Preview Of SteemGigs
You must have heard of Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork etc. These are some of the mainstream freelancing-marketplaces across the internet.
A freelancing marketplace is simply a place online where people offer their service, expertise, craft, knowledge etc (in a variety of niche or industry) in exchange for a payment and where businesses, companies, individuals, recruiters etc visit, to seek out freelancers.
Freelancers may not be experts, may be experts, may be better-than-experts etc.
Bottomline is, freelancers work on their own terms thus, their service charge/fee etc may sometimes be less expensive as they are free to create their charge or service-fee e.g a doctor working under the premise of a hospital may be required to shape his fee in accordance with the hospital's specification; on the other hand a freelancer, may decide his own rates.
There are masses of freelancers around the world and even here on steemit.
On steemit for instance, there are many who prefer to spend their whole day designing a logo for a client (another steemian) for 5 SBD, than spend time writing a personal blog that earns 50 SBD. They simply may find "honing their craft or expertise" more fulfilling! Many of these freelancers may like the word "client" or the feeling of having a client of clients; may like to be of help to others; may not know how to write a killer-blog; may prefer a guaranteed fixed amount; may like to exert their creativity under pressure etc
Many new steemians want to know of other ways to earn steem/SBD, without having to become a blogger and some steemians who take breaks from blogging (for a period), want to find ways to keep on evergreen on steem e.g by having a service they can offer even when they are offline steem
Also, we have that amazing community of great minds but how much do we know this community and its depth! It is always said; "exhaust all your resources"; but do we know all our resources? Do we know our steemians well enough? Do we know what each steemian can really do?
- How many steemians, tire out a bit and take a steemit break from blogging and curating?
- How many regular internet users are turned away, the first time they find steemit as they aren't bloggers and may have seen only the blogging aspect of steemit?
Each Steemian has something to offer!
In reality, if we combine every steemian head and analyze fully, the combined brain power; "it is enough power to find cure for AIDS or move and displace Kilimanjaro by 20km at 20km/hour".
We took particular note of the above and #steemgigs was born some 9 months ago to start these new ones to life on steemit and give them a home. Moreso, to "exhaust all our resources" by getting to know something extra about our dear steemians; "what and just how much they can do!"
i would design you a steemit logo for 5 SBD etcMany new steemians at the time, felt more at home upon getting on steemit, when they realized that they could also offer their service in exchange for steem or SBD and that they could also accomplish this using a transparent blog #steemgigs post. Hence, they would do a post under the #steemgigs and within this post offer a service in exchange for steem or SBD e.g
We also admonished people to exert their creativity in newer ways e.g i would write your brand name on the sands of a Jamaican sea or i would write my your steemit brand name 10 times on my class' whiteboard for 5 SBD etc
Thus, newer breeds of creativity and a new generation of service types started to occur e.g a wooden steemit library was built courtesy of a steemgig or a particular steemian who was paying steem to have food delivered to his house etc
Then, the Steemgigs discord server was created to facilitate community, foster relationships and allow for communication.
Our intention was to get to know the true value of our steemit community first, to where we have come to know at least one reputable steemian or steemgigger in almost any niche or industry.
With this sole knowledge, "every steem-dream or dream becomes ever-more buildable.
We decided to pace thing aright for we weren't in competition. We used the entire slow movement to evolve our vision into spanlessness, plus we wanted our vision to become deeply-rooted and unshaken. Too, we wanted it to be community-driven. (This means that we are delayed with our roadmap but still ever-present and on track. You can read the roadmap here!)
A Special Beauty Of Steemgigs
Steemgiggers could also document their progress and clients (steemgiggers) could document their satisfaction etc.
Hence, one transaction (SteemGig) between a steemian and another can involve several steemit posts (with each post having potential to earn as a steemit post.
- the steemian offering his service may want to make a number of #steemgigs posts documenting his progress
- the steemian receiving this service may want to do a SteemGig testimonial post about the experience
- the steemian offering the service may also feel like doing his own SteemGig to document the entire experience with this particular client
- Both steemians may want to create a SteemGig portfolio post
- etc
Note: each #steemgigs post from the above scenario has potential value in terms of rewards, improves reputation and accomplishes steemit growth
Apart from getting paid for their service, each party can earn rewards courtesy of their #steemgigs post alone, promote themselves in the process and improve their reputation as well; "special features that centralized freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer etc can't pull off"
e.g look at this #steemgigs relationship below, between @kus-knee and @fisteganos from 8 months ago.
Notice how much both parties earned as well just by documenting their experience.
Please notice the comment by @andrarchy in the screenshot above!
So don't be surprised to see a steemgigger offer up his service at zero charge!
There is also a love & gift-economy paradigm to @steemgigs, stirred by the presence of a reputable community that is not findable on any centralized or decentralize freelance marketplace online.
To crown things, we added hashtag "untalented" to the mix to leave no stone un-turned when it comes to talent and potential talent. Along with "proof of reputable deed", we started to seek to reward "attempts at out-of-the-boxness" etc completing the model; "everyone has something to offer".
Freelancers Out there Aren't Actually Free
On centralized platforms, freelancers aren't exactly freelancers or are they?
There are third parties involved! In the case of Fiverr for instance, Fiverr is a third-party as they get a cut from your potential pay and can determine what service you can or can't offer.
Then there is paypal, that also act as fourth-party, when it comes to getting your actual cash on hand.
There is no doubt that @steemgigs has many advantages being on a decentralized and capable steem blockchain. For reference, read this article also written by @stellabelle:
- 5 Reasons Steemgigs Could Disrupt Fiverr
- 5 Reasons SteemGigs Could Disrupt Fiverr (as written on Hackernoon)
Note that: there is also no real community on marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer etc. Yes, you can DM freelancers but it is hard to stir real brotherhood because while Steemit is the home of the internet's greatest and reputable minds, incessantly rehearsing creativity using the beauty and advancement of steem technology; Fiverr acknowledge themselves as the world's largest freelance services marketplace allowing lean entrepreneurs, to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.
