Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 04 : Wilted Wild Lettuce

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago (edited)

I harvest lettuce from the wild. And cook it in an old-time way known by gardeners and foragers alike. It's delicious! Come into my post and appreciate why this recipe has been handed down through the ages.

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An Old-Time Recipe

I grew up eating wilted lettuce and wilted wild greens of all kinds. It's one of the standard old-time recipes handed down through the ages - centuries and centuries. Gardeners know this is a great way to eat lettuce that is starting to bolt and get bitter. And it's a classic meal of foragers. The trouble is, wilted lettuce is a usually served in a pretty simple form.

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Here's how I usually make Wilted Wild Lettuce - heaped over a baked potato. That's homestead cooking -- simple, with a focus on getting busy with eating! How can I elevate this old peasant dish?

Gathering The Greens

Earlier this week, I made a big, delicious salad out of wild greens -- and not a single one was lettuce. That's because I was saving the wild lettuce for the Steemit Iron Chef contest. Yes, there is so much wild lettuce out there, growing on its own. It has the best flavor early in the spring, so I'm glad Lettuce was this week's featured ingredient.

Wild lettuce is in the same genus as the domestic lettuce that we grow in gardens or buy in the store. The kind I find most often, Prickly Wild Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) is the species most closely related to cultivated lettuce.1 At this time of year, though, the distinctive prickles on the backside of the leaf's center vein haven't formed yet, or are too small to see, even though I can feel them.

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This early in the spring, wild lettuce looks so different from the images used in most foraging guidebooks or online. There are so many plants that look something, sort of, almost, maybe, like real wild lettuce when it is this young! And there are several different species of wild lettuce. This can be unsettling for beginning foragers.

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Young Wild Lettuce may be for more advanced foragers. But it becomes easier to identify as it gets larger. The two bright green clumps in the center are young Prickly Wild Lettuce. It's OK to let plants get older so identification is easy. That's a good way to learn what the younger plants look like!

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Most of the wild lettuce in North America was introduced from Europe. But this Miner's Lettuce is native to western North America. It's not related to domestic lettuce at all, but I'm including it because it's called Lettuce here! It's such a great-tasting fresh salad green that it's sold in markets. @pusteblume showed some in a recent post for the great FruitandVeggies challenge run by @lenasveganliving. These plants will look a lot different as they get older.

In the Kitchen

This young Wild Lettuce and Miner's Lettuce are much more fragile than older plants. So I treat them gently as I make sure that I've only got the kinds of plants I want! And I wash them well, because this time of year, there can be a lot of grit and mud from rain!

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Left: Miner's Lettuce. Right: Wild Lettuce.

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Left: Very young Prickly Wild Lettuce. Right: Very young dandelion leaves for comparison.

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I'm using the Jerusalem artichoke tubers as a base for my wilted wild lettuce, to provide some crunch and a nice smoky flavor. Those little cherry tomatoes are the very last ones from my garden last summer. They were green when I picked them in October. I've let them ripen slowly, a few at a time.

Making traditional wilted wild lettuce is so easy. I learned to do it as a child. Cook slices of bacon in a cast iron skillet, slowly, over a low heat. With sliced onions that slowly caramelize as the bacon cooks. In the skillet, cover the bacon and onions with a mix of apple cider vinegar and brown sugar, and black pepper. When that comes to a boil, add the greens and let them wilt. Serve it up!

Serving It Up!

For the Steemit Iron Chef contest, I laid 2 of the wild heads of lettuce in the onion-bacon-vinegar-brown sugar mix to wilt them. On the plate, I laid the wilted lettuce over discs of raw Jerusalem artichokes, with a few caramelized onions and bits of bacon. I simply put the baby Prickly Wild Lettuce and Miner's Lettuce on the side, on more Jerusalem artichoke discs. Those young greens don't need any cooking to be tender and delicious! They are not flavorless like a lot of store-bought lettuce.

