We Care! Our Visit At The Animal Shelter In Vienna To Deliver Food With Money We Collected On Steemit!


This article is long overdue but it took some time to prepare all photos I took.

@coneptgarage had a wonderful idea for Christmas and started an initiative, collecting funds for the animal shelter in Vienna. Long story short. Some of our #steemit-austria members helped to raise enough funds to go on a fun shopping trip.

It looked like heaven!

It's been years since I didn't see such a huge store! Indonesia only has very small shops.


I am so proud of our #steemit-austria creative and kind members like @reconnectnature below

I had a blast with those boyzzz, the perfect shoppers!

Conclusion of my Steemit-Charity-Event - 300€ for Vienna Animal Welfare Organization

Look at those 2 angels!


"I started this campaign with low expectation. It was a spontaneous action and I started it on the spot. The feedback was awesome ! Until today I already got 19SBD and 13Steem. More payouts are following the next days" as @coneptgarage said.

We shopped until we dropped :)

"At the end a sum of about 300 Euro is realistic ! A huge amount of money. We can buy a lot of food for the animals at the Vienna Animal Welfare Organization! I want to thank everyone who was upvoting my posts and especially the people who send SBD or Steem! I already mentioned @reconnectnature , @mammasitta und @stayoutoftherz for their awesome donations ! You guys are awesome ! Another huge donation is from @richq11. 10SBD is really awesome ! It is so warm-hearted. Thank you!"

So, we exchanged SBD & Steem and got 300 Euro! That's amazing because we got lots of yummy stuff for those doggies & kitties who are waiting to find a new home.

We arrived at the shelter and started walking around to see how those sweeties do in there and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to go home without one of them. I already have 10 cats and dogs in bali but unfortunately its impossible to have pets when you are a so called " Digital Nomad" as I am since 2 years.


So, the entrance looked ok to me but the rest of the shelter was so sad and way to grey and the first thing I had in mind......We need to come back and colour those cages and make them more comfortable. I am looking for a team who would help me to do so.

This could be such a lovely project! maybe for @globalschool ? There is for sure more art needed in there and lots of chairs they can launch on.

So, Let me show you those doggies now who are still looking for a loving & caring owner.

Online-Vergabe: 6 Tiere warten auf ein neues Zuhause
Unser Ziel ist es, allen Tieren ein neues und liebevolles Zuhause zu verschaffen. Dazu werden alle ankommenden Tiere von unseren Tierärzten untersucht und wenn notwendig gesund gepflegt. Für die Zeit in unserem Tierschutzhaus versuchen wir den Tieren den Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Trotzdem kann ein Tierheim nur eine Zwischenstation für die Tiere sein und ein echtes Zuhause nicht ersetzen. Zur Tiersuche

I want to cry...........



Here is a lucky one who just got adopted, getting used to his new owner

Yours @mammasitta


There are 2 pages

It's great your guys are putting those Steem profits to helping those poor dogies. These cages look very cold and sterile. Can't they make these shelters a little bit more hospitable for these animals?

That’s my plan! I don’t understand it either why not

Schöner Artikel. Hätte ich wohl nicht besser machen können :-) War ein sehr schöner Tag mit euch!


Du bist der Heartbeat von diesem Projekt!!!

Danke Dir für dein „Herz“!!!

You really are an unstoppable woman! I see this and I confirm that your love for animal welfare is not a coincidence. Both here expressing in favor of the dolphins, and here providing the world with a better vision (and conviction) about animals in general, show that it is a struggle that you take very seriously.

How do you do so much to love people and animals at the same time and with such strength? How do you do to be so cool? How do you beat time and find daily spaces to be such a good person?

Every day you surprise me more @mammasitta and I thank the heavens, all the gods that are necessary and life itself, to have stumbled upon you.

PS: maybe I don't have too much SB, but I would like to collaborate with at least a little. How can I do it?