SteemGigs offers a real community. Places like Fiverr, Upwork etc can mostly offer business relationships.
We Are Not Out To Disrupt Fiverr
Read this post; you will easily see the "many advantages" that decentralized @steemgigs has over marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer.
But there is more......
Our vision is giant. We are on the high road!
Steemgigs is taking a route that removes "all barriers to entry" and we accomplish this by adding an untalented paradigm to our model. We don't want any level of talent to go amiss and ofcourse speaking of talents, steem holds the best talents on planet Earth as we are incentivized to "incessantly mind with our minds" in a transparent community that values reputation.
Untalented will hold a segment on Steemgigs allowing all levels of talented to shine and rewarding attempts at out-of-the boxness.
We will actively seek to spot potential talents and mine this potential. Then, we will direct them aright into the @steemgigs community to put there talent to testimonial good use in helping others build their dreams.
We want to create legends! We want to gradually have everyone tap into their superstar. We want to play a testimonial role in history, by parting part of the history that bore your dreams. We want to passionately, loving, heartfeltly bring your innovation ideas to life under an "everyone" paradigm, where each human is celebrity and were even level of talent is negligible, for "we are genius" and more than ever before: "we have each other".
Don't worry, it is possible and the untalented curriculum that has gone on on steemit for some months now is proof of this.
We don't believe spam is the entire issue. We sift this situation to pick out "passion" and we divert this passion aright into more testimonial good use and there are testimonies that this is possible. Moreover, we are working on curriculum's and tools to help.
If it becomes proven that "everyone has something to offer", spam will reduce.
We aren't going to be just a freelancing marketplace on a decentralized blockchain, for we want to have a heartfelt role in helping you bring your dreams to life and one more special power we have, is "utmost knowledge of our community".
"reputable steemians in need" and "steemians indeed" "reputation" all along. By running #steemgigs as a tag on steemit first instead of hurriedly create an interface, we built a solid community of . We know this people as they have laid themselves bare on the steem blockchain while accomplish #steemgigs and they have maintained
Now than a vibrant community is in existence, it is time for the SteemGigs interface to come to life. This will help us create a hub for every steemian to keep their talents alive in the service of others.
In another post, i will breakdown the various aspects of the steemgigs interface. Basically, it will have a separate database to store profiles of steemgiggers as well outside of steemit, a specialized editor, a search functionality and many other fun things
@steemgigs Is Now An Open Source Project On Utopian
We await your heartfelt contributions!
The one to look out for is:
@steemgigs is now on Utopian. There has been delays and we have been behind schedule when it comes to the interface. My mum's illness changed events, then she died and things took a momentary hit and slowed down. I am very stubborn though and like to push things on my own at least to an extent and with the "too many things that i do with regards to steem", the steem community and its growth etc i can be said to be broken and needing of help.
"steemgigs" witness was named so instead of "surpassinggoogle" to represent community. Thus, putting the code on GitHub and synched with @utopian-io is the current route we are taking, so that together we can complete it. #steemgigs has always been a community-driven endeavor....... Even the
@elear is willing to help out too and so is @ekitcho and @fabien on
I also want it to serve as a standing model of inspiration to many steemians who dare to dream, to tell them incessantly to "too-lazy-to-quitly dream big first (forget reality), for dreams now equaller reality".
There are many plans and the gianormousness of this plan especially for us all, we will gradually see as we build @steemgigs together.
While steemgigs is ongoing on utopian, we will be working on the other interface behind the scenes on and create a really fun steem-interface that takes up the next piece of "steemgigs" paradigm, which is to make "everyone" a celebrity and fix content discovery and curation challenges on steem.
The third interface @teardrops, will be a hub of breakthrough testimonies filled with our tears of joy and modeled in such a way that even our saddest testimonies will have testimonial good use for the masses in the world needing incessant inspiration and for masses yet unborn, to know when they arrive that we were here and ultimately for any suffering we have done to have essence.
Then we will pack the awesomest version of ourselves and mold these into a token called "@teardrops" and serve it to the nations, till each and every teardrop is rewarded.
We will use our "human" to bring some healing to humans and direct to the ultimate healer Jehovah.
Are You Ready?
We now await you on @utopian-io.
Overtime, i will start doing specific task requests for @steemgigs on utopian, with hopes for contributions.
For starters, i will be doing task request for simple things like logo, banners etc but you are all welcome to submit suggestions too.
Read this post for for knowledge on how to contribute on Utopian!
Together, we will complete the building of @steemgigs. It is already up to 50 percent done as we started with a fork of
Incase, you want to contribute to an open-source project on utopian-io during your spare time, please feel free to remember "@steemgigs" as it an open-source project and it is enlisted as such on @utopian-io
Remember that we apply an untalented paradigm where every participant gets some rewards; "no losers".
"Receiving itself is an art" is a core part of our curriculum.
You can have a preview of @steemgigs on
The URL is not yet secure, so we disabled the login part of it till it is considered usable. For now, it is kept on a small 16 GB server.
Your Boy Terry
Please like @teardrops on Facebook and Twitter:
Here is a recent example of a steemGIG by @kus-knee:
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. I run a full public RPC 256 GB node as well to balance the steem ecosystem on "wss://"
To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).
Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
Hi - Thank you @surpassinggoogle! Your post is quite timely, just a couple of weeks ago I was lamenting the current gigging services, and I could see how the Steem blockchain could make a much more cost effective version of Thumbtack, Gigmasters, Gigsalad, etc. Right now, the people that bid on the services pay big bucks to be a part of it, and can get very little return.
Case in point. I am a magician doing services mostly in Indiana. I recently bid on a gig using the service Thumbtack. Here's how that panned out:

Me and 6 other people bid on a gig. Each of our bids cost us around $5. The customer looked at all of the bids, and rejected all of them. On Thumbtack, the best case scenario is 6 magicians get nothing for their $5 bid, and one performer gets something. Worst case scenario, like this, the customer walks away, the performers get nothing, and Thumbtack pocket $5 per performer.
