Updated Steeminvite to work with the new account creation system

in #steeminvite6 years ago

With the changes to account creation in HF20 Steeminvite, the tool to get your friends and family a steem account, needed a complete overhaul.

After days of planning, rewriting, refactoring, and testing I'm happy to give you the basic functional version. So far it supports claiming discounted accounts individually or with a script, claiming paid accounts, inviting by link or email and of course the creation itself.

For the near to medium future I'm planning to include batch invites, delegation and recovery account management.

The codebase needs some more love before, but in a couple of days I'm going to publish the git repository and introduce it to utopian. There's a lot of things where help would be nice, be it translations, design, or even implementing the new features.

Steeminvite is a non-profit project, if you like the service consider throwing me a witness vote

Now go and make some Steemians!


The site looks a bit empty at first
(Safari/Chrome/Firefox on MacOSX):
Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-09 um 17.01.27.png
At least I was able to login after pressing the small blue button.
I just still have some doubts entering my active key on a site different from Steemit. Are you considering to integrate SteemConnect in the future?

Thanks, that issue's been fixed.

No plans for SteemConnect.
The automated claiming requires the key, and everything happens locally. No keys are sent to a server. Also, I'm not a huge fan of giving apps permissions (> posting) to user accounts.

Thanks for the fast fix, does work now.

I still need to trust your words until you make the source-code available and it has been audited by the community ;-) Looking forward to checking it out.

It's javascript, non-minified, so it's auditable, as it has been before. As I said, no keys are sent so the backend never gets them.
Having a public git repository doesn't mean the same code is used to run the site, that's a false sense of security.

Thanks for clarification! That was exactly the information I was asking for.

For me it's working good. Chrome latest Version on Mac OSX. Joined the Site and was logged id.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-09 um 17.07.56.png

@pharesim is the maximum RC Mana correct calculated? The screenshot from @louis88 shows 492MM, but steemd shows only 3MM. So he could only claim 0.5 accounts at 100% and not 65.

Thank's for the hint. This is probably the most silly coding mistake I ever publicly made.

I'm heading to Vermont this weekend to visit some cousins- this will definitely be useful if I detect even a modicum of interest from anyone- I'll be working on my photographer cousin first ;)

The RC cost to claim a free account has nearly doubled since I posted! So you probably missed those for now. Keep an eye on it, a claimed discounted account never expires and can be used to create an account any time.

Okay, thanks for the heads up, I'll check back in with it.

Also- I added a link to this next to your witness in my posts ;)

This is awesome @pharesim. When I first opened page I got some bootstrap dialog box with placeholder text like "logged out box or something" but when I refreshed it gave me the login button.

I went to steeminvite. This is what I've seen:

The current cost for a claim is 3.000 STEEM or 9.54MM RC mana
Your maximum RC mana is 9.01MM, which does not let you claim any accounts.
Power up some STEEM!

Before HF20 I had "made 8 steemians". Real people with something to say. All I had to do was pay 0.1 STEEM and delegate 20 SP for a month. After creating the account I would remove 17 SP of delegation and let the new steemians manage with 3 SP which was usually sufficient under the bandwidth system. If it turned out one of the guys I've invited did not like steem I could always remove delegation down to 1 SP.

So my cost under HF 19 was 1 SP (0.1 + 0.9 delegated)

Now with my 4400+ SP available I can't claim any discounted account. And if I want to pay I need to spend 3 STEEM.

Is it just me or would it seem that the price has tripled (from 1 STEEM to 3 STEEM) with HF20 ? Is that supposed to make on-boarding easier? If yes, how? If not, wasn't "making on-boarding easier" one of the goals of HF20?

I was all fired up about making new steemians ... Too bad it has just become 3 times as expensive ...

And btw, none of my 8 "steemians-in-law" took a habit of posting (most never posted anything). The reason: sub-par (for them) user experience ... Oh well, I have just wasted 8 SP, but it was worth trying. Until they get a chance at posting and seeing how the community reacts, you cannot tell how they'll appreciate the experience.

However, will I think the same if instead it would have been 24 SP wasted on creating accounts that will seldom, if ever, be used?

You can remove the full delegation, no need to let anything on the accounts when they aren't used.

The RC cost to claim has been pretty stable at 5.5MM the last days, it spiked with my post. Claims do not expire, so it pays out to keep an eye on the price if it drops again.

But yes, for small investors it's become more expensive to create an account. As any action will become more and more expensive with time, as there's limited capacity on the blockchain.

If it makes sense to pay for onboarding someone is a case by case decision.

I'd tried to (in HF19 time) but it won't let me bring the "child account" below 1.0 SP.

And anyway I may not want to - just in case the person I gifted an account to changes his/her mind and gets back and tries to post or comment or upvote, I would certainly no want him/her to not be able to because I've stripped the account of all SP.

I tested in the past and with 1 SP one could still do something under HF19. Under HF20 that doesn't seem to be sufficient anymore (I need to test again) so I left 3 SP to each of my "steem children-in-law"

Thank you for taking the time to post this. You have received a Preemptive Strike from @patrickulrich, who is one of the simulcasters, on @thesteemingpile.


