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RE: We Are All Coworkers on Steem: You, Me And Everyone Here

in #steemians7 years ago

Hello @Stellabelle

This is a very insightful and detailed article by you. And I found your summation under the below quoted context very useful:

what I was trying to say is that we all are coworkers in a decentralized organization, that has no physical boundaries. If you think about Planet Steem in these terms, it might release your mind from only thinking about blogging as a means to earn. You might be tempted to start any number of projects that go well beyond the scope of blogging......You might even start a new religion

It was as though you're speaking directly to me. I will certainly put your advice to good use in terms of not seeing Steemit as only a means to earn more money but to pursue worthwhile projects that will have a great impact to humanity. Thanks for sharing.