Another disadvantage against the current services is, it's all a "black box". I don't really know what the current market value is of what I'm bidding on until after I bid. That's because there are so many different factors in bidding on a performance. Buying a magician is not like buying a pizza! :-D I have equipment, and years of study, and gas, and insurance, and a website, etc. So, I vary my costs depending on the number of people I entertain, whether it's for a personal performance
In this particular instance, I was bidding in a blind bid. I ended up bidding $300 for a family magic show, which ended up being the highest bid. That's really what I need to bid to do this lovely hobby as a job. The lowest bid turned out to be $75, which is how you get a hobbyist hack who doesn't need the money to live. Not that I'm bitter or anything! :)

So, being pissed off about this, I was considering THIS VERY IDEA that you were working on. I would love if @steemgigs could implement and improve on some of the features of Thumbtack, Gigmasters, Gigsalad. Basically, allow the people wanting a worker to describe what they need, and shop for just the right person to do it for them. Allow workers to bid on projects. Allow workers and customers to rate each other.
Those are just my thoughts off the top of my head. So, hell-yeah. I have a bit of programming skills. I've got a lot of ideas. I'll catch you on Utopian.
Very special. Will return to look at this and yes catch you n utopian. Thank you for the effort. I truly didn't know of these bid-type service marketplace. I will have to look at them and add something to the steemgigs model where needed. Thank you very much
Very special. Will return to look at this and yes catch you n utopian. Thank you for the effort. I truly didn't know of these bid-type service marketplace. I will have to look at them and add something to the steemgigs model where needed. Thank you very much
This is an amazing platform!! Have you see this @catherinegairard?
yeah bro.. plz flw me n give me vote
Thank you
This is great news my friend. I hope you're doing well. Steemgigs is going to m00n for sure...
So special to hear from you. I am not doing well. Just pushing. I am still haunted and think of my dad alot. Hopefully later this year when my interfaces are ready. I have three in mind, then i will rest more. One smt too. Hope we can pull all this off. I will soon be reach you for direction, help and everything. I hope you are doing okay.
@surpassinggoole you are doing an incredible work, I see your dream for everyone and I appreciate that. I took quality time going through this post to understand the vision until I saw this I'm moved to adding little contribution by voting #steemgigs as witness and hopefully do more to support the project.
Thank you for bring the gigs to showcase.
So much selflessness. You are full of sweetness. Yes, that is the vision. You can join the steemgigs community on discord as well
Please tell me, do I just have to use teardrops in tags to have your support in a post like this ? Hardships of being vegan in Russia. Please, I need your support because I really drop tears every day at this situation.
Will visit. Sorry about the tears. Pray to Jehovah in Jesus' name and say amen
Hi @surpassingoogle its you guy xtian... Good to finally hit you up on this platform
Glad you are here. Welcome!
@surpassinggoogle, why is it so hard to get upvote this days
My pleasure. OK I will do that ASP.
After reading this post of yours,I felt your love with our fellow steemians.
You always do your best just to improve steemit and making brilliant ideas that will help us all here.
You always consider each and everyone here to become successful and happy while working here on steemit community.
Again,recieve my warm christian love and thank you so much brother Terry. I love this way and want to support you @surpassinggoogle.
You are selfless. I was told by @olawalium to follow you when I sign up and now I know why. You have so much depth and your heart is amazing. How do you do all these you do? I am excited to join this platform. Thank you for having the interest of everyone at heart.
@emekaorjinani, I have to agree with you on this one..
Breaking News................
SteemGigs presents Steem-Based Freelance Market Place. No need of freelancer, upwork & Fiver etc anymore.
A big Thanks to our beloved TERRY on launching of this massive opportunity for this community. Here is a small gift, which I created shortly:
This is not only an opportunity but in my view point: This is life changing milestone for the people who tried there best to win a project at freelancer websites. but despite having outstanding skills they never got a job only due to low rating / zero rating or having no portfolio.
You have already earned but here is once again I personally give you this one:
@surpassinggoogle, you are not only a MENTOR but also savior of thousands of people and we are witness of this reality. Here in Pakistan everyone prays for your long life. People know you by name and want to remember you for long time.
This world is so cruel for poor people. They can't survive in front of powerful people. There is only one Rule in this world:
Whoever owns the stick eventually owns his buffalo.
One who owns power owns everything etc.
But you changed this definition. Yes you have changed entire scenario man. Looking forward for the things on steemgigs specially for the poor and needy people.
All the best and stay safe. Stay Awesome and God bless you Terry!
Regards: @jawad09!
I love steemgigs.
You have a home, with steemgigs! If you have an entire vision that you want to build, that looks all impossible because you can't code etc; simply write a #steemgig or join our discord server because yes, we know several steemian developers and ultimately, we know what they can handle.
What do you want me to say, you have rendered me speechless. Thank you. Will look for your contributions on utopian soon
I was a small token of Thank you for your greatest efforts of this awesome community @surpassinggoogle. Actually a Number of people are speechless due to your unconditional support and efforts for HUMANITY. I will definitely give my contribution in utopian-io soon.
Thank you
You're most welcome @surpassinggoogle! Stay Blessed!
You are selfless. I was told by @olawalium to follow you when I sign up and now I know why. You have so much depth and your heart is amazing. How do you do all these you do? I am excited to join this platform. Thank you for having the interest of everyone at heart.
well said
yeah bro.. plz flw me n give me vote
Overall, it will be like steem without barriers. Every regular post can hold space under "Untalented", then you profile will look something like this below, with an additional profile.

I always pray for strength for you. It is no ordinary feat all these you are doing. I know when you ask yourself "why am i doing this?". The answer wouldn't surface because all you do is borne out from a heart that loves. Thank you for all you do. Thank you, really.
