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RE: My Ideas on How to Create a Thriving

in #steemit8 years ago

Not allowing users to vote on the same author more than once in a 2 day period will help spread votes around to more users. This is not my ideal change, but to me it is a necessary change to help curb the demand for sock puppet accounts.

I have a feeling the keen make just have 2 'sock-puppet' accounts and switch between them?

3-5 self-votes, with no up-voting your own comments? Was thinking it would flood steem with #shitposts so would need to be coupled with a vote limit on your blogs - 3 votes would tie these folk down a little (including me because i will up-vote my own 0/1/2 blogs)

60/40 split is a negative for smaller accounts in my opinion. Curation earns smaller accounts very little and taking 15% off a whale vote is more hurtful to the little guys.

Just my opinion, i think these proposed changes are close to the mark.