
also this was tried before by viddler.. .. but the timeline got too crazy so i wonder if they got around that issue.

Oh really? That's interesting. They will join on Reviewhunt round 1, so you can see their review campaign in 2 days!

NO WAY! super awesome. good move man! yeah, i could tell you a lot about trying to make that whole thing work, back in the day was a company called viddler that had this very same thing but it failed because of how busy the progress bar got with replies, if they limit that or come up with a better way to present it then they will do great.

Cool to know that Viddler tried it, I didn't knew that. We'll try to get in touch with them. And yes you are definitely right about the progress bar getting to cluttered, we actually have an other UX in pipeline for that, which we think could solve this problem :

What do you think about it ?

yeah i like that, that's a good solution. i've been a user of many video platforms like viddler,, blab, seesmic etc over the years. happy to give feedback.

if i was you, i'd be buiding some kind of plugin for all the steem frontends that allows people to live inline video comments if they have your plugin extension, charge them a fee in steem per month to use it ;)

or if you are feeling really brave build a custom condenser but for mobile and cookie cutter your app to fit around 'communties' for people who have a token -- that way you could build out dedicated apps for personalities who have their own tribe spaces where the people who comment get incentivized.

either way, you've got some great cross overs here you could do! :)

also, here, some inspiration from a platform i used with a 100 other people that was made in flash over 11 years ago.. it was awesome...

Omg that's so cool !!! Many thanks for bringing that back I really never heard about this

omg i found one of the '24hrs on seesmic videos too' -- you can see just how bad the quality was but lots of people used to have conversations around it -- then they edited it together as a video to put out daily. i'd love to host that kind of thing again!