This post will be featured on our LIVE broadcast tonight at 9:30pm EST on @vimm! If you're available we'd love to have you join us to discuss your post by jumping on the Pile! Again, great work and we hope to see you tonight!

Oi, cool!
That's in one hour?

Yeah roughly. We'll probably broadcast for a couple hours though if you are available.

It's 3am here already, will see if I can make it or fall asleep before!

A useful topic About Updated Steeminvite . thank you

Wow it has been a while since I had some @pharesim goodness on my feed! This is a great service and it is great to see it coming back online.

I have been redoing my witness votes recently and just looked and I still have you voted for or else I would for sure.

Any help I can provide in the form of writing is yours. I only specialize in business english so maybe polishing up translations? Let me know .

The page doesn't seem to load for me. Tried on Chrome and IE.

Hello how are you? great contribution what you are giving here I am going to try it now appears the same to me the link at the beginning it appears empty then what should I do?

And you have my witness vote

There was a small rendering issue, has been fixed now!

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for redesign and programming the steem invite. Now I'm able to invite my friends directly to get them start quickly.

Cheers and see you again in krakow

This is great to hear. If I only I had friends that weren't on Steem already... :D

A great idea, thanks!
I just tested the new page and am seeing some unexpected figures though. I have previously claimed two accounts using the script from @holger80 and it worked fine, but each claim used about half of my Resource Credits. Your system says that I will use much less mana per claim than his script shows (and which actually did get used when I claimed previously).

Your maximum RC mana is 492.15MM, which allows you to claim 63 accounts at 100%

I have only been able to actually claim about 1 per day so far using Holger's script:


I don't want to try to claim an account with your script right now as my RCs are low and I don't want to risk running out.

Thanks for the report, has been fixed :D

Aha, that'll do it :)

can i make some money with this feature? hehe
darn i needed this a couple of weeks ago to get my friend started, thank you for the update.
love my Pharesim! :)

We could have contests who brings in the most active users? :D
But I don't keep stats, all data is deleted when the job is done...

All friends here already?

nope not all friends, but many do not want to blog. they'd rather post memes or selfies LOL

Nothing wrong about that, there's meme and photo apps. I think the real question is if they're interested in community stuff besides that right now. Just posting gets boring pretty quickly, whatever it is.
Anyway, you need to make new friends!

whyyy you saw the crowd, most are the peeps. i havemore but theyre all out homesteading or working lol
youre one of the few living the dream. thank you again for the great appearance and hope youre feeling better.

Awesome tool, thank you! Just claimed my first discounted account and I feel powerful!!!

Is there anywhere that shows what the process looks like on the side for the invitee? Just curious where they're directed and how they set up their account following the receipt of the e-mail or link that can be generated.

I don't think there's screenshots of that yet anywhere. Maybe I'll add those with the application for utopian though, good idea!

That’d be great! Any additional documentation would be nice. I’m also curious how it deals on the backend with the options for SP delegation & token return for unclaimed accounts. Sorry if it becomes more obvious, I only ventured to the invite form & poked around a bit!

The backend doesn't do much besides sending the email and keeping track of the invites in a database. After the expiration time invites are deleted, that's when your token becomes "free" for another invite. Obviously a delete button would be handy and will be implemented at some point. Limiting invites to the amount of available claim tokens is a design decision, the tokens aren't anywhere really.
Delegation can fail in the end when you're powering down, delegating, and/or low on VP. Another possible feature, calculate if it's actually possible ;)

When the delegation option is used, is the action “pre-signed” by the inviter, so that it’s immediately available, or are you simply prompted to set it up manually following an invite acceptance?

Are the links unique in any way or are they the same & just funneling to the token balance of the inviting account? Just thinking how this could work with printed matter like handing someone a card with a short link or QR code... (obviously only handing out in batches small enough to fulfill!)

Thanks for taking the time to answer and clarify for me! I’m enthused I’m able to claim tokens, and brainstorming how to best handle potentially distributing them to friends or more widely at events & promotions.

You get an email to the address you specified at the end of the form and need to create with your active key then. Pre-signing isn't possible because username and keys aren't known yet, and I certainly won't store your active key.

Links contain a unique id. QR codes would expire after the validity you specified, but besides that it's possible.

Thanks a lot for doing your work. I'm @clixmoney and this is my second account. I just voted for you as a witness. I'm building this community to make more collaborations in steem blockchain. We are now doing interviews, collaboration videos and building it step by step. I will always vote for the same witness with both accounts. Thanks for any suppot, we use all the earning to power up and upvote our members.

I was hoping for someone to develop an open-source UI for on-boarding users using discounted accounts - amazing work! We will look into this for @travelfeed #viralgrowth

Ich habe bei dieser Gelegenheit mal eine Frage. Du weißt doch so gut Bescheid. Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Steempower und RC, wenn ja, wie wird diese berechnet. Manchmal schreibe ich einen Artikel, dann einen Kommentar und dann ist Schluss. Ich bekomme dann bei der nächsten Aktion den Hinweis, dass meine RC nicht ausreicht. Ich finde, dass neue HF20 schränkt mich hier sehr ein.

I already threw you a witness vote! Threw it as hard as I could haha. Thanks for the amazing work. I could never figure out how to make a tool like this