Hey @geoffrey, I'm glad you liked this post! :)
I'll be honest with you. I didn't read all of these, but I did check them all and to me, it looks good. You're using subtitles, decent titles, photos and your writing isn't bad at all. At least not in my opinion.
"The worst part about Steemit right now is that I don't know if my posts just aren't good, or if they get lost in the stream. With over 40,000 users and no easy way to sort things by categories I'd imagine it's really easy for things to get overlooked. I'd love to post a link to my latest post that has some photos and something of a story about my desire for a simpler life just to see if it was simply overlooked or if people feel it just isn't worth upvoting."Like @robsteady said above:
And I personally think this is the reason for your posts not going "big": "they get lost in the stream."
That's probably ( At least I hope so ) the reason for my own posts not going big either.. I did have some success a few days back but I haven't had any "major luck" since then.. And hopefully, it's due to that and not bad content.
Hopefully things will be easier in the near future when some changes are made.. Especially with the "filters", so one can use the filters to find good "active" content rather than all of those trending and popular posts that's already been paid.
Thanks! This is encouraging, I'll stick with writing semi-daily and hope I get noticed eventually.
You should definitely continue. Sooner or later, someone will find you! :)