Oh how do I love your comments!
Life is more beautiful and fruitful if we can help

Stay single!! Hahhaa!
You got more space to spread your love

This is you my dear! :D


hahahaaaaa!!!!! You got that right!!!!

juhu da ist er ja der Artikel, mit wirklich coolen Fotos :)
war echt eine tolle Aktion, freut mich das wir gemeinsam den lieben Hundis das Futter gebracht haben ;)

Hoffentlich schaffen wir es wieder einmal so eine wundervolle Aktion zu machen :D

Yeahhh endlich geschafft!
The next time we have to go there and colour those Grey walls!!!

da brauchen wir aber viel Farbe :-P

yeah definitely ;)

Hahhaa I hope so


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You make me more proud to be your friend. Every day that passes, you know?

Every day.

Those pictures at the end. Man, I can't stop looking at them. There is so much sincerity on that looks. So purity.

I wish the best for all of them. Each one of them.

I already have 10 cats and dogs in Bali.

Yeah. I demand pictures. Thank you.

These pictures are lovely especially that of the dogs😍. I’m a huge dog lover mahn...but wait now...did I hear you say 10 cats and Dogs😦😦 ..damn, lol.

Lmao! 😂😂 oh my...Pythons {{shrugs}}

Hahahah yes! Unless some got eaten by the wild pythons in the neighborhood

They take over 1000m2 of land :)


Sehr gute Aktion, gehört wiederholt! :)

Freut mich Dich zu sehen 🙀
Danke für Deine fette Vote!
Ja das machma wieder!

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.
@coneptgarage had a wonderful idea for Christmas and started an initiative, collecting funds for the animal shelter in Vienna. Long story short.
Really a good initiative took by you, these things take you more towards God, who cares about animals these days, people don't even care about humans, you really have a golden heart.
Keep doing this work as only a few do these things in this era. These pics are simply awesome.

Thats so sweet of you to say!!!! Bless all beings on this planet including animals!

@mammasitta @reconnectnature you are so great!!!!! Hugs to ya lovely souls!

krasser Supermarkt for animals!!!!


Es war irre toll! So schön Gutes zu tun!

I feel you!
Deshalb mache ich hier grad verstärkt Karma Yoga!
Super genialer Post!
Ich glaub heut Abend, wenn ich wlan habe, mache ich nochmal ein best of Wednesday Post und pack dich da gleich rein!
Ein jivamukti yogi macht alles für das Wohl der Tiere!!! Ja auch der Menschen, doch noch mehr für die Tiere, da diese sich kaum selber helfen kònnen.

Hugs to ya mamma

Aww, such a wonderful cause, @mammasitta! I love animals, and I love people that love animals!

My daughter Kate bought a rescued dog earlier this year and he is the absolute sweetest boy. He is so happy in his new home.

Thank you for providing comfort and security for those animals still waiting on their new owners and homes. 💖💖💖

Im just over here gawking at your pictures from the top, you guys look so adorable, yall sure had a good time,

shop till you drop

Hahahha, now that one got me lol

Omg....the doggies are so emotionaaaal i feel like deeping my hand through my phone and picking


This guy, and the one below him

Yeah! It was so damn hard to leave without one of those :(

Even right now i keep scrolling up and down, looking at them over and over

Wow - was für eine tolle Aktion!!! Ihr seid wirklich großartig - allen voran naklar @mammasitta! Was für ein spannender "Zufall", dass mein heutiger Arzikel zu Cheetah hier mit in @akashas Auswahl steht uund ich von dir erst erfahren habe, wer Cheetah ist. Ich weiß nicht ob du es erinnerst, aber die Katze kam in meinen Artikel und du hast ihr gesagt so ungefähr "... doch in so einem schönen Artikel..." Hach, das Leben ist wirklich komisch! ;) Liebe Grüße Kadna

Great project and nice idea, thank you for sharing your experience with us! :)

Yeahhhh what a fun day

Great Action & amazing post , i hope that steemit whales do like you , the world will be more better

Sehr sehr gut!

