You are very lovely as you hold that uniquely shaped Romanesco broccoli! First thing I thought of was "Fibonacci sequence spiral!"
Math infused vegetables. Who would have thought?!😀
You mentioned the your comments that it tastes somewhere between cauliflower and broccoli. Mmmm! Can't wait to see what you create using it!
Keep up the great work!💫Through the years, I've enjoyed stopping by your virtual kitchen to grab a bite @plantstoplanks and I credit #FruitsandVeggiesMonday for introducing us.
Thanks for popping by my kitchen once more! You are spot on with the fusion of math and veggie on this one. I always loved math, so maybe that's why I'm particularly drawn to this one.
Fruits and Veggies has brought so many of us together! Very thankful to Lena for keeping the show going and allowing us all to find kindred foodie spirits all over the globe. :)