Renaissance faires through-out America. There I wore many hats from the H.R. department and pay roll, to production assistant, telecommunications department head, ice bitch ( I sold bags of 20 lbs bags of ice in the early morning during the run of the show). I also helped to set up office and helping to build the show as well as the tear down crew. I now live in PA in a small old coal-mining township outside of Pittsburgh. Where work is very scarce for me here.

- Because I am here in the winter and not as much building work available here at least not for me. 2. Because I am a woman 3. Maybe because I am a lesbian. Not that too many would admit it to my face. 4. Maybe I am too out spoken and I truly do have the mouth of a sailor.
Small towns are not the most welcoming crowd for someone as amazing as I am. I just do not fit in any of their molds. Especially now with such divide and hate that seems to be growing everyday because of our government that has our country divided. Divided like I have not seen before. But here I am because I fell in love with my wife: My other half. After moving here I re-connection with an old roommate from California and was told that her fiance needed a deck hand in Alaska, gill netting salmon. In accepting this job I found it was all inspiring. I can say, I now have found my true passion in life. Being a commercial fisherman in the Bearing Sea, AK. However, this is seasonal work for only about 4 months out of the year. I can say even with the danger of being at sea on/in a 37 foot boat with just myself and the captain, gill netting for salmon and all that entails. I have never done anything that makes me feel more complete and whole, this job completes me.

I am a minnow and have only been on for less than 2 months. So I have not made any real money from being here. I have gotten discouraged but from talking with others they help me see that anything worth having is work.Even though I have only made about 8.00 U.S. dollars so far. I even bought some steem to put in my account. To help with the bandwidth issues. But that does not mean I have not reaped many other rewards.

I had not written anything in many years and this platform is pulling something out of my core. Some good memories and some sad memories and many new and amazing things. I am slowly making friends through as well as discord. I have also found a few Steemit Pages on Facebook. I have even started my own Facebook group and page. Only 2 members as of today but like everything here on steemit and in our community it will take some time just keep trying and never give up. Maybe you want to be number 3 ! ha ha ha If so come on by and check us out.

Well that was until I discover I found steemit because I was really frustrated with Facebook and all the trolls, and fake news and the hateful memes. I began looking for somewhere else to find a community. I didn't like Twiiter mainly because Trump uses it as his personal mouth-piece of hate and divide. So I started looking into crypto currencies via the encouragement of my friend @memoryshock; as a way to generate income durring the off season. I began learning how to set up wallets and buy crypto. In doing my research I came across someone yelling about the amazing coin Steem. As I began to look online to help me better understand this coin. I came across an article about Steemit and how it was so much better than Facebook and how we could be paid to share ideas and thoughts. I had no clue at the amount of work this would be nor how quickly it has taken over my life. But here I am. and Before going any further I have to give special shout out to someone that has held my hand everyday. He has help correct my stupid mistakes. As well as encouraged me. I know without his direct support, personally as well as from his Facebook group(s): I am not sure I would still be as driven and as motivated to not only continue learning and working harder and striving harder to write better, comment better and support the worthy post, post of quality everyday. Encouraging me to curate and support quality is more important and will continue to pay off more and more as Steemit grows. I am proud to call Senouci Bouabdallah @clixmoney my mentor and friend. The support from his steemit to resteem page and groups have been amazing and I can say I encourage others to go and join this community.
I also would like to thank my new friends that are helping to keep me driven and to not be discouraged when I put real effort into my post with formatting and pictures. With page breaks and videos. Helping me to now be able to upload and use D.Tube! But then still only .12 cents. Because as they point out; I have use my tags in the wrong order or wrong tags all together. All meant to help us all grow. So I have to give these people my respect and gratitude. If any advice I can offer to anyone new to steemit is take the time to make real connections. Together we are strong.
What are the things that need improvement; both by steemit and by myself. @mikesalvi @scottrogers63 @mykos @gregcar48 @wanderlass @girlinchief @Shivamraichura @svemirac @geekpowered @sykochica @adesojisouljay @teutonium @apsu
- I think the begging for votes is the worse part. I don't see a way around it and holding true to our decentralized blockchain environment. But as a new user it bothers me. It gets me a little bit.
- The markdown formatting is a struggle but I am learning and have a whole file just with formatting coding.
- The inability to be able to make your own contact list of friends and groups. To me it sure would be useful to have a way to connect my friends from discord and steemit chat and my home page on Steemit maybe have it like where our post and wallet are located.
- Patience. On every front. when looking for help on any subject. Remember no one really works for steemit. There is not an administrator. There are leaders and whales. but no one has to help you or even give you the correct information. Which leads me to
- Research and do your own homework and have your own best interest the forefront. What you get from steem does directly relate as to what you put into it.
Your information given and received will depend on your respectfulness to others; your thoughtful replies to what they have invested in and given to all of us; as well as what are your personal goals are in being on the platform. Are you here solely for money? If so happy botting. If you are here to build something different. Something more organic. Well, know that you are not alone. There are many of us here that are working hard everyday to make it happen for us all.
Do not get me wrong. I would love to see a post of mine hit 400 bucks! That would be amazing and helpful in paying my bills and putting food on the table and heating the house. But I think it will mean even more knowing that it was because I put myself out there. Because I kept trying. Because I interacted and talked to others about it. Because I am entering a contest that was suggested. Just another illustration at how beautiful and amazing Steemit really is. I want to give thanks to us all that purposely interact and create, help and encourage. But at the same time defend and fact check if they see someone telling others total b.s. To each and everyone of us taking the time to get to know one another, I say Thank You!
I am finding that the positives far, far out weigh any of the uncomfortable learning curves that I have been through and am going through right now: As I write this post. So the best I can say is that steemit has made me a better person and I hope to grow and help others as I learn and write about new experiences and new connections.
Reveal spoiler
I encourage anyone reading this to add your post in the contest. If you too think that you want to try here are the rules:
- You need to put in the title of your post " Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #4 "
- Put in tags of your post #steemitultimatechallenge
- @dobartim and this competition link in your post for other competitors
- You must to be my follower @dobartim
- Your story must be a minimum of 1000 words and minimum one image
Note : Maximum winning is total two times ( one weekly and one final)
If you don't win that week you can post different post next weekOnly judges can vote : @dobartim ( From now I am the only judge of this competition, and I chose winners )
hai man, what is it? community ?
sorry i do not understand you. if you hit the link you can write a post about steemit and follower the contest rules
You have several work experiences and from varying fields. You can go anywhere! Good to know that you're learning a lot of things here. Like you, I'm also working hard to grow organically. It's difficult but I'm sure that someday it will be worth it! All the best on your Steemit journey. :)
We just have to keep trying .. I think entering contest and talking to each other is truly the only way. I thank you for taking the time to read and upvote. I included my facebook page and group please join. It makes it easier for me to find you. please post whatever you are working on.
Thanks for the invite but I already deactivated my Facebook account a long time ago. See you around Steemit! :)
oh ok .. yep we will chat soon hope you have an amazing day