What type of issues do you think an expiration date will bring to the Network?
I noticed from another post that some people voted and forget or vote and then stop using Steemit. Then one day the witnesses stop being active but they still have all their votes and are still ranked high while newer but active witnesses will be behind them at the bottom. An expiration date would allow votes to always be up to date, there could be a system that allows you to select to keep the same vote in a single click.
But at the same time, maybe if it clears the vote of someone still active, we might loose their votes if they forget to vote again or are can’t be bothered anymore. Currently the vote ratio amongst the users is pretty low, clearing vote might make it even lower.
If implemented, the expiration needs to come with a system that makes it easy for the user to make a choice.
The largest issue with witness vote expiration dates is that it reduces the amount of stake in STEEM Power needed to successfully attack the network's block producer list. Making the network less secure is not a good "feature" to add.