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RE: Case 7: raping the reward pool with 1700+ accounts - things are getting serious!

in #steemit-police8 years ago

For those of you curious what one of these click farm operations look like in the flesh. As you can see, a unique telephone number is insufficient to guarantee unique users.


The caption on that video is "They make fake ratings for mobile apps"

They look like their pumping fake volume into certain apps on Google Play to make the games seem more popular than they actually are...

Interesting video, thanks for posting it.

What's worse: you can do all that on steemit with a single computer.

:/! Arg.... Good thing people like you are investigating this stuff, I hope Steemit can get that sort of abuse under control somehow. That people can do that on one computer is just ... disheartening somehow. The real superheroes today all seem to be computer guys with good morals, sigh, I should have learned programming....

It's never too late!

Does markdown count? :P

It's a good start I guess !

Don't know how you want people to report suspicious stuff, so will do it here - check out tinoe & tinoei, 2.3k followers, 35k following with 65 posts... might be nothing, but looks fishy to me (noob that I am).

Good catch, this one has some interesting traces.

I will investigate this one further.

If you wanted to report anonymously: @sherlockholmes