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RE: Ackza promoting Steem with @monkimo at ComicCon San Diego 2017! I am so proud of this real life physical promotion of Steem that I will be printing out a new sign and doing this again! + Video of Ackza Yelling at people to buy Steem & BTC while driving!

in #steemit7 years ago

Yes we MUST support @nanzo-scoop and get his account more followers!
His support of African Steemians and myself is so rare, we MUSt make him money, to show people, that you CAN profit from helping Africa, it is a diamond in the rough. Africa may seem like too much trouble to bother investing in for most, but WE know the cold hard facs about the cold hard wealth, like we are neo cyber colonialists, looking to extract wealth from africa for ourselves but NOW we are no longer just extracting that wealth but we want to BUILD the wealth

There is far too much leftist communist propaganda out there about the evils of imperialism without any credit given to the people who worked hard to establish industry and real world marketable value in Africa... And sure there was slavery and still is today and sure a lot of natural resources were pilaged BUT we should not just throw away the baby with the bath water, we need to go back ad see what WORKS and relize qe MUST industrlaize Africa ASAP to stop more widespread human suffering , it is I the wests interest to stop outbreaks of disease etc

In today's world you can't just look at Africa s an isolated place, if diseae spreads inside of Africa the whoel WORLD Will feel I, because of modern air travekl, and there is no way to quarentine africa, look at all the african migrants poouring into europe, that won't stop even if there is some masive ebola outbreak

I mean look at what happened recetly with the African Ebola outbreak, it spread to so many other first world nations!

THIS is why with can't just allow Africans to be poor, it will drag down everyone!

We MUSt invest in Africa to prevent worldwide epidemics AND to compete with the Chinese who are building railroads etc in kenya coingo etc we MUSrt catch up withChina here in USA

There are many people already doing the "capitalist cowboy" thjing driving dtrucks in africa to make extra money, doing jobs no one else wants to do,

we MST show this vice documentary about american cowboy capitalists who ake money doing jobs and contracts in africa