1 Minute Meditation (July 14) - Participate For A Chance To Win STEEM

1 minute meditation 2.png

use the clock.png

Follow the second-hand around with your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind and relax your body.

  • 6 seconds - breathe in
  • 7 seconds - breathe out
  • 2 seconds - hold breath after exhale

clock design by @fraenk

Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 12.35.25 AM.png

All liquid STEEM made from this post will be awarded to one lucky participant based on a public lottery number

How to qualify:

  1. Leave a comment with the words "Starting meditation."
  2. Then use the clock above to help you meditate for at least 1 minute
  3. Then leave a reply to your first comment with the words "Finished meditation."


Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 11.00.47 PM.png

Your two comments must be at least 1 minute apart

The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!

Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 1.20.57 AM.png

Feel free to meditate for longer if you like:)

There are 2 pages

Starting meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation


Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting Meditation

Finished Meditation

Starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.


lol!!!ur comment made me follow u!!

hehe...that's cool :D

welcome to googly-ville ;)

starting meditation

finished meditation

Start meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditationHyacintheseulcoloresansfond.png

finished meditation

where are you from love

Upvoted! I don't want the free money. Give it to someone else. Good work!

nice post and truly helpful

yeah right

Thank you for sharing our lives @ steemit-health, my resteem and upvoted post.

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Today i will do my meditation with a rap on the background hahahaaha, i love it.

very meditative indeed /s

ouch lol

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting meditation

finished meditation

paging @davidnx

are you doing it now, or why do i not hear you protesting over here anymore?

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting mediation

ending meditation

Starting Meditation

Finished Meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

There are 2 pages