* New match every 1 hour
* More players in the match = bigger rewards for winner
* Eat food and other players to grow larger
* Three biggest players in the end gets rewarded by upvotes. There are higher rewards waiting for ending the game with just two or one player left
* Teamwork is not allowed! After a warning, there will be no rewards even if you end up in top 3 and if the act is repeated, the user will be blacklisted from the game
More info
Winner of the match
Congratulations for winning. Get more players to join you next time for bigger rewards!
Second place in the match
lol i was running
I know, but i was hungry 😬
typical ant eater
exactly :D
3rd place in the match
Is this a bug? Why did it write 3rd insted of the usual Third?
Edit: nvm - you got the upvotes :)
Not a bug, made few changes and forgot it was third instead of 3rd. WIll be fixed to next match
That's fine I was just worried he wouldn't get the reward.
Thank you, I really appreciate it!
Is SteemConnect working for you? I can't connect..
It seems like I can't either.
I hope he's just trying to fix the app or something and we're not about to get our keys taken for a ride.
SteemConnect is a bigger project that Steemgar just happens to use. It's used by a lot of projects actually like Busy.og and steem auto so should be fine.
It worked now, unfortunately too late for this game :D
Steemgar has no access to any keys that are entered using steemconnect.
Was just joking around, if steemconnect were to ever get compromised tho... lol.
Same here :(
I got in eventually but it took ages and I started late. Only nine players though. Looks like some game updates made.
Oh sweet, can't wait to see what changes there are.
Oh, not huge. Just scoreboard tells you how many players started and how many left. Mentioned it just because it could be the reason for the reset.
I started connecting earlier it took a minute I would say and I had to re-authorize the app but managed to get in. Last game there was an error on the server so some changes were probably made.
match resolved