You are welcome bro. Thank you very much
You are selfless. I was told by @olawalium to follow you when I sign up and now I know why. You have so much depth and your heart is amazing. How do you do all these you do? I am excited to join this platform. Thank you for having the interest of everyone at heart.
Thank you for everything. You are welcome on steemi
Hey, I am totally agree with @jawad09. Its wonderful and excellent blog of @surpassinggoogle. I like it because sir Terry @surpassinggoogle my inspiration on steemit. His way of project very excellent and useful for steemian community. Wish to best of luck
Also am a web designer and a Tailor, I would so much love to contribute as much as I can during this nascent stage and always. I also hope that a spot would be kept for me in the "untalented" Section to showcase my little skillset.
Please keep up the good works.@surpassinggoogle, this is undoubtedly an innovation in the freelancing and client-customer relations industry, the paradigm to which strengths tends to portray is an enviable foresight not just into the world of cryptocurrency and service provision, but also poised to change the socio-cultural, demographic,economical and international relationships of STEEMIANS and the world at large. I sure hope that some of the challenges faced by participant in other freelancing communities would be curbed and renovated to give an awesome user experience in steemgigs,i would be up for suggestions to improve on the accessibility and user experience for @steemgigs when required. This is undoubtedly going to change the ideology of people and will be an intentional task to fortuitously enhance the skillset and originality of people here. Once again I commend you for the great work.
Hahaha the table is all yours. Contributions are welcome. Will do task requests soon but you can always add suggestions on utopian
I agree with You bro !. plz flw me n give me vote !
Sincerely I must say i don't really understand why people prefer to work under others than build their own empire. Today in my country most people work under the government and at the end of the month earn less or are even not paid at all for their work, So many have hand works they can explore but the courage to carry out this particular plan is not there and most times they are scared of what other people will say. Taking a step in life is one of the major thing you would do that will make you lay a foundation, when you refuse to take a step and keep procrastinating at the end of the day the vision and zeal is dead.
Terry BoyWell @dayjee you actually pointed out the issue of Dependency Vs Freedom. Yes it is true man earn less under the umbrella of State than it's own Empire. Actually it is due to less awareness and lack of education My Friend. But on steemit it is totally a different scenario it is a very unique place where none loses the game means it focus on Win/Win thing. @surpassinggoogle is also a very unique guy who is promoting steemit to every corner of Glob with his selfless efforts <3
I think for huge services and promotion for steemit @surpassinggoogle deserves a Huge Respect <3 <3
You are right bro. I use to work with a government agency. The truth is that the take home is nothing to right home about, we survive on loan. Moreso, we are always at the mercy of the directors.
This is an opportunity for everyone to be free and plan his or her life. Determine what you want your income to be and be the boss of yourself.
Thanks to @surpassinggoogle
Steemit without restrictions. I like the sound of that. A high five for you sir!!!
I believe they are scared of taking the risk of starting their business because of the fear of not meeting their end means and the sustainability of the business.
Yes, but we will explore the possibility of adjusting there by passionately helping people build anything
What a guy you atr Terry always try to help people...
steemit is growing because of you Terry...
Thanks for all your love
It has to be disheartening for anyone when the amount of work they put in doesn't influence what they take home. There's no drive to sweat and bleed every day to get what you want in life.
Set yourself one or two things you really WANT to do with your life, and work towards them. I keep mentioning this on this blog, but that’s because it’s so important! It’s probably the most important thing you can do with yourself, is to figure out what you want and how to get it! If you’re aligned with this, and you’re moving towards your goal, you’ll find small trivial things like arguments don’t bother you.Yes i agree with you @dayjee. If you let others control how happy you are, you’ll get hurt in the long run. By letting people decide how happy you are, you give away the most basic control of yourself to people that may or may not turn out to be good for you, or even responsible enough to be trusted with your happiness. Thats why #untalented is there for you and for inspirations and motivation. @surpassinggoogle has encouraged me so much from his posts and his life.
awesome post very nice @surpassinggoogle
I think this will help many stay on steemit further. Utopian proves it as well as many now have a home there.
Yes, we will gradually fully explore that market
So true @dayjee. We sure need to pursue our own dreams, taking the bull by the horn, and going all out in faith.
I want to pursue my dreams for several reasons.
I guess the reason why we have @surpassinggoogle is because he chose to pursue his dreams, one of them which is being able to help others achieve their own dreams.
Hiiii @surpassinggoogle.
you are really great!
I feeling much excited when saw your new post and desired to be top comment here. I am realy a big fan of you because of your multitalanted personality. you always do for steem community. your every post has a guideline for us.your every plan is a symbol of your creativity.
your that new feature is appreciatable. and hope much active as usual. thanks.
My Best wishes and prayers always for you.
Thank you. Overall, it will be like steem without barriers. Every regular post can hold space under "Untalented", then you profile will look something like this below, with an additional profile.

Yaaaaay! You rock. Like i always joking say: "If you run for presidency, i will campaign for you for FREE!".
Describing you in one word... 'You're a giver' @surpassinggoogle. Your life and posts emulate giving, also promoting steemit beyond blogging. I admire the way you're bringing so much beauty into steemit with your awesome ideas. Thumbs up Sir Terry. I duff my hat for you.
Thanks a lot for encouraging us @surpassinggoogle. much obliged for guide us.
You are doing great work @surpassinggoogle.
I love to see what you are doing on here Terry. It warms my heart. I believe I am going to have to get more involved in what you are creating. I think you are onto some things that will alter the course of humanity.
How do I get more involved and where can I assist. I tend to be part of the "untalented" group... LOL.
Thanks for the post and the update.
