What Are You Thankful For Today? (June 22) - a Healthy STEEM Distribution Activity

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@steemit-health aims to help individuals reach their own personal health goals through social accountability and financial incentives.

"I started steemit-health to motivate myself and others to achieve their health goals. The mission is to develop simple and convenient applications that integrate health right into the Steemit experience. The healthier we all are individually, the more successful the Steemit community will be as a whole." - @dan-atstarlite

Make sure to follow @steemit-health, check your feed, and enter what you're thankful for every day!

There are 3 pages

That I was able to do everything on time and then have some quality time with my son.

Thankful that I work in calm environment.

Thankful that I have a wonderful family.

This post received a 3.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @codebreaker! For more information, click here!

done 100 push ups

Well done you!
I've done..... none hehe

haha, I'm just preparing for the army. Have a feeling I will be doing A LOT more haha

Oh yeah! That and running with a pack on.

Check out my dad's blog - @len.george and find out all the different ways you can get court marshaled.

I have no idea how he got away with the stuff he did!

Thankful that my friend at Apple was able to get me a huge discount on my new computer!

friends, we'd be miserable without them!

One of my best friends just lost his mother. Made me realize how thankful I am my parents are both still alive.

My vacation started today!

today I am thankful for my friends' trust!!

I'm thankful for not puking at work today.

I am thankful for this beautiful life.

that my work week is over and the weekend starts now.

Thankful for finishing more than half my projects

thankfull for a good weather

I'm thankful for this opportunity to tell you all how thankful I am for the opportunity of telling you....

Lovely post and a great idea.
I am thankful to,
The Creator of the Heavens and The Earth,
The One who gave me life,
The One who provides for me,
The One who cures me when I am sick,
The One who guides and enlightens me,
The One who protects me and absolves me,
The One who forgives me when I err,
The All Forgiving, The All Merciful
Glory be to The Lord of The Heavens, The Lord of The Earth, The Lord of The Worlds

For my Upvotes and new followers

B Blessed not too not be in 3rd world poverty & h crypto (btc/ steem)

being upstairs

For a new fan.

Are you kidding me?
You're such generous person!
Can I list more than one thing?please🙏🏻
First of all, it's great to read this post. (In honest) I will follow you after finish this message. Of course I have to thank that my family is ok. My body is ok. Everything is ok. I can eat. I can work. I can play. I can use mobile to type this message. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks so much. Thanks for your post.

i'm thankful for a good long weekend

Well this is awesome. I just stumbled upon this blog. Great find for a noob!
Let's see....I am thankful for pugs.
Majestic beasts known for their hunting skills, powerful senses and stealth!

I am thankful for living in a country with peace, with free healthcare, freedom to believe or not believe in what you want. I am thankful that I have the chance to say what I want without persecution, and I am thankful for this amazing platform

Family time!!

My fingers, they are much appreciated.

For the progress in medicine

good memories

I am thankful to steemit-health!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Coming home safely despite a nasty thunderstorm.

Thankful for the weekend!

I am thankful for my mom.

thankful for this post making me more grateful every day!!

For another day

I am thankful for todays sunshine!

thankful for the rain!

Thankful that I'm steemian!

I am thankful for Steemit :)

That I got a payment from my work.

Made a cubic meter of firewood

My crops survived the Storm!

Today I am thankful for all the good people in my life.

I am thankful because the heavy rain stopped.

Its the end of the working week

Thankful for my baby that he's healthy.

I thank my wife

Rain!! Almost got vaporized by the sun this week.

thankful for the good food i bought for my family :)

There are 3 pages