- It is a wrong product link therefore, I wasn't able to review the product because do not know whether​ the product name correct or not.
After you make the change, please comment below tag my name or Discord channel, here under #mod-joannewong. Thanks :)
3. Product Link
We only accept these four product links:
- Official product website
- Major app store link (AppStore, PlayStore, etc)
- Crowdfunding sites (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc)
- Github, Bitbucket repositories for open source projects
We do not accept any other product links including e-commerce sites ( e.g. Amazon, ebay, etc.), affiliate marketing sites (e.g. Canopy, Awesome Invention, etc.), newspaper or blog articles, and social media posts, etc.
Also, hunters must put the official product website as a main priority. If you’ve listed an app store or Kickstarter link when the product has an official website, moderators can ask you to change it.
Regarding KickStarter & Indiegogo: if the project was not funded, it won't be accepted on SteemHunt.
Lastly, the product link website must be written in proper English, and use modern website standards like HTML5. Older standards (like HTML 4 or Adobe flash) will be checked and may be hidden by moderators.