He is building an empire, and I would love to be among those set of people that will be around.
i like that, "EMPIRE OF HUMANITY"
Everyone wants to be part of the group that is moving things and changing the world lead by no other than @surpassinggoogle himself
Terry Boy about Steemit.Hahaha it is quite similar situation with me too. The more i Read the Blogs of @surpassinggoogle the more i get involved to this world. Actually it shows that how much passionate this
I have suggested a title for him The Encyclopedia of Steemit Aka Terry Boy ;)
Oh that was you. Hahaha thank you much
Yes it was me who suggested this title Do you like it @surpassinggoogle ?? <3 :D
Sure thing!. Thank you
Thank you
Great idea @surpassinggoogle embedding untalented into it to spot potential talents and to help them define their path. Great work sir Terry
Hahaha you warm my heart. Thank you alot. If you have time, i would love that your read two posts resteemed on @teardrops. I think it will broken where we are headed. There is a Facebook page you can reach me on too. If not, discord!
You have all the strenght that you need.
More graceYipee. This is a good news becuase gradually those dreams are becoming reality.Congratulation @surpassinggoogle step by step and precept upon precept we are actually surpassing google. Always praying for you.
I want to catch you on Facebook too, Please let me know your Fb i.d ?
You are selfless. I was told by @olawalium to follow you when I sign up and now I know why. You have so much depth and your heart is amazing. How do you do all these you do? I am excited to join this platform. Thank you for having the interest of everyone at heart.
Yes you are very right Terry. Even sometimes when it's still not convenient to blog, because you need to keep up with steemit, you are forced to do it. To be able to offer our services off-line would be highly appreciated as a welcome development.
So true. Thank you very much for visiting
It's amazing how much is going on behind the scenes here on the platform. There are several ideas that I've had over the past months and I've wondered how they could ever come to fruition, but low and behold I am not the only one with these ideas and there are many people working their asses off to build the steem empire. now if we could roll it all into one big bundle and make everyone aware of all this awesomeness that is going on, then we would have liftoff
Yes, lift off, is part of our aim. Know the extent of our depth and awesomeness and combine this strength to create world renown beauty.
This seems to me to be an awesome venture not only because of the opportunities it offers to individual people here, but also because it establishes a "Steem Economy," which is good for the Steem currency overall; it would look really good in the eyes of possible new investors.
should be all about.Thanks for the many things you do @surpassinggoogle, to help people here on Steemit! This is what a giving economy
Thank you very much. Together, we will pull this off and ofcourse with the help of our creator Jehovah in Jesus' name amen
Amen. You have my support 100%. I can only hope it amounts to something.
You are selfless. I was told by @olawalium to follow you when I sign up and now I know why. You have so much depth and your heart is amazing. How do you do all these you do? I am excited to join this platform. Thank you for having the interest of everyone at heart.
Sorry for the loss of your mum, accept my condolence as my token of @teardrops
As per this innovation. I am so much falling in love with this, this will certainly give everyone a more better chance on steemit. This has decentralized the notion that you can only thrive as a writer or blogger on steemit. This will create a path for artisans and professionals who are not into the idea of writing.
I haven't see a freelance that is totally free, they always provide their services either cheap or for you to help them market their business and in return they start making more sales.
Stay strong @surpassinggoogle.
Indeed the biggest loss in one's life is the Death of one's Mother :(
Thanks for your support and kind words @fadiji09. This shows how much audience love this Great Human Being @surpassinggoogle and actually he deserves this Love, Affection and Care.
Terry! thank you so much for giving us so so much <3
@salmanbukhari54, i actually envy him. He his a strong believer in good course. He has really shown why this community has come to stay. He has really lifted the weary soul on steemit and has also be a source of courage ti anyone going through hard times now. May God continue to sustain him.
As for my mum, may Jehovah help. I did sheer depression and hauntedness and alot of wailing before this post.Yes and there is prove that it works. If you check the sample links, among the first steemgigs was carried out by @fisteganos a naija bro and he got more than 300 on the post alone at a time when steem price was very low. He also got paid by @kus-knee for the gig and they spurred a relationship that involved a facetime call
Resurrection hope really helps us to cope with the sorrow the death brings.
Jah will strengthen you brother.I am sorry about your mom @surpassinggoogle
Thank you very much. Yes, resurrection hope helps matters
It takes a strong mind to be courageous in the face of difficulties and depression.
You have actually done a great research in up staging #steemgigs into containing a who lot of people and also creating the interactive environment between buyers and sellers of good works.
I wish more talent will be discovered and developed using @steemgigs channel.
Thanks for this new research. Stay strong @surpassinggoogle
I am deeply sorry about your mum. I know how that feels myself. Strength my brother. Courage.
I ended my regular job three months ago and now I'm looking for different ways to make a living by doing some kind of freelance work (I'm a programmer and a translator). I am now working very very hard to gain reputation on Fiverr and Upwork, but as you have hinted in your post it is really hard, because there is NO community, just a raw "fight" to make a better offer (by sacrificing monetary blessing). And there are 3rd and 4th parties that take a big chunk of your hard work - it can be so dishartening! :(
However, what you have outlined here (I also previewed brings a bright light of hope for me.
I will be glad to support the project in any way I can, just to make this happen! Keep up your super great work!@surpassinggoogle, this project is awesome! Today is the first time I heard of it by reading your post and I'm already in a better mood now ;)
Good to have people like you. Welcome on board.
Good to have people like you. Welcome on board.
Very sweet to hear. May i please ask, do you code on steem as well. Are you familiar with react language?
No, sad to say, I don't code on steem and I learned only some basics of react. However, I'm pretty familiar with JavaScript and other scripting languages. At the moment I primarily work on making all kinds of automations, mostly written in AppleScript and Swift (also VBA automations), but this is of no use here :(
I'm a fast learner though and I already have React and React Native on my wish list (to learn as my new items of my Swiss army knife). Hmmm, when I finish my ongoing projects, I may start with React...
SteemGigs is another brilliant and wonderful macro project that gives body and shape to all the talents and even those to explore, this project involves us all, you have always said, everyone has something to offer! A market place based on Steem solidifies our Steem and all our beautiful community. So we must all get involved in it. Of course, I am organizing my activities and I will also join to offer my services with steemgigs, with God's favor.