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The wilted lettuce is tender and mild. The smoky flavor of the Jerusalem artichokes goes so well with the sauce and provides a crisp, crunchy contrast to the lettuce. The baby lettuce leaves are so mild, they don't need anything! But they taste great dipped in the warm sauce!

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I'll just add that serving this salad with a thick, creamy Stout beer was the right thing to do! :D

What Do You Think?

  • Have you ever cooked lettuce?
  • Have you ever made wilted lettuce from older garden lettuce?
  • Have you ever foraged Wild Lettuce or Miner's Lettuce?
  • Do you forage for any wild food?
  • Would you eat my wild lettuce?

I eat a lot of wild plants and show you how, because I believe that we can all have lives that are richer, more secure, more grounded, and more interesting by getting to know the plants and the land around us – in our yards, our parks, and our wild places.

Thanks @progressivechef for creating the Steemit Iron Chef contest series!

I try to make content that's interesting! If you found this informative and helpful, please give it an upvote and a resteem.

Plant List

  • Wild Prickly Lettuce - Lactuca serriola - young leaves
  • Wild Lettuce - Lactuca spp. - young leaves
  • Miner's Lettuce - Claytonia perfoliata - leaves and stems
  • Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale
  • Jerusalem artichoke - Helianthus tuberosus - tuber


Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


I look forward to seeing new dandelion leaves in my region in March! Thanks @haphazard-hstead for the great recipe!

Yay for the Dandelions! They are the best. And they are pretty, too! Spring will be here before you know it! :D

yum! this foraged lettuce looks absolutely delicious and I'm sure I've seen it many times out there but not felt sure what's edible and what's not. thanks for the inspiration!

Wild lettuce is not the easiest wild plant to identify at a young stage. But once you get it fixed in your mind, it's amazing how common it is. It does get over-mature pretty quickly in warm weather. The Miner's Lettuce is a different story. The mature plants are so distinctive -- there's no confusing it with anything else. And it's still good eating then. I'll have to do a post about it when my local Miner's Lettuce gets more mature.

I love miner's lettuce and hope to get better at identifying wild plants

You are a forager when you know Miner's Lettuce! It's our native 'lettuce' in the western US. I bet you know a lot of plants that are good to eat, from your time in the outdoors. I encourage people to make a list of the plants they already know how to identify, rock solid, no question. Then find out which ones on that list are edible. Include trees in that list, too. I'll be putting some plant posts and quiz contests out over this spring. I bet you recognize more than a few! : )

Oh my God, it looks wonderful!! And it's such a blast that you grow all these wonderful veggies in your garden. That's awesome :) I'm from Hungary, and there we have a huge garden with my parents, but currently I live in Mexico where I have to buy everything in the grocery store, so I'M trying to find organic ones whenever it's possible.

Thanks, @plantbasedmiri! I like these weeds because I didn't even have to plant them in my garden. They just grow on their own, out in my yard. When I plant my garden, they will come up then, too, even though I don't plant them. That's a pretty good deal, I think.

I'm glad you appreciate gardens! When you are used to good produce, it sure is hard when you can't find some good garden-grown fruits and vegetables! I hope you find some in Mexico! Maybe you have some good tropical fruit around! :D

Beautiful dish, as always! I like the photos of the wild lettuce, very very green plant.... I love the cherry tomatoes. I'm curious to know the way you let them ripen slowly from the October and they still look fresh! Really amazing! ;)

Good luck for Steemit Iron Chef! ;))

Thanks, @tangmo! I pick all my tomatoes before our first freeze. Sometimes I pull the whole plants and hang them outdoors, upside down, in a place that is protected from the rain. Other times, I just take off the tomatoes and lay them in a tray. To ripen them, I bring some in the house where it's warm. Then they ripen up over a couple weeks time. If we are going to get a bad freeze with really cold weather, I will bring them indoors until the cold spell is over. There's always a few that go bad, but most of them ripen just fine. They are not as tasty as the tomatoes of summer. But they are a lot better than ones in the stores during the winter!

