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RE: Steem Island Inc. UPDATE

in #steemislandinc7 years ago (edited)

My comments on the last / first post you did on this the last couple days still stand.

Just because people put in the money - does not mean the Mgm't and Executive positions should be filled by them, especially with real property transactions my friend.

Qualified professionals that understand all the issues should be sought out and tied to the project.

Apart from that, if you wanted to paste my comments here from your other post on this from your personal acc't, it might be a good idea.

As I near 30 years of real estate sales and consulting, with all my political and policy work, land planning and use work..... I would want professionals invested in the project that can make smart decisions, not just anyone throwing in money and has perhaps no clue what they are doing.

You did not make any of this noted here in the 2nd post on this, and I feel that is crucial stuff.

This is basically a business you are trying to get running.

There are a lot of real property and tax implications here, as well as setting this up like you hope:

Communal living, land use and restrictions, zoning, services, taxes (land, and other) and business shares along with everything else I addressed in brief here are a huge deal.

The RIGHT people need to be involved here, we see what happens when money and not the right skillsets are involved, like I said in the last post.

People cannot just jump at or into something like this without the right infrastructure in place my friend.

People can throw in a pile of money or with a spouse - and drown out a qualified business, or qualified people who NEED to be retained, or involved with a project of this scope and this is still entirely lacking in your post on this.

You asked for input! LOL


Maybe this is something you could help him with if the right people are not already lined up......for an owners stake in this venture. Sounds like to me this is an opportunity for both of you.

This project has obviously not been thought out and the initial plan is obviously not considering any long term or big picture.
This could all be figure out however and real plans and details released with the right people involved. We shall see. I would of course contribute great expertise to a legit project, though I wouldn't put in $ to an anonymous account without any accountability built in.
We shall see. Wish everyone the best.

I am working on the accountability as we speak! Also, I'm a Texas attorney. Any shady business will cost me my license if reported to the Texas State Bar. FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!

I live in Texas, DFW area. what about you?

LOl so ur gonna use the money donated as steempower and then hat? when itstime to buy the island on ebay you just power down ? thats smart, might as well profit BUT u have to keep AL the steempower for the island! u cant just cash out ANy pf this money or we will notcie and we will call yo out!

u CANt embezzelthese funs! this is not jjst our accountm u said it urself, its for the communit for ayoen who donts, BUT u need to realkize that not everone whop donates will be given any land only one person will own the island and maybe you can carve up the pieces of land but legally youll only be allowedto slel the island tooeb persn at first so u need to just acceptthat and dont trry to do the impssible because firts of all
u dont need $1000 to incprrate

thats reallly crazy thatu aiid that and makes me think u will just embezel that money! bro wtf

u should NOT iincrprate cuz itsNOt neded and u shoudl SAVE ALL the money for the island! come on be legit here! dont take out any of the moenya nd dont try to steal funds for paper work! u ddont beed an island corporation!! comeon...

ssave that money for the island!

My follow up comment here just now was a longer one with cursory Zoning / Planning details and similar listed moments ago as well.

yeah I hate people who think they can do everything themselves, when the truth is, there is ALWAYS someone who can do your job better than you! always! None of us are the BEST in our fields!
Your comment is SO important! Yeah this steemislandinc person probobly thinks they can just spend all this money they are raising...

what they SHOULD be doing is noy incprorate thats foolish silly child thinking

they need to fucking save up alll the money to just buy an islabd..u cant split up the fucking land like you said, that alone will cost all of this money!!

Our best bet is to allow @papa-pepper OR another whale who actually has enough money invested insteemit to ensue they wont just rn away with it all!

because sorry but the likelyhood of this account just stealig the money is very very high! They could claim they are "paying themselves' a slaary for tthe island corporation and that pure greed!

The money should be for the islan andothing else!

And only 1 person should be owner! why woud be ake this anymore complicated!?! we buy the islan firstt and we decie who ggets to live where later! who is gonna actually wanna move teher ad build a house there Only peopel who dont actually have the money to affordthat yet! so lets alow them to go live and wokronthe island and we build a rsort there for steemit users only and we make it susttainable financially and we use steemit users as the GARUNTEED userbase and sowe make it a resoort that you PAY for in steem andthat wll ALLOW us to GARUNTEE investors a constant stream of steemit users with money .....and we can allow this sland to simply be a pprivately owned resort privately owned BY a top steemit whale like papapeppr who we can TRIST to run the island properly! we will simply allow peopl with a certain amount of steempower to come visit an we ill raffle off tickets to viist there for minows who are deicated and hard orking!

remember, we have allot of peopel here thnking that they can just send $1 SBD and get themselves a small piece of land, no t oesgt work that way

we need to be realistic!

we CAn buy and island like on Ebay for example! BUT we can only hope to have ONE owner! why would we make this so overly comlicated!?!?! Let papa pepper or whoever contributeesthe Most to be the owner and if you wan donate to it, thats fine! we will find ways to carve out pieces of land to people who donted mony, OR we just let them build a houseon the island!

Also ..WHERE will the island be!? how can we decide??!!

Thanks for your input friend! I guess I should have posted the purpose behind Steem Island Inc. on this post. The business part of it is actually steemstock. The Island is merely a symbol.

Again thank you for your constructive criticism. This is the best tool for working out the kinks! 👍

@barrydutton, did you contribute? Because according to the List of officers, you did.

But according to my Audit, you did not.

Would you care to comment? You spent a lot of time talking about it, but did you invest?