Follow the second-hand around with your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind and relax your body.
- 6 seconds - breathe in
- 7 seconds - breathe out
- 2 seconds - hold breath after exhale
clock design by @fraenk
How to qualify:
- Leave a comment with the words "Starting meditation."
- Then use the clock above to help you meditate for at least 1 minute
- Then leave a reply to your first comment with the words "Finished meditation."
Your two comments must be at least 1 minute apart
The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!
Feel free to meditate for longer if you like:)
Thanks for your posts. They always remind me to keep myself healthy. Meditation is a very good activity. It makes my heart quiet and make my body relaxed. It's a great recovery for healing myself from the inside to the outside.
@vox won't like this, and I see.... oopps, I was going to say that @dan-atStarLite is always here, but, after clicking on @dan-atStarLite 's profile I see that he is the founder of @SteemIt-Health, so I better be careful in what I write. :)
OK. It's been fun, but this is my last post on "1 Minute Meditation" activity. Me saying, "Nope! I'm still not doing it!", can last only so long.
But, remember, don't think about all those stressful things that have happened to you this week - don't think about them. Pick a word that describes the most stressful thing and DON'T think about it!
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
I have missed those posts, man!
Starting meditation !
Finished meditation!
Start meditation
Finished meditation!
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation !
Finished meditation!
starting meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
opps not quite 1 minute
You are right off by 9 seconds. Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Wow exactly 1 minute now!
I need more than meditation 😓
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Start Meditation now.
Finished meditation.
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting Meditation 🙏
Finished Meditation 🙏
I always look forward to taking this 1 minute time out ~ but it is especially appreciated today.
It's been an emotionally intensive week for everyone in the reiki forest. Along with many of our friends & extended family, we are simultaneously mourning the transition of one of our own as we do our best to stay positive & celebrate his life.
Please remember friends, to express your love and appreciation to those around you. It is so very important. We are never promised tomorrow.
Reiki Hugs & LOVE to ALL
May TJ be at peace & injoy his new adventures. <3
I Am Now Ready...Starting Meditation...
Finished Meditation <3
🙏💖💖💖🙏 Namaste
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
That's a cool mediation clock, although I like to exhale twice as long as I inhaled for and hold for 5 seconds.
Currently I inhale for 15 seconds, exhale for 30 and hold for 5 so thats a 50 second long breathe. lol
starting meditation.
finished meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation!
Finished meditation!
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished Meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished meditation
Starting Meditation
finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished Meditation
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation