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RE: Why I Am Opting Out of STEEM Guild Votes (No Drama)

in #steemguild8 years ago (edited)

Oh, absolutely! By no means did I mean that there aren't good authors on that list. Not at all. They can all be good authors for all I know, that's not what I meant.

What I meant that the guilds may cater to a certain mindset. In general, not a specific or a group of specific authors.

And thanks for your support!


I just don't want to look like a villain. I can't control who votes for and enjoys my stuff. Just in case someone comes along and reads this, sees that list, sees me, then assumes I'm some part of a conspiracy. You know how people can twist things out of context. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I enjoy my time here. I don't get the big votes like many others, so I take what I can get and appreciate it fully. It's been a tough climb for me these past few months and I don't really feel like losing any momentum. That's all.

There's nothing wrong about being supported by a guild. I'm sure no one feels that way. No worries.