I must say I was sceptical at the beginning but had the best experience. I really felt it was easy to get app and easy to work with. The background coding is no needed, so it was easy to work with. The maintenance and upkeep are minimum. Then there are a lot of templates that you can work with and customize it like you want, there is a wide range of things that you can do actually. I was very pleased with apps features.The good thing was, that there was a fraction of the costs for developing. So, they were very open about the pricing and it was delivered like we agreed. We had very smooth communication and they tried to help out. Though, I had a lot of questions and sending tons of mails. Eventually, I'm very satisfied how they managed the situations we had.
I mean, I was open to try it out and it turned out good. Big thumbs up for everything!
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Source: Buildfire Reviews
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