I'm still not clear on how to make the contributions in Utopian, but I'll read these post you've referenced and I'll try.
I put myself in the task of sharing this information. I am present and very happy that your projects to enlarge this community are advancing! Tqm.
Sweetie. It is all small now but you will have a big role to play when it becomes big. In the meantime, do you think you can have time to translate this post in Spanish? And do you by any means know anyone who can translate into Korean?
Of course, I will gladly translate your post!
I do not know anyone for translation in Koreano, but let's investigate
If you need German, I know someone who can do it.
Okay German too. I can the link. Thank you very much
This looks like an amazing platform!
wow! Terry this seems incredible! It seems I should really find some time to thoroughly understand Steemgigs! Do you have any partners from CN community to bring this to the Chinese speaking world? I'll find time to learn more about it and see what I can do to promote it further.
Cheers, Dean
What a pleasant surprise to see a very prominent name from CN Community Sir @deanliu. I think this could be a wonderful idea to translate this project to Chinese language so that people from china could understand and participate accordingly. in this regard I can offer my services and I with the help of my dearest friend @rivalhw can provide a detailed translation for CN Community. @rivalhw is a great and very kind person towards mankind. So I hope we will do it within short time @surpassinggoogle. Thanks for your comment @deanliu and Thanks Terry for your awesome idea and implementation here at steemit. All the best!
Really, how about for Korea? I dont mind seeing a translation from your friend
Gosh i will so love that. SO so so. I wonder if you have time to help me translate this post. And you by some chance know someone you can write in Korean too? Steemgigs is mostly an interface where you will find out the service that steemians can offer in every field or industry and avail of their service by paying steem, sbd or steem power etc and where you can come to request tasks to be done but beyond that we will actively help recommend connections and we will have untalenteed side to it, where will will spot and reward potential talents and help them get better by encouraging to offer a service
I probably don't have much time, but if you need me I can find someone who can like last time. Let me know if you still need me for this purpose (message on discord seems a better way to inform me). Actually, translation is the most basic job for promoting sth to the CN world and tons of people can do that too. I have always been a fan of freelance jobs and I tend to think that modern jobs should all be dissembled into tasks in the future with the help of blockchains. That's basically why I am interested in knowing more about your project. Well, I'll find time to learn more and then talk to you later.
Cheers, Dean
Yes. I will be on the discord soon. Yes, i would love the translation. See you on discord
Terry, I am glad to witness the birth of . Big CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Too thank you
You have earn so much respect and of cause you are a good example. @surpassinggoogle
Thank you for sharing, God bless :-)
Amazing!!!! Voted!
@surpassinggoogle, why is it that is hard to get upvote on quality post this days?
There are many posts and many queues. So the aim should be to stand out not to simply create content
For a broken man, you sure to keep that mind moving. I'm still getting immersed in trying to understand how everything fits, but I completely get the concept you are going for here with Steemgigs. I wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I read it and I'm paying attention, plus I also wanted to tell you that we are amassing troops to help your causes. There are many people out there that will help once they understand things, the trick is to coordinate the process.
Keep doing the wonderful things you do, but I also hope you get the time to heal yourself. The world will be a better place when you succeed with your visions, so make sure you take care to protect our biggest asset.
Cheers Terry, and once again, I'm impressed young man!
Thank you very much
As someone who has been frustrated with hiring from Upwork, which has a myriad of issues and lacks any sense of community, I welcome this! I would love to outsource my next project on Steemit. I am resteeming this so that I have the info when ready to do so.
Thank you very much. We will work hard together
That is really great. I am impressed with the work and can clearly see people using it in future for all the sort of freelance work with no problem of payment method or money.
@surpassinggoogle have you considered making SP as the reward for the Steemgigs so that both the parties involved in the trade will have long term perspective of Steem on their mind?
I wrote about it in my post
Yes it is in the plan. If you check the #untalented paradigm, every participant gets rewards
The truth is you can send sp directly. Infact i just sent you small sp directly

You simply need to click on power up then on "Advanced"
This is a handy feature. I didn't know about this. Checking it out now.
Yes, it is. I have used it many times. Just attemt to power up, then go to advance and change the username and it will power up the new account
Cool! Thanks, this is inspiring to me. I'm going to play with small welding and brazing projects that I can do to sell for steem!
This is a welcome development sir. I have utmost respect for you, this project with the teardrops is a testament to how human you are. I have learnt so much from you and I will continue to do so.
The possibilities is endless, I mean a "triple win situation" where you earn while doing what you love and in so doing foster relationships while becoming popular or known.
You grasped all the graspables. You awesome bro. Stay awesome
I do not find anything that speaks about you!!!
twas more about us
I like that Steemgigs can potentially cut out the middleman such as Fiverr from the equation. That allows both parties to benefit more from the transaction. I also like the fact that we can get paid in Steem or SBD. It also gives us a stake in the Steem platform in the future.
Yeah very true. Steem all the way, In our life we use many types of social platform like facebook, instagram, snapchat, what's app thanks to the technology but i don't know social media that pay except steemit. Social platforms are using our data to make millions but what we get free chats, video calls etc. You know that's not lot of things compared to the millions. But in steemit we paid for what we do. In here we can share our thoughts and stuff we like and you know lot of people are making hundreds even thousands. I think who doesn't like making money with sharing their hobbies and stuff. The point is 2 or 3 years later steemit may become most popular social platform. #untalented has given me so much confidence in steem.
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
I see a bright future for Steem no matter what the current market reads.
Yes @xalos you're right and i second your opinion 100%. Actually this is what i have learnt from this great platform it is all about Win/Win and none loses in it :) Surely it will give the masses a stake in the Steem !
Hiiii are really great!
I feeling much excited when saw your new post and desired to be top comment here. I am realy a big fan of you because of your multitalanted personality. you always do for steem community. your every post has a guideline for us.your every plan is a symbol of your creativity.
your that new feature is appreciatable. and hope much active as usual. thanks.
