Steem fam!
This post is going to be a bit l-o-n-g as it's meant to be my last post about the SF for the year (Not a promise). It will be the combinations of the reasons why - why not, my #roadtosteemfest, my thanks to a lot of you who have been supporting me and the giveaway.
Oh! It's been a long way since my first post with the tag #roadtosteemfest , the project come up by @anomadsoul. Yes, I know one of a few rules is to write it only if you're going for sure. I was 100% sooooo going and I was so excited. Things came up and turned out it's not the best situation for me to attend this year so, lo siento amigo! never meant to ruin the tag, really!

The reason why not SF3
I'm now 98% not going as I am literally not able to (the other 2 % is a daydream luck)..
A lot of you know I so want to but as much as I want to, the financial situation this year is not the best. I have been trying quite a bit by entering some contests : Steem Fest Dream, Openmic x Blocktrades, Smooth, Bitshares, Scorum, Pharesim and also contacting @roelandp if there's any volunteer spots.
the contest. I was lucky enough to be one of them.Totally no luck with the ticket though, @pharesim's so dang kind and added a second price of 100 Steem for 15 participants for
The 100 STEEM was meant to be for the fest (I know, he said 'No String attached' but..). As I decided not to go this year, I think this would probably helps someone who's in need more than I am.
50 STEEM will go to 2 people. I know, somehow it doesn't sound so much but I do believe that every bit helps! This would totally buy you a few beers when you're there or a few nights of accommodation (You could find as cheap as $7 a night in a hostel dorm in Krakow :O). I decided to give away some STEEM as I have been seeing, some of you are also not in a good financial situation but still making your way to the fest so..
Name yourself or someone you know who is..
- Going to SF3 for sure!
- As poor as I am but still going! LOL (Joke! but yeah, really..)
That's it really! :) and no, don't thank me, thank @pharesim! If he hadn't given me the amount, I wouldn't dare giving 100 STEEM either :D

that oneOh! I would also love to use this opportunity (this post) to thank some of you who supported me for the contest held by @blocktrades and @openmic. That was a #deep one. I hadn't really experienced a 1000+ comment post myself till . #intense ! First of all, gotta give @luzcypher and @anomadsoul for holding the fun & creative contest. Not just smiles and laughters, it put the happy tear on my face, really!
Now it's time to get a bit cheesy
One of the contest rules was to ask my Steem friends to come comment on my comment. I mean, I could go and ask them to come help but really couldn't tell them what to write..
I hadn't really realised how deep I had been putting myself into this Steem Community and had been connecting with many people until this contest held. I hadn't expected people would write a long paragraph to support and show some love to this person.. you have no idea how much I appreciate you all! THANK YOU! ❤

I will take time and write back to all. Some might be longer / shorter than others but you know, each relationship is never the same.
@ddaily peeps
Man Crush Monday #1 and I still couldn't find the second one! @adetorrent - I really didn't expect that nice long paragraph and didn't really expect to cry over the read (while I was eating noodle soup out of a pink bowl) either. You know you're one of the peeps I'm sooooo comfortable talking with on the blockchain about pretty much everything (Yes, ASMR and all LOLOL). I was sad you suddenly stopped using discord. I got much more productive just like you said it would but I miss you still! Oh! You're my @captainbob Thanks a lot for showing me some support. You're one of those I respect a lot (more like an older brother.) Thanks for watching my one of my first few dumb livestreams (the Vietnamese coffee one LOL - otherwise I would be dang lonely LOL) and also for not mind (or you do?) teaching me some of the English words when I need help :) @alphasteem Oh my, Lydia!!!! Hahhaa I could write a page about you! Hahaha. Interesting life you got. I'm glad we met in NYC but I regret we didn't hang out more and that I didn't know you more at the time. I so wanna meet you again or do a collab together <3 <3 @alexabsolute I remember first time I watched your vid was when you mentioned me in a post. Also, how kind you did some research when I wanted to buy that Crane M! LOL I sold it btw. I couldn't be bothered carrying heavy stuff around. I weigh 90lb! haha. I am so down to meet and hope you make it to Thailand soon as you've never been so! @tibfox Well, we hadn't really connected much personally until lately but I do appreciate you took time and wrote a few kind words. @elsiekjay I can see we have something in common. We're a hustlers! haha but I'm not as a good (news) reporter like you (in @harshilpatel's vid :D). Glad to see you around everywhere and glad to have you in DD fam! @artakush Smoke a bit less Art. I don't understand what do you say most of the time. phych! (Nah, but really LOL) @sergiomendes You're one of those who supported me early on when I started vlogging on @dtube and gave me so much more of confidense. I love watching your videos too and it just put smile on my face already even some of those will be talking vids. You have that special vibes coming out of you! :D @camuel Cammmm! Thanks for the support and thanks for watching my vids also. You have no idea how glad I was when you said in one of the comments when @dnews did a review on my videos and you said you watched them regularly and even be able to talk about them like you really really watched them. I sooo appreciate! I do love your music (No, I haven't been watching all but I have watched some.) I still wanna do a collab hahaha.