Glad I made your day!
Even more glad you didn't spurt that water all over the PC, can't afford a lawyer and court case right now, spent all my money on Steem recently and it is already hard enough to convince my better half that "I did the smart thing". So you can imagine what I would have to put up with if I had to pay for someones new PC too!
You really did, it still makes me chuckle when I picture it in my minds eye even now. :D
I wouldn't have sued you I swear. :D It would have been my own fault, I should have known better than to take a drink before watching a video with a dog in it, they're always funny, our dogs make me laugh every day. :D LOL. :D
I can definitely imagine how that conversation with your better half would have went though, LOL. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my friend! :D