I think steem and steemit is a very good opportunity to invest in.
I think that you should definitely invest more in Steemit. This will give you the confidence that the Steemit platform is here to stay and that hopefully the value of Steem will also increase.
These are some reasons why the Steemit platform awesome, and why you should invest in it?
First, it is awesome because you can start a blog and earn money immediately with it. Of course, you won’t get hundreds, even tens, when you are starting, but this can come very quickly if you persists.
You can look at some other accounts and see that at one point, posts that were earning cents are earning twenty or thirty US dollar when the posts are of quality of course, and you have built some followers.
Second, Steemit is great because other users can build apps over the Steem blockchain.
Have also a look at the new DTube video site built on top of the Steem blockchain where creators can earn Steem by posting videos. It is perfectly integrated with Steemit and was created by user @heimindanger
There are many more apps that I can’t show you that will help increase the value of Steem in the future.
The third thing I will mention is that you can power up your Steem so you can use your Steem Power to upvote your own posts, upvote others’ posts and comments to build relationships and earn curation rewards.
You can also loan your Steem Power out and get paid Steem back for this. Have a look at MinnowBooster to loan your Steem Power out.
I do not know of another cryptocurrency which has so much potential with a great community and tools.
And finally, steemit is a site that is giving somuch hopes to a lot of people who have lost hope. Look at the #untalented, developed by @surpassinggoogle, it has given somuch hope to people, me in particular. with your username after the / .I will look out for your future posts to get more knowledge from you are more experienced steemianThank you very much @surpassinggoogle .I have indeed used Fiverr before .This is another useful tool to tell all my friends who joining .Iam still relatively new myself .Are there any other Steemit related tools that we can use . A good friend of mine @Clivemartin told me about a useful steemit tool where we can get all our statistics
Totally agree with you! 3d and 4th parties are not interested in how we are doing, they don't even know us. Here is different, you can feel the connection with the real people and in the end that matters the most.
So exactly
The fact that payment will be in sbd and STEEM will give more value to the. I see Steem being the number 1 cryptocurrency in the nearest future
Yes, that and more
Hey @xalos Its very nice idea of @surpassinggoogle. I totally agreed with you.
Boy Terry aka@surpassinggoogle. Do you know is not easy for me to write a post without mentioning your name. I so much believe in your dream and all that you represents on this platform. Just like the last two post i just finished writing some few hours and minutes ago. I wish a lot of guys that critcize you can see what am seeing.
You have such a big dream for this platform and you have a good way of expressing it.
Even of some peole think i don't have talent.Your word alone has convince me that ibhave anlot to offer this platform abd the word at large and am not going to stop.
Thank you for makingsure that everyone is useful and appreciated.
You truly a blessing to us on this platform.
Of a truth you are mine steemit crush. You are not alone becausr somenof us already joined #steemgigs on utopia-io already.
Hahaha thank you very much. We have a long road together. Thank you for persistently remembering me
It’s enough already for me to read all your inspiring words here. This business you are making is the future of steemit and you are leading all of us to a much better path.. you are the legend @surpassinggoogle! :) and also the @teardrops project is one of a kind. Si much positivity you show to people. Thank you for being the light on our roads :)
You are welcome!
You welcome sir. Always proud of you.
This is good news. Business relationships should be more than based on just a transaction of goods and money.
So exactly
Yes sir! Thanks for the post and the update . we always love to read your post. Upvote and resteemed.
Very true! Business should also be fun and make you happy when ordering, discussing the requirements, when delivering the product or service, when getting payed, when reading the feedbacks. Yes, business model is due to be changed ;)
steem future will be very shine for this kin of work .
great post
resteem and upvotedBY THE WAY HOW WAS YOUR MOTHER @surpassinggoogle
I believe @surpassinggoogle mum is fine, she is having a good time with God in paradise, waiting for us to finish our course here, and come join her. Keep up the good work @surpassinggoogle
My mum died
After the huge loss this guy is still doing so much for steemit ...
he is the legend
O, I'm sorry to hear that☹️ @surpassinggoogle. She is resting from this worlds stress and corruption😇. Seemed like my life was over when my dad died, when I was a child. Thank GOD I made it through!.😁. I'm happy to be here on steemit because i find comfort here reading your posts. Thanks @surpassinggoogle
I know how that feels. You are so strong. Going through all that and you still came out fighting. Your @teardrops challenged me and while i wrote and posted something about it two days ago, i could see flashes and memories weighing me down. God is your strength sir!
Yes you are right, because the Future belongs to Crypto World and Steemit is rocking under this scenerio.
Great Authors like @surpassingoogle is working Really Hard to make this Platform a place of Kindness and Love.
Hopefully it keeps rocking on! Gotta have faith in these trying times :P
Yes, Steem future is very bright.
I'm also planning a steemit trade fair where people can buy different things with sbd and STEEM
Steem sure is the way forward
Steem is Most secured social platform with so much connectivity and relationships.
It's 21st century , century revolution of technology and data is one of important thing i think you guys heard about lost their data to hackers. It's not just money stuff you know nowadays hacking is one of the thing people fear of the exchange thing you know . I think i heard news about facebook hacked 2 or 3 years before i guess. This is showing how risky it becomes everyone don't want to loose his or her private thing like nude pic or password etc. In steemit you don't need to worry about this because is safest place that you ever had
Thanks @surpassinggoogle, #untalented had been a blessing. Its a family indeed
thank you @surpassinggoogle for another of your hi-tech initiative
You are very welcome
I love the idea, the more services are being created where Steem currencies are accepted, the better. And sharing the progress using @steemgig and make a little earning on that a beautiful little bonus. We're in the market for some new logos. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this.
Exactly. You are welcome
Steemgigs sounds like such an amazing project. I did some free lancing work on Fiverr before but I didn't it like it too much. I felt that I was being heavily limited by Fiverr by what I really wanted to do. I feel that I can offer so much more using Steemgigs instead.
fiverr and Upwork both have changed their policies. that's for the newbies it is very difficult to work on those platforms.
