osm: Mr. ionlysaymeep welcome
meep: meep.
osm: I need to ask directly, there is a speculation that...
meep: meep?
osm: that you can't say anything but meep.
meep: meep meep!
osm: Is that true?
meep: meep meep meeeeep :( meep
osm: Unfortunately that's true then. Cut.
-off the record part-
osm: want another whisky meep
meep: no that one's meeper, when do i get my money?
osm: which money?
meep: the reward that you promise!
Thanks for your entry! We're getting there. It's all up to @surpassinggoogle who is the judge!
Will be very interesting to judge all these entries!
A whiskey drinker?? Perhaps he is a Scotsman!! And the red hair is a dead giveaway! He is indeed a Scotsman!! :)