You're welcome! Oh! Really great methods and it took times to do so! You are very best on this kind of thing. ;)

Oh.. they look great. Nutrition with vegetables and herbs is very common in the country where I live.
radishes, spinach and so many different herbs. they are all very delicious. There is a weed we call "lamb ears" for example, like lettuce, but sour ..
I love this sharing. congratulations

Thanks, @artizm! I wonder what plant your "lamb ears" is. I like learning about the wild plants that people eat in different regions. There is so much to learn about the plants! Enjoy your vegetables and herbs! :D

My parents were what I would call foragers, although I think most people just thought they were frugal with a large family.

We grew up on dandelion salad, wilted lettuce and mixed greens, whatever was available.

You have brought that to a new level here! You have it plated up so pretty! Looks extravagant!


Thanks, @dswigle! I'm glad you got in on the wilted lettuce and greens, too! We were both fortunate to have parents that introduced us to wild plants. Nobody ever called it foraging then, either. It was just a part of life. Wilted lettuce was always a simple dish at our family table, lol. @progressivechef pushes us in the Steemit Iron Chef contest, for sure! ; )

Cooked lettuces are actually not so famous in Mauritius but i've made quite a lot when I was in the hotel industry for my guests...but the one you made here is just wonderful, such a beautiful plating you did here my friend...very well done!
As usual learning so much from you!
Thanks for all!

Thanks for the feedback on the plating, @progressivechef. It was definitely a challenge to make it look presentable, lol. I appreciate reading that you have made cooked lettuce in real restaurants, too. I've never seen it on a menu myself.

The wild lettuce looks good to eat. Nice pictures Haphazard.

Thanks, @redheadpei! I hope you have some good weeds around you! ; )

That is amazing. Some of that is very close looking! You sure make it look good!

Thanks, @old-guy-photos! The Steemit Iron Chef contest does push me to focus on looks. In an early post I made here on Steemit, someone told me my food photos were so bad, lol. So I was surprised at being able to make wilted lettuce look ok! ; )

Does the wild lettuce really excrete a white sticky substance when its leaves are ripped? I heard this is medicinal and i bought some seeds but they got lost in the mail :(

Yes, it does. This early in the spring, the white sap isn't so strong as later in the spring. It comes more from the stem of the leaf, right now. Later in the year, the sap will come out even from a rip in the leaf. And some species of wild lettuce have more potent sap than others. The Prickly Wild Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) is not the strongest sap, so the plants are edible for a longer time.

I like reading your posts are always very interesting and this was no exception.
I'm going to read it again because there are some things that I want to ask you, for today it's already too late for me but tomorrow I'll leave you another comment.
Definitive I love your approach to the simple and nature.
Have a beautiful night

Thanks, @gladysstillwagon. Nature has a lot to offer us, that's for sure! Have a nice night!

Wow, another extremely creative recipe! That's looks delicious, Thanks for sharing your recipes with us.

Thanks, @kittynick! Wilted lettuce is such a old way of preparing lettuce, handed down in my family. Maybe it is too "homestyle" to serve in a fancy way. But I sure like to eat it! If you like sweet and sour combinations, you might like this.

Wilted lettuce is such a old way of preparing lettuce, handed down in my family.

Yes, these are special things you used to eat or that someone used to cook for you and by making these recipes again, you will relive those cherished moments.

If you like sweet and sour combinations, you might like this.

I love this combo, it's delicious and mouthwatering :)

Food can really connect us to our past. I hope you have some recipe traditions from your family, too! :D

Looking very delicious. You have given so much importance to wilted wild lettuce by putting it in simple and amazing food. Pictures of serving and raw wild lettuce are really captivating. Thank You producing quality food.