@neopch Uh oh! Neo! hahaha I stopped and think a bit when I scrolled down and sae your name's up next :D There's this funny vibes between us. Though, you're one of those fastest crypto dudes with all the news and stuffs and a real hustler for sure. I'd love to meet you in person one day. I really do! @slayerkm I didn't known you're one of those who's so passionate about STEEM and now I do! Glad we have a chance to connect personally lately. @myndnow Here come my younger bro mixed race Thai-German. You're one of the first few Steemians I have met in real life and even invited me into this DD group. Muchly appreciated! I so hope will see you again very soon either in Europe or in Thailand! @buttcoins Oh myyyy!! hahahaha so glad to know we had met without knowing before. What a funny story! I would totally have a chance to go to spend my STEEM at Hostel del lago when you're there for sure!!!! @maneki-neko Oopsy Tru! I feel bad I couldn't find you deep fried bugssss!!!! Next time I will make sure I do my homework before hand :D |

Fundition Team
@addicttolife @enisshkurti @goyard @hightouch I haven't met all of you in real life but we (some of us) 've been talking a bit personally. I would like to tell you guys that I'm so honored to be a small part of Fundition and be able to help when you need me to. I so hope the project goes well and will be able to help those who really need help and change their lives in a good direction just like the purpose of the project is! Keep up the good work you all <3 |
VN Community
@hanggggbeeee @theshinstory @lantracy @ngocbich Vietnameseeeeessss!!! Hahaha Thanks for taking time to show some love. I'm glad I decided to fly to Hanoi to meet you all. Especially, you, Hang ! Thanks for showing me around and took me to get some good food in town. @quochuy I hope you will be one of the top 100 witnesses soon! Thanks for explaining all the witness stuffs but I'm so damn dumb. I don't get it all LOLOL Though, You got my vote!! :D ps. @angelinafx I saw you showed up and gave me some support though I'm not sure at all if we've met at the meetup as we had never talked personally but still, thank you! :) |
The Gang
I don't know what to call your group but you guys seem like a gang(ster.. LOL) who always have fun together. I'm jellyyyy. Come hang out together here in Thailand as I missed you when I went Cali last time! @karensuestudios Though, lucky enough I have met @acromott and had such a great time. It was really a GREAT time :) and yay! @teamsteem will be in Thailand after SF3 and I can't wait!! |
Esteem Crew
@owner99 @horpey @iamjadeline Most of the time we just talked through the discord group. Not so often but I'm glad I am a part of esteem. It's been so far so good and oh my, even @good-karma's kind enough to come by and show some support! I can't thank you enough! |
Cook with Us
@chefsteve has become one of the closest Steem friends I have got here on the platform. Funny enough, you're one of the peeps I saw first from P'Maya (@mayasiam)'s posts and I'd love to connect with. Lucky enough we've met in person in NYC and hung out for a few times and even keep in touch and talk every so often nowadays. I'm sooooo glad I've met you and P' Angie here on the platform chef!! I so wish you really move and live here in Bangkok. @offoodandart @pandamama Kew you guys from CWU contest and you're so passionate. Anna! You're so kind to help me with stuffs when I needed and I so appreciated! <3 |
DLive Peeps
Oh my my my! @dlive's far gone and not on the blockchain any longer. I have to be honest here that I wasn't happy at all with the way the (d)app said good bye. I was not comfortable to go join you guys there though, I'm trying not to mix up work and personal relationship. especially, you ,@jimmylin You're one of those I feel so comfortable talking with on the platform and I don't want the friendship will be gone just because you moved. Just wanna tell you 'We're still friends! <3 and I would still love to meet up again if we ever come across somehow. Canada, Thailand, Taiwan, California.. you name it! :) ' and @realseb @ericwilson we had met in person but haven't talked personally much but thanks for showing your support here. You too mate! @cheech-oz !! |
