Hi all!
The agenda for today's Vlog from Mauritius is as follows:
7000 Followers and 8000 SP!
Thank you all so much for your support! Too many names to mention here but I've dropped a few in! I forgot to mention our bet @surfermarly - well done for calling it right!
8000 Steem Power is just amazing. I've bought about 3000 in total and so this is thanks to so many people who have supported my content over the past year.
Self-voting and Vote collusion
I've been asked by a few people recently if Self-voting is bad, and so I wanted to give my opinion bearing in mind that a lot of my Steem Power is delegated to me, either for free or for very little cost.
Vote collusion is everywhere, between small and large accounts. Is it a case of anything goes? And how good is this for the platform in the long term?
The Curation Leagues
I hope by now you are aware that a submit a post each week that gives anyone the chance to win some Crypto, just by curating here on Steemit (or busy.org etc).
If you wish to be in with the chance of winning a prize, please let me know on the weekly Curation League post. Cheers!
Thank you again for your support, and have a great day!
Asher @abh12345
▶️ DTube
thats an amazing news congratulations @abh12345 it's really a great achievement that you had got .. it's must take alot of efforts to come this much far keep it up and best of lucky for your future.
Thank you very much!
Congratulations sir, 7000 followers is a great feet.
Cheers Sami!
Congrats brotha!!!
Thanks man for all your support!
Oh shit man you're big! :D
Congratulations! You certainly deserve it man! Really happy for you and hope one day to reach those numbers as well :D
I'm not sure how, but a post a day for the last 4/5 months seems to have helped. Thank you!
Noted... but 7K in 4-5 months? People say I grow fast and I got 1700 in 2 months, that is a fraction.
I've been active for a year, but things really took off about 4/5 months ago. Probably 4000 followers since then and the same in SP.
I think my 5000 follower vlog is 5 weeks old. Your progress has been fast too, nice!
Wow, great going man, keep on charging up those numbers... Once you get to Whaledom your votes will be tasty so Im wishing you the best :P
500k SP is many years away but thanks for the encouragement! 😁
It's going to go like this - @fulltimegeek gets chosen to be a crypto advisor in the White-House and he's going to go "You know what, I don't want to log in Steemit anymore. I'm going to give it all to that guy who does the numbers, he knows what every steward does and holds them accountable."
Mega-Transfer and BOOM, Whaledom.
Then you go "You know what? It's my money now bitches!" Then you power down, cash out and leave a finger up on steepshot as your last post.
......oooooor I'm just trippin :D
Wow this is a great feat, 7000 followers and 8000sp is really massive and I can only hope to be like you in future.
About the question you said people often ask you about self voting. I dont think your answer is clear enough(lolzz). You still sounded in parables.
haha :D
Dammit! Time for another vlog!?
Grande Asher! Sei un mito!!! (Sorry today in italian, haha).
I love your accent man ;-)
Ciao ciao
Steemitri Il Manichino
Thank you @steemitri!
I need to improve my pronunciation as some of the words are probably lost in the accent!
Congratulations on the large number of followers and keep the contents coming. Self voting in moderate amounts should be allowed so that people will be incentivized to hold more SP. But moderate is a subjective word. Mauritius background in your vlog looks like an everyday background in most parts of my country. I guess the only difference may be the temperature :)
Thank you @greenrun!
The temperature is deceptively hot here at present, it's best to stay near a fan and the cool drinks!
Week 2 no self-votes has begun, as you say moderate is subjective :)
How hot is the temperature? Currently rocking 32 °C or 90 °F.
31 I saw earlier so quite similar.
In England this weather would be discribed as swealtering and muggy!
It's high, but this is the night temperature. The day has like +4 of that.
Boss @abh12345 you earned it. Your different analysis on Steemit have become something I look forward to everyday. Have you heard about the saying: seen a man who's diligent in his service, he shall stand before kings and not before mean men.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much, I did not know of this saying and I appreciate you sharing it here 😁
Hahahahaha. That's from the Bible Proverbs 22 verse 29. You are really diligence with your business and that's why you stand before kings.
Well deserved 7000 followers and 8000 sp. The work you do for SOG brought to my attention the power of engagement and I have been a fan ever since. Those number crunching and analysis is just awesome.
You, fulltimegeek and the rest of the SOG is proof that by giving more we can gain more in terms of curation rewards, engagement and the growth of Steem.
I agree on your take on vote collusion for bigger accounts just circle jerking each other for massive amounts for the 4-5 people. It's short term and does not really help the platform but it's their choice. Not everyone can be expected to have an altruistic view of the use of the gifteconomy of Steemit. Yet you guys are proof that it could be used for better things.
You sir have my respect as I tip my imaginary hat to you.
Thank you kindly, very encouraging comments 😊
FTG has set an example, and I suspect many larger accounts know what's going on but just aren't interested in following suit. Business is business for many, and shortsightedness seems rife.
Nevermind, we shall continue doing our bit and hope that slowly, others decide to follow suit.
Thank you!
Congratulations on reaching another milestone @abh12345 and also for adding some more SP.
