This is impressive decor! It's hard to pick a favorite nut, I like so many but my favourite are pistachios and walnut. I heard that hickory nuts are poisonous ?
Would you eat my plate of nuts?
Of Course, I would love to eat them ;)
This is impressive decor! It's hard to pick a favorite nut, I like so many but my favourite are pistachios and walnut. I heard that hickory nuts are poisonous ?
Would you eat my plate of nuts?
Of Course, I would love to eat them ;)
Pistachio nuts really are delicious! It would be nice if they grew around here, but they don't. I'm glad that walnuts do well here! I have never heard of poisonous hickory nuts. The hickory trees that I know are all in the genus Carya. I wonder if 'hickory' is used for another group of trees in your region. I think you would like the hickory nuts on my plate! :D
There is no hickory trees around my region. Actually my distant friend told me that hickory nuts are poisonous. Her dog ate hickory nuts and got sick and was foaming at the mouth and she took him to emergency vet, now he is alive.
Yes, would gladly!!
That's very interesting. Dogs can get sick from some things that we enjoy -- like chocolate. So I can appreciate that dogs may not be able to eat hickory nuts. I'm glad your friend's dog came through that emergency OK!