Every response should accumulate to the parent poster 1% of voting power !

in #steemit-ideas8 years ago (edited)

...or consider to seperate the voting power for post/responses

I see many post's with many responses (that means they are at least interesting)
but the post author has accumulated a total of a couple of cents !!! Why? Because the most of us are too lazy to vote for responses OR we prefer to accumulate our voting power for posts and not for responses because it is more efficient/rewarding that way!
BUT hey ! Responses are an evidence that we are interested about the OPs post so in reality he deserves some votes...

Maybe some of us think that 5% voting power is to much to give for responses and we prefer to give our precious votes to some hot posts indeed (especially if we like many of them).

....so please consider my idea for separate voting power for post and responses https://steemit.com/steemit-ideas/@liondani/separate-voting-power-for-post-and-responses

OR if you don't like my idea consider to auto accumulate a voting power of 1% for every response !!!
That way we will get more quality responses and not spam responses just to get some post higher on the 'active' steemit frontpage... And in my view it is fair that the author, that triggered a very active conversation, to get paid for that!


The author is rewarded with 50% of each child post. When there's multiple children, the 50% go down the line.
This is not reflected in the pending payouts.

The follow example ignores the 50% for curators:
Reply 3: 50% for the poster, 25% to Reply2, 12.5% for both Reply1 and OP
Reply 2: 50% for itself, 25% for both Reply1 and OP
Reply 1: 50% for itself, 50% OP

Wow. I just saw that you made the same suggestion 3 weeks ago, and got the explanation there already.
Didn't you read those, or do you just not care that you're making wrong claims?

Wow! You unapprove also my witness "liondani" because of that ?!
That was very harsh... it really disappoints me...
I swear my intentions are always good, never could see this coming.... :(

First off all I made the proposition more specific now and I explained in more detail why I am suggesting reward's for all responses...
Compare my previous 3 line post with this one... Do I have not the right to fight back for my ideas after 3 weeks? I thought that my first try was not good enough and just made a second try, and I really believe that my suggestion would benefit steemit, that's all...

I apologize to the community if I made something wrong...

I too think that posts and responses should have separate voting powers. For those people who don't want t read posts, that's fine, no harm no foul. However, if I've already given 15 upvotes in a day (Late in the day, really great day for topics, whatever the case my be), and start getting involved in a big discussion thread where there are some really good points, but they are buried at the bottom of a post, I have to start asking myself if its worth not being to vote on the "big ticket things" to get more visibility to there comments. Is it supposed to be the game like that? Maybe. I'm new. Seems strange and a little counter productive to me though.

You don't necessarily need to restrict yourself to 20 a day. The voting power recovers gradually, when it's late in the day you may already have a lot from the beginning back. You can check your current voting power at https://steemd.com/@are-you-mad (somwhere in the table on the left)

Whoa, thanks for the link. Didn't know that existed. I've been wondering how I can see voting power. Awesome.

Responses are an evidence that we are interested about the OPs post

Not necessarily. I might respond to explain why I'm downvoting a worthless post.

That is an exception... it holds true for the majority...