It's always nice to have someone experienced to answer our queries and you are one such person to whom we can always contact.
Hope to see you soon with 10K followers as you reached the goal of 7K from 5K in a short time.
Best wishes for whatever you do.
Thank you!
Glad to help when I can, and yes the counts have gone up quickly since the last time i vlogged about them.
I hope for a successful year for us all.
You are most welcome @abh12345.
Yes, hopefully 2018 brings more success as Steemians and provides more energy to help others.
Congrats 7000 followers and 8000 SP @abh12345. I wish to reach that milestones in the near future. Anyway, I am very grateful of my progress. It has been 120 days I am here and I reached 585 followers and over 44 SP. It is growing everyday, slowly but steady.
Could you give me and others like me, what can be the next step the one ends the status of newbie and experimenting and wants to be a professional?
Thank you for your work and effort
Thank you @ebi16 :D
I would suggest always trying to be in the newbie mindset, and with a goal to always try to help new members.
You can do this via engagement - Many comments across many posts you find interesting and have something to add to. This will help bring followers and submerge you into communities in which you can all grow.
I hope this helps, thank you!
You are welcome, Asher.
Thanks for your answer. It is really helpful. I will try to respond others posts and comments more often.
Commenting for other means that the one is interested with the topic. Anyway, it is the form of communication and it has to be the secret for success.
I agree, good luck!
Thanks Asher
Oh My God, how can i forget to comment on this very Special post of my best Friend Asher aka @abh 12345, Sorry for lat response
Big Congratulations! on Reaching 7000 followers Wow!
Let me tell you that in all of these 7000 steemains i am one of those whom you really inspired through your kind actions by supporting them, i can't forget those moments where you guided me in a right way, i have massive respect for you the beautiful soul Asher <3 <3 <3
Do not worry about late responses, It is only the quality of the response that matters :D
Thank you very much for being one of these followers, and providing me with so many kind words of support and encouragement!
You are always welcome the Great Asher aka @abh12345
This is great @abh12345
Congratulations on your milestone.
The best way to measure a good leader is through his/her followers. I know you just dont slept and wake up to achieve the 7000 followers and 8000SP, you put in greater effort.
You are really a role-model and i give you kudos for that.
Thank you @funkylove!
Replying to almost all comments not considered spam does take longer and longer (and keep me awake!), but I think of people have taken the time to comment, you should return the favour.
😊 Thank you again.
I celebrate you on this great achievement @abh12345
Reaching 7000 followers is not an easy task. You have touch many lives in this community and you are still committed to given back to the community while motivating many.
You deserve the best. Congratulations
That is very kind of you to say so.
I'm glad you've seen the route I've chosen to take, or perhaps the route choose me 😊
Thank you again!
While that is impressive the effort you put into many comments a day and the sheer number you have is even more so!
Congratulations on earning over 7k followers! Such a number like that has great meaning because you put in the effort and time to earn it. You did not cheap out and just spam for it.
Thank you! The curation league post is really engaging and I think that's helped a lot - it's taking longer and longer to reply to everyone, but it's something I like to do.
Spamming would lead to spammer followers and those aren't the good ones! Cheers!
Congratulations! You deserve it. You have worked hard to get where you are. Enjoy it!
Thank you for being one of my most engaging and a fine Steward, onwards to 10k we go!
Excellent number of followers but it's just the beginning man. Regards
As the user count rises we should all benefit, thank you!
7000 followers and 8000 SP
Hoping to get to such feat someday.
As regards self voting, if I am to share my thoughts on it tho, it has advantages and disadvantages.
A situation where you see a 2-line article on a trending page cuz of self voting by the big whales.
And contents with content are nowhere to be found.
But then again, I think its a way of recouping their investments on the platform.
It has advantages as well as disadvantages.
But I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
So I'm heading to D-tube to go see the video.
Thanks for sharing @abh12345
I agree there are pros and cons, I hope you understood what I had to say about it on the vlog!
Thank you for the message and support!
Huwow! congratulations! i hope i'll reach atleast 10% of the number your followers. LOL
Congratulations dear :D
It feels so good to see people when their efforts pays off !! Gives us motivation and strength to keep moving on :)
Keep up the good work :)
Thank you very much, I'm really glad to provide motivation as it's something I lack myself at times!
You've contributed well to the blockchain your stats and curation league has been such an amazing initiative even to utopia too,
and from your moderating days till now, you've certainly come a long way, Congratulations Asher on this amazing milestone.
Thank you!
Yes I think having a varied blog counts for something, and is perhaps negative in other ways. I like to vary and try all the new applications so my blog will stay this way for now.
Thanks again @josediccus!
Many Many Happy Congratulations for achieving this goal of "7000 Followers and 8000 SP."
Asher You Rock. @abh12345 you deserved it. realy very glad tou know. i always wish a best for you. and my best wishes for your for your future plans.
Thank you very much @rabeel for your support and kind words!
Congrats!!! Next milestone 70 rep?
😁 Thank you!
