I agree password managers are easier. The guide above is good for the paranoid. One thing I found that wasn't clear was how to select your password. It seems like there must be a faster / easier method.
Perhaps some ideas on how to generate a good brainkey.
Diceware actually doesn't take that long, if you just keep rolling the dice and marking the result down until you reach 100. Then convert the rolls into words all in a batch.
The point is it's really good randomness. Furthermore, since this owner key is meant to be a one and done, and Steemit could potentially be around for decades, a password with 258 bits of entropy should be good for a while, right?
With KeePass, you can use the password generator. Specify a minimum of n characters, indicate upper/lower/numeric/special etc etc. Then press generate. The password will meet your specified criteria and be non word based.