*Also, a few more peeps who have been supporting me financially, I woudn't tag the names for now but you know I always appreciate you all. I wound't make it a full-time Steemian without you guys <3@patrickulrich We have met at the meetup but now it's a bit bitter sweet so I put you here instead LOL. Thank you so so so much for writing all those kind words. You have no idea how much it means to me and yes, your sentences made me cry for the first time of that day. I so love what you're doing here on the platform. A lot of your content are so useful and you know what, if one day you want to become a witness (as I really think you could totally be one), you got my support Patrick! @romafedorov So close yet so far! It's just here in Thailand but so many kilometers to go meet! LOLOL I am a fan of your vlogs though so keep it up good work and I will fly to meet you one day! @dj123 Oh! Thanks for showing some support. I don't really put so much work as a comedian at all since I told you, I maybe not that funny! LOLOL Though, I can tell you really love the COM community and I hope it grows even bigger and more successful than you want it to be. :) @benfreed I have no idea how could you become one of the regular audience. I want to let you know that I so appreciate your support. All the reads, views, comments. Thank you Ben (and your daughter!) :D @zord189 Thanks for always helping!!! I did what you told me to do so (don't tell people what it is LMAO) I may be visiting Malaysia soon and I would love to meet! :) @travelling-two Guyssss! Totally one of the friends I 'm so comfortable with here and also one of the peeps I met more often than other Steemians. Thanks for all the advice Sam has been giving and I'm glad I have you guys as friends :) <3 @foxkoit Koit! 'I hope the weather is not too cold there' LOLOL your sentence actually hahaa. Thanks for the support man! @coruscate Lea! You're one of those I would love to meet and learn from also but unfortunately, I prolly won't make it to the Fest and won't meet you this time. Congrats for the ticket and I hope you have a GREAT time! I will see you in the US somehow anyways (I hope..) :) ps. I love your smile! @catwomanteresa I saw your passion and I'm glad we had a chance to meet when I visited Taipei! Thanks for holding the meetup and continue being friends here on the platform! I love your art Catty! :) @chekohler I have seen you around here and there. Thanks for stopping by and show some support man! @chiama I remember first time was when I saw your post when I was curating for esteem and yes, you're so beautiful that I had to go talk to Ade that 'Hey, this person is so beautiful' Yes! I did! I know, I'm so weird and I didn't even know why I did it LOLOL Thanks for the support girl <3 @llfarms Justine, to be honest here, I hadn't known you personally at all and knew you first time just from this contest. I love how smart you are when you talked about things. A bit scary also when you talked about you being a curator and you know how to spy well (or something like that - my English sucks LOL). I so wanna meet and learn from you (I do!). Hope we meet somehow somewhere! :) @nattytsteemit พี่แนท ขอบคุณมากๆนะคะ พี่น่าจะเป็นคนไทยไม่กี่คนที่ซัพพอร์ทกันมาตลอดเสมอต้นเสมอปลายเลย เคารพพี่แนทและอยากเจอพี่แนทตัวจริงมากๆค่ะ อยากมากินข้าวแล้วมาเมาท์กันทั้งวันเลย <3 @hangin So funny how we knew each other. I'm glad we met (even though it's such a short tour). We should talk to other Steemians living in Bangkok and hold another meetup again real soon! @evecab Girlllll! how lucky you are going to SF3! I'm jelly but not much I can do haha. I see your intention and I hope you get what you expect at the fest. I will see you somewhere someday :) @kungkuii ขอบใจมึงมากอีกุ้ยยยย!! แท็กมึงไปมึงก็ไม่เห็นอยู่ดีอ่ะ แต่ขอบใจมีงเขียนซะยาวเลย <3 @futurethinker I knew you not so long ago but glad you reached out about the 'What you can do with 5 STEEM' project. That was fun. Glad we have connected! :) @earworm Oh myyyy!! Finally met you in person after 7 months! I was glad! It was a fun day with you and others. @toddjsmith1979 Thank you Todd for being such a great supporter since many months ago. Still remember the shout out and still always appreciate all the advice you gave. Keep on doing what you love and believe in. Hope everything goes well with you! :) @happydolphin Oh! Dolphin! Thanks for being such an audience and always give me some funny comments (People prolly don't find it funny but I do! LOLOL) Hope we meet soon as I wanna see what you look like, really! LOL :D @vincy Wowwww, we talked first time was when I posted about my 16 cent worth DTube vid! LOLOL on and off (but not much) since then but thanks for the support really! :) @daveonarrival Keep the best for last! Ah! Hahahha it's just a coincidence that you're the last one really but THANK YOU for being such a great support. I think I have seen you around since I started on the platform and we've been getting closer and closer somehow. You're totally one of the peeps I would love to meet like, really! Even it's not at SF3, I AM SURE we would come across at some point as you travel all the time and I do too. I'm happy for you that you're gonna be there! I will see you soon, for sure! Thanks Dave!! <3 |

awesome how you take time to appreciate the people who pay attention to your updates!