Thanks, @cheema1! The Steemit Iron Chef really pushes me to make my food look better in photos. I'm so used to just cooking and eating, lol. I like all kinds of lettuce, but I'm glad I have the Wild Lettuce around!

Beautiful shots@haphazard-hstead! I'm hungry now. I've been plating lettues for a while now and its so easy and fresh..

Thanks, @kofibeatz! There are so many interesting kinds of lettuce. I wonder what is your favorite, since you have seen so much in your plating! Do you see much cooked lettuce in your work? I think it's under-appreciated. But maybe in restaurants, it's just hard to make it look nice. Fresh lettuce is so much prettier!

I'm not sure of the name, but it grows high up, like chest height sometimes and has small yellow flowers. No, lettuce are usually in salads where I'm from. Yeah most people are not even aware of the value of freshness.. What kind of lettuce do you like @haphazard?

Very interesting about your lettuce description, @kofibeatz! I like the wild lettuce, just because I don't have to do any work, except pick it. In my garden, I like a Butterhead variety, like Tom Thumb. Or the old-fashioned leaf lettuce -- there are so many varieties, but I've always like the Black-seeded Simpson lettuce or the Oakleaf lettuce. Enjoy your lettuce! :D

Thank you @haphazard-hstead. Thank you for the education. I actually never knew there were som many disfferent types of lettuce out there..

You're welcome. When the gardening season gets busy, people will be posting about lots of different kinds of lettuce. :D

:0 Can't wait..

Foraging is such a wonderful skill to have! Thank you for sharing such detail the identification of the plants and your own personal history with foraging. We've gotten as far as gardening or going straight to the farm to pick produce, but never just in the wild. 😀

Thanks, @plantstoplanks! Nice job in getting some gardening going and picking at local farms, too! There are so many great weeds out there, brought over as food plants by settlers, even. You probably see some in your garden and at the farms where you pick! And there are some great native plants and mushrooms to eat, too. I hope my blog posts can help you get to know your wild plants and enjoy what they have to offer!

My stomach is growling...
My body is craving fresh wild greens, I was just 'eyeing' the ox eye daisy peeking out this

I am happy to follow another Iron Chef adventure vicariously through your posts.

Thanks, @borrowedearth! That wanting of wild greens is so real, isn't it? Good eye in spotting those daisies! Do you make any Potlikker with your spring greens? That's an old Ozark tradition, too, for moving from winter to spring. Spring is such a great time of year for easy eating, lol! Happy foraging! :D

Ok...Can you make spring come faster now, please? I am getting hungry.

It's on its way, right around the corner -- and then it will be summer before we know it! Enjoy your spring! :D

looks so delicious ...loving it !

Thanks! I was lucky the Lettuce ingredient was timed right. Two weeks ago, I would have had problems, lol!

Vitamin A punch indeed.

I'm glad you appreciate how good this is, @xabi! Lettuce is used in salads so much, maybe we take it for granted sometimes. Take care!

I have never cooked lettuce even I have never thought about it! You have very inspiring way of cooking! Thank you for sharing. Maybe one day I dare to make it ;)

Thanks, @liltammy! The sauce is like a sweet and sour potato salad, in some ways. With the vinegar, brown sugar, and black pepper. I grew up eating a lot of cooked lettuce because all our relatives had big gardens. When the lettuce started getting too old, everyone made a lot of this!

its so healthy and delicious food.....

amazing food photography dear @haphazard-hstead --- I like your post
thank you for sharing with us,,,

You're welcome!

dear @haphazard-hstead
this is amazing,

dear bro i hope a day i get from you a 100% upvote

Please, @kayes12345. You can leave a real comment. And on your blog, please post your own content, with your own writing or photos. That will be more successful.

dear bro my every post is real, oky now i traying so much

Now that's an actual comment. It does take effort to connect with people and make posts for month after month. I hope you have some success by getting to know people.

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Nice post
Please vote mee...

it's a great recipe for your stomach.
Thanks brother for sharing such a nice information.