Ich kann Tierheime im Grunde gar nicht betreten. Das bricht mir das Herz. Die Hundefotos gehen mir schon selbiges...
Klasse Aktion!!!

You are great guys! Let me know, if you once again start such an event!

Eyes of every dog is reflecting only one thing or saying one thing as, i am loyal pick me up and that's an difficult choice. And it's an great initiative to create an shelter for these beautiful creatures of this earth and i am sure that, once it's ready then these creatures will stay here and will start an blessed journey. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

steimit is a great platform and people and animals "also helps you share love like you do

upvoted and resteemit

images (21).jpeg

Cute photo!!!!

Crowdfunding rocks! Thanks for bringing awareness of your project on Steem.

At Fundition.io, we help projects raise more money, with no fees. We would love to have you use our brand new platform! Please visit our friendly Discord (where our team will guide you) https://discord.me/fundition, or our website: https://fundition.io/, and start raising Steem (without any middleman) for your project today!

Thanks! Will check it out

Keep it upQuite generous of you @mammasitta Steemit is a great platform and helps to share love among people and also to animals "just like you have done".

We do what we can to help! Steemit is a wonderful community

Great idea from people with a great heart!!!! So much love to you, your fantastic team and, sure, to the sweet animals in the animal shelter!

Dogs are commonly referred to as

“man’s best friend,"

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”

Beautiful and very true

awesome step to a project, it will help steemit to grow, keep up anyways nice photography

Thanks! It was such a good feeling to drop off the food!

Lovely project. good job that you working for charity. thank you so much...@mammasitta

Thanks so much and yes! Gratitude to all members who donated

You are doing a very wonderful job. Unfortunately, in our country there are almost no shelters for animals. And, to be precise, the state does not care about people either. It is a great pity for all the destitute.

so great deed!
I am always inspired by such people. Most animals are much better than most people.
I adore dogs! Love them with all my heart! They are so devoted and sincere
There is a proverb that only dogs can love their masters more than themselves.

and I've never seen so huge supermarkets for animals either! In my city there're only small shops too.
It's pets' paradise:)
I can imagine how happy animals were to meet you :)
and how much warmth and devotion you got from them

woohoo what a great picture show for the animals 💗🐲🐉 true kindness :)
I do my self just keep dogs that are rehomed, mostly from the police :)

Very good work at catering
You are a truly wonderful group
I wish you all the best

great work by u,tell everyone to help animals

awesome project ! The dogs look super adorable ! I want all of themmm


see post. @mammasitta. i am very very eager for road way..i really enjoy his post @mammasitta.

The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.

We should be friend to animal.
We can keep them safely and give them freedom.

Waitting for your next post. Thaks for your post @mammasitta

Amazing job, thanks for make the world a better place to live in 😉

What a special way to share what you've been sowing into, @mammasitta!

Thanks for helping those babies like you have been!

I was working with bully breed rescue for awhile and helping our animal companions is important to me too.

Shine on! 💘

thanks for the new blog. that is great and nice photography.

How I wish I belong to Australia and can also use the #steemit-austria tag

When you visit the animals,dont forgot Human being too mama

It is good initiative that @coneptgarage started. This is care for animals. Up you and thanks to the team that contributed the funds.

Thanks much!! It felt so good .....to help!

Fantastic photography
Amazing photography.thanks for the this blog.

wow this is really amazing

congratulations for you my dear friend @mammasitta.semoga journey.mu fun.

posting.yang very extraordinary teman.saya very like your post.

It's really a great initiative <3
You are getting many prayers by doing this <3
Keep bless you <3
keep helping <3

Karma Pala :) and no more empty tummies

I'm impressed by you and your work :)

pets complete the life they are so adorable

Super Aktion und ein wunderschöner Artikel darüber.
BTW, liebe @mammasitta, würde mich freuen, wenn Du auch mal bei meinem blog wieder vorbeischaust.

Ich war so super busy, immer noch mit Vorbereitungen fuer @onosocial

wow, this is great!! Thanks for your good deeds!

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

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