I think 70 is months away and so maybe 10k of the above will come first.
F / SP / Rep is my guess!
Congratulations!! I hope I’ll make it to 2,000 Steem and followers this year.. ;)
You will make it to 5000 followers this year or I'll eat my shorts!
Careful with those bets... 😄
I like shorts 😛
Wow! Next stop: 12345 SP I guess! :D
Next vlog, 8575 SP and 9543 followers!
Hello Asher. I really do not understand how you did to have 7000 followers. Anyway congratulations.
That makes two of us then! Thank you very much :D
I congratulate you on this remarkable achievement. Continue to please us with your wonderful content. Good luck to you and kind regards.
It is only with help from the likes of yourself that I have been able to reach these numbers, and so the thanks must go to you. Thank you!
Once again congratulations ...Congratulations @abh12345 up this amazing reputation, 7000 and 8000 SP follower to achieve it all not an easy thing,
Thank you!
My sincere congratulations !!! Do not stop there and move only forward !!!
I shall try my best, thank you!
Hey @abh12345 that is really great to hear. Congratulations. Achieving 7000 followers on steemit is not a less number. Its really big. Its almost 1% of steemit and almost 20% of total active users on steemit.
Yes it is a small % of current users but a good % of active. I wonder how many are actually active though...
Thank you!
Wow, 7.000 followers, congrats for your work. In 4 days you have nearly 300 followers, you are very popular.
P.S: you're very sexy in the video :D
Thank you, yes this number is growing fast for me!
And ummm, thank you very much! :D :D :D :D :$
Great work sir. Hard work always pay.
Steemit is a great platform to reveal your talents.
Thank you!
Congrats dear @abh12345 for reaching the milestone of 7000 followers..But I can bet out of this biggg number only very few are active members..It is the case in Twitter too..!
What is the curation league? Would it be helpful to me?
You could be right about active followers, I should check these stats🤞🏽
If you check my feed, 4/5 dats ago you will see the post. And yes I think it's worthwhile for everyone to join!
Thank you!
Incredible milestone, this major milestone is an evidence of your hard work! Wow 8000 SP, congrats on your success you deserved it.
Thank you very much @kittynick!
Wow, congrats, that's a crazy high number (for me at least)!
Thank you, keep going! 😁
Congratulations! :)
Thank you! 😁
Wow, 7,000 followers is one hell of a milestone. Congratulations on the fruits of all your hard work here. It's always nice to see someone who's been successful as it gives us minnows hope.
Thank you 😊 Grinding away almost every day for a year has helped, good luck to you!
I'm sure it has. My grinding has just begun. Hopefully we'll still be in contact a year from now and I'll let you know how my grinding has worked over the previous year. And likely marvel at your 50k followers :)
I wish you luck!
Would you like to join my curation league? free to enter with a chance for prizes by doing nothing but voting and commenting!
https://steemit.com/steemit/@abh12345/steemit-the-curation-leagues-15-steem-in-prizes Add your name here if so!
It looks like I already requested to be added 3 days ago - so that's taken care of :)
Thanks for the invite though Asher!
woops :) I see you, along with the other 50 or so I've added this week thanks to @davemccoy!
You will be blessed with this achievement and wish you more excellence.
You do it with great support and support.
Thanks for that . I wait for your contests and I want to win even when I know I have no luck in thatI'm not surprised by that, of course you deserve more than that my dear brother @abh12345
Thank you! Good luck in the curation league (I think your name is listed?) 😊
Wow this is nice to hear that my name is listed thanks dear @abh12345
congratulation to you!
Thank you kindly!
Congratulations to have 7000 followers. It show your dedication and devotion towards this community. Keep sharing your work. May you have many more in near future. Keep sharing
Thank you very much!
Setting a path for others too along this journey and inspiring all the way congratulations on these major milestones :D
Thanks @blazing, carry on Steemin on!
You deserve more ..you are working hard and sharing alot of information with steemit community.i think we need to thank you for growing steemit☺
Very kind of you to say so 😁
I'm not sure about me growing, but it would be nice to think that a few people have been encouraged to stay. Thanks!
Congratulations @abh12345, this is a big achievement and I hope you keep growing like this!
Thank you very muchf
Amazing achievement, 7 thousand people is a lot, your followers love you so much to delegate almost 2/3 of your total SP.
I could say I want some followers like you have :D
But all of that is a result of your hard work and good content that you bring to all of us and especially to the community.
wow COngratulatiOn you got many followers. May yOu have many many more and at the top of the highest steemits memebers :)
It's happiest News I think yOu should 100% give upvote to your followers :p
7000 100% upvotes? hehe!
700,000 1% votes coming up!
lolz ;p
@abh12345 you achieved a great millstone hope that i am also be able to reach this number
Thank you and good luck to you!
My hearty congratulation for your grand success.extremely happy about it.for you it like just another pearl in your necklace.hope you grow with more intensity & accelaration for 10k followers.
10k follower accelerater project begins! Thank you!
wow very nice congratulations friend!
Thank you! 😊
Congratulations!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you!