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RE: How To Deal With The Discouraging Feeling Of Being Overlooked.. And My Contribution To Solve The Problems!

in #steemit8 years ago

For sure! I think what it comes down to is self awareness. I'm a writer by craft, so I'm able to churn out a high quality post in as little as 30 mins. Sometimes, posts take me longer perhaps 3-4 hours etc.

My personal approach is to just listen to the community. What are they struggling with? What content is getting the most engagement and start there! For example, I probably have 3-4 posts in the pipeline just based on my own frustrations/learnings with Steemit thus far.

I also try to engage with the comments as much as possible which gives me inspiration for future posts.

That being said, I totally understand what you're saying. Not everyone is going to make a living, or even a sizable amount of money on Steemit, and that's perfeclty okay.

We all come here for different reasons and it's important we stay true to or goals so to speak.

While I know you're going to be posting less frequently moving forward, I genuinely enjoy your posts.


Thank you once again. I truly appreciate your kind words and I agree with what you've said here. However, I wouldn't go with "what others are struggling with" myself. I would keep doing what I do best. I focus on my thing. With that being said.. You might just be on to something, and it's possibly the best approach.

I wish you the best of luck! :)