Ekronos is a Slovenian computerized procedure organization. They advance the production of Enkronos Applications (a totally trusted blockchain credit framework for ethic crusades. The Aggregate Accessible Market (Hat) is approximated at 700 billions USD. The Workable Accessible Market (SAM) is 100 billions USD, and the Useful Realistic Market (SOM) is something close to 5 billions USD.
They are characterized as an information driven multi-application stage for publicizing, enormous information arrangements, advertising and simulated intelligence, concentrating on unifying the whole thought of commitment made by the organizations with their clients. The Applications are expand on a profoundly measured idea, making enhancing, scaling, expelling and changing a perfect and straightforward process. The substance makers can utilize one single dashboard to deal with all wellsprings of information assembled by the applications. Enkronos is supporting and regarding a moral lead (this unsolved issue was the principle purpose for Facebook share debasement after the Cambridge Analytica scandal).The target bunches are: money related administrations, medicinal services, fabricating, retail, wine makers, natural farming, open area issues (safeguard, keen city, squander the board, water the executives, air contamination), development segment, wellbeing, vitality, security, car, engineers, tech, VC, new businesses, governments.
Shouldn't something be said about the security assurance? As per their White Paper there are three dimensions of security confirmation. Level 1 is for all product, level 2 is for applications containing delicate information and level 3 is for very touchy information applications. Enkronos was tried by an autonomous essential evaluator and no basic seriousness powerlessness was found. The organization is agreeable with EU GDPR (general information insurance directions) and this implies any rupture warning is compulsory inside 72 hours, there is a privilege for information subjects to get affirmation if their own information is being prepared, appropriate to be overlooked finished eradicate of individual information, ideal to information transportability, security by plan and an information assurance officer allocated to authorize GDPR necessities inside.
The product improvement cycle depends on arranging, investigation, structure, execution, testing and support. What can one of this Applications do?
consolidated Advertisement the executives (various Promotions the board on Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Wire);
E-casting a ballot and E-majority rule government;
Wide territory sensor observing;
Area following;
Enlarged reality commitment;
Inside and out report age of owning information;
Simulated intelligence bolster in basic leadership;
Gaming stage;
Publicly supporting;
Reliability crusades the executives;
Numerous challenge creation channels (challenge dividers, area challenge, blend of challenges, different sorts craftsmanship, video, test, overview, one of a kind code);
Advanced ticketing and pass circulation;
Web based business and its administration;
Brought together client database-effectively to move existing databases with cutting edge client classification on individual division of intrigue and highlights to make it simple to make mechanized inquiries of best of fragments;
Widespread charging framework - an all inclusive installment framework with full straightforwardness of the Enkronos applications makers and Enkronos credit/token/coin buyers.
Indeed, there are as of now made applications, for example, YourGamify (gamification the board framework), LoyaltyVenue (client dedication and constancy crusades) and ContestDream (advancement and challenge the executives stages). Likewise, there are applications destined to be propelled, as McAudience (lead age, gathering of people building and the executives) and FeelGrid (IoT and artificial intelligence based wide zone observing) in the third or forward quarter of 2018, and CryptoState (e-majority rule government blockchain stage) in the second quarter of 2019.
The token is called Enkronos token (ENK) and it has a softcap of 2500 ETH and a hardcap or 500.000 ETH.
51% network (pre-deal and open deal);
26% bolted save (10% ENK save for future unforeseeable costs and token compromising circumstances, 16% hold for future growth — partnerships and acquisitions);
12% organizers and future and current group;
6% counselors;
5% abundance battle advancement.
ENK appropriation
30% publicizing and PR (to enter distinctive universal markets and single applications propelling);
25% improvement (application and web stage advancement, specialized advancement);
20% inside (business advancement and work procuring and compensation);
20% combination (overall incorporation of the stage);
5% in the event of lawful issues , it servers and framework, administrator.
What is the job of the ENK token? How are they used to manufacture the course of the money and make a feasible free market activity component? They are utilized as cash for crowdfunding and publicly supporting different procedures on the stage, and as installment for Enkronos applications use and for supporters (for crowdholding rewards paid in ENK tokens relatively to all holders, for putting into organizations accessible on the stage and for buying items/benefits on the crowdholding market).
They are very development of their own Guide, as they began to dispatch applications on 15.05.18, and multi month later outsiders had the ability to distribute their applications.
30.06.2018 - Swee.io application was discharged.
31.07.2018 - McAudience application was discharged.
30.11.2018 - FeelGrid application will be discharged.
31.03.2019 - Blockchain based Enkronos applications will be discharged.
30.06.2019 - CryptoState application will be discharged.
Enkronos is a strong stage with a very much arranged Whitelist, and we can possibly check later on to check whether they will accomplish enough footing in a ultra-aggressive market.
We likewise have a media Assembly hall in which we have Occasions and Hackathons in association and cooperation with different Associations and Companies.
Creator subtleties: