u invested what $70 into steem
u didnt invst anything into steem u fuckin liar
this pisses me off because its ALL there for u to see!!
an @sweetsssj uses her own money to travel she hasnt ever vashed out her steempower GO LOOk at her fucking WALLET u fuckin asshole!
if u did any fucking due dilligance you would SEE that shes saved ALL of her steem from day 1 and she barely EVER cashes out and has kept ALl her mney in crypto like AMny of us and youre a fucing MOROnbecause u DIDNt do the research whenit was ALL there READY to be looked at!
but u took the EASy route! u fucking actedlike u COULDNt find out her history wenu COUCL and u just MADE UP A LIE to GET VIEWS
soorry but im considering getting a friend to flag your post and bring it downto $0
this post violates our community guidelines
I myself can bring your ppst down $2 if i let my voting power charge back up,
ill give you time to issue a retraction
u cant go around making money postng @sweetsssj photos like they are your own....and then make $4 off lies about her .....
i wont tolerate it and you ned to learn your lesson
ahahahahahah report to who?
assault is a physical action
For anyone reading this, I am simply showing u how it feels to be attacked in ur own pst LOL
dude go ahead "report" me hahaha
u ave no steempower and ur votes dont do shit
learn ur place
and learn not to attackk @sweetsssj
Your ppst was against community uidelines, u were lying about @sweetsssj
and sorry the entire steemit community is going to be on my side
now u can have a second chance
u must apologize tho and dont even bother removing ur comments on her ppst thyev all been flagged so ust apologize to her