Yes i agree with that there is hundred of bids on small projects. Its very difficult to get work on these sites .It is better to read some posts & make good comments on steemit. You will earn more than work for a week on freelancer sites.
And you will learn additional by rendering your service to others hear and the currency its self even steem has value as steem power etc
Very well expressed ;) Steemit is a way more rewarding platform (financially and personally)
Yes, I definitely agree. I really didn't have a pleasant experience on it even though I reached a level 2 provider on Fiverr. I always felt I was being exploited by their platform.
yeah. I have done 75 Projects on Fiverr. but after I was busy in my exam for a month. so when I came back they have rated down my account. which was really a panic. so I left Fiverr.
No doubt
Yes, it has worked successfully for months even without an interface, an interface will give it more life
Yes. Same applies to me. I'm very sure I will like this one and you will like it too.
@surpassinggoogle has a record of doing the best when it comes to doing things
Steemgigs is awesome project you are right everyone has something to offer. Steemit is more trusted than other frelancer sites like upwork etc. It is easy to pay directly with steem & built good relation with clients. steemgig is very innovative idea.It is good news that steemgig is now on
Thank you. Looking forward to contributions soon
I agree with you on that. Steemgigs is more trusted
Well said
Well said
After reading this post, I was totally amazed of how wonderful is the concept. The fact that you have brought this idea, it shows that you don't just have a great mind, but most of all you have a great heart especially to the poor people...Now, I am thinking on how am I able to contribute on steemgigs. I wish I could also share my best talent not only to earn , but to inspire and help... I checked out and I saw how awesome it is. We continuously support #steemgigs and we are proud of you Terry @surpassinggoogle
Yes, we will fix all that. We will all have room to shine
Wow wow wow.... then a moderator will talk...
Thank you for your contribution. It has been approved.
Excited now....
Thank you for this sir Terry!
Hahaha yes.
Steemgigs is expanding, the #untalented family is growing, everyone definitely has something to offer.
Remain awesome!
Yep switie. Thank you
What a great idea sir terry! I know every steemians here has something to offer so why not, we will take that as an opportunity. Thanks u so much! Such a brilliant guy.
You are welcome. Thank you switie
This is wonderful. Am happy that @steemgigs is now an open Source in @utopian-io. Now i can have my first contribution using @steemgigs and through @utiopian-io
Thanks to you @surpassinggoogle for your efforts
Hahaha thank you sweetie
Steemit is a wonderful community for me so far and I know with steemit and the wonderful peeps I've met
so far, I know we're going places. Well done @surpassinggoogle..... And even sometime in the future when
your in the masses if you continually pump out hard work you will be rewarded. This opens my mind how
great this is. A great community for great people inside it. Thanks for sharing this.
You are welcome
Cool @steemgigs. An amazing platform that will give open source project contributors fair rewards for the output that they provide. This will in time become a game changing platform for freelancer, developers, etc. cant wait to see the site 100% completely.
So yES. Can't wait as well. Stay awesome
First off, my condolences about ur mom
And I won’t lie after reading this post, i realized that this steemgigs will be a very great project on Utopian, and I will try and be a great contributor to it
And again thanks for the support and enlightenment u have given to us on steemit. Appreciated
Thank you much all round. Will be doing @steemgigs task requests soon
Aren't you just adorable. Amala and Gbegiri is waiting here for you in Ibadan, Nigeria. Massive respect!!!
Great work @surpassinggoogle
God bless you for this and many more Oga Terry.
Thank you bro
Again, I want to say kudos to the boss himself @surpassinggoogle for this initiative. I always ask myself if you have time to rest at all. Meanwhile, I will urge everyone to make use of this opportunity open to us by @surpassinggoogle. See ya all there
I dont rest. My body doesnt any longer know how to sleep. I dont have anything that a regular boy has. This is my role though. For the sake of many, i have to push. When the tools are ready., i will have some rest
Wow.... Great open source on utopian is a nice achievements, waiting to see contributions from various users, as an utopian moderator I am. 😜
Hahaha awesome. Will do task requests real soon
My arms will be open to welcome such ☺
OMG! this is what I've been waiting for!
A proper way to put your articles and gain something that is not undervalued.
Potentially amazing project indeed! This will help the #steemit community to strengthen it's value towards digital currency. Hence, inviting more to #steemit, will create more and more practical source of homebase jobs.
It will help a lot of authors here good or not, showcasing there skills in this industry and so, it creates stable and more profitable gain towards the end.
Kudos to the TRUE potential of #steemgigs (I forgot the name I was talking to about the real job of #steemgigs here) but to both and the rest of #steemgigs team. KUDOS and Bless you guys!
Steem gives is more than a community. I am glad I found this great community within Steemit. Glad to be onboard.
According to me, bring your vision, dreams, expertise, brands, that always existed before steemit and take it to a whole new level by virtue of steem technology.
Many steemians, upon reach steemit, get lost in only the blogging aspect of steemit and forget the other aspects of the steem blockchain. They also tend to forget who they were before they got on steemit but #steemgigs is already helping to adjust this! I will reference a post by @steemgigs beliw Thank you @steemgigs. I want to say that @surpasdinggoogle has been a major driver of it. When i heard @steemgigs was going to be a witness, i immediately voted. Thank you.
Yes, we actually need to vote #steemgig more to help push it towards one of the most voted steemit witnesses.
Thank you bro
Thank you very much
Thank you for the blessings. Let's get it going. Thank you. Jehovah bless
Very lengthy but loaded stuff..
I'll sure copy all and reread...
I'm really inspired by this especially this Funny enough I've asked my friends most of the questions @surpassinggoogle highlighted via this post.
My post have weighthty intentions and especially for newer steemians, so please read as several of them as you can. Thank you for drawing inspiration from this.