P.S again you are doing this platform a favor with all the work you are doing!
and I'm sure everyone here gets to feel how hard you work for each post!
at the end of they day it's important to count your blessings!
Respect! <3
Hey, sorry I didn't mention you as this one, I was just mentioning all the peeps who supported me on the last contest. You and your comments you have been giving are always appreciated ! :)
that's no problem! :D
thank you for remembering me tho! it's the thought that it counts ;)
You're just great! So much love in one post! <3
I think that these funds will be useful for @leotrap. I think he is doing really good things with the support of the Fundition and Steemians. It would be nice if he could now receive support from us on his journey to SF.
Thanks for your nomination ! Leo is for sure one of those who sooooo want to go to the Fest. I have seen him everywhere :D
Ahhhh..... thanks by millions!!!!
What the hell is the vid?? LOLOLOLOLOLOL I did laugh and I just didn't know what it's supposed to mean LOLOLOL
anomadsoul and @chekohler ?Hi @waybeyondpadthai, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @anonadsoul and @chekokler don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @
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.Best. Post. Ever.
Thanks Ade 🔥❤️
🙉 Best for last?!?! 🙈 I will let that go to my head.
I'm sure we will meet sometime soon. Sorry you couldn't make it this time. This is a very thoughtful post.
Thank you Dave! See you soooooooooon (soon enough) :)
Here goes.... someone who is going to wander to steemfest and send some joy there is.....
tada @joythewanderer.
and the way you have it in your post, I'm pretty sure the audio version in the comment is not quite useful. :-)
Hahaha Dolphin. Here comes the first nominate. Thanks for always paying attention :)
ohhh damn i was hoping to see you there especially we are the angels!!!
btw can i nominate myself lol .... i'm definately going and flying from Australia is not cheap either. btw, flying off in a few days!!
Yessss too bad! I was so sure a few months ago but now let keep 2% hope up LOL
Have fun there and yes, you sure could nominate yourself! :) <3
Ohh Ya Crazy Asian Girl! :D Thank you for your kind words, appreciate :)
That is sad that you can't go but I do hope that we will meet one day and you will feed me with some proper thai food ;p
I'm poor, still going but i will not nominate myself sooooo.... ohhh! I know. I nominate @artakush because that lithuanian joka smoka nygga owe me 20 so maybe he will pay me back because of that :DDDD
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL He's sure a poor dude :D ! @artakush !
I mean I will try to pick similar words when describing you Mo too ;) Thanks for whatever you meants with that description ;)
Neo - you polish Matrix mother brother! I hope you win and stop crying after helping a fellow family member! Go PL-LT ☆☆☆
Posted using Partiko Android
haha ;D
The fact that you take the time to reply to every comment is one of several reasons why I am great fan of yours
Even since hf20 I can't post and I can only make comment once every 12 hours. I save it for you
I think you are very creative and overall a very good person
The world could use more MO!!!!!!
You are almost SUPER COOL. HA HA
Forgive my attempt at humor. 😎
You are definitely our favorite
Look forward to more
I wish I could have helped you get to steem fest.
Will definitely help in the future
Thanks again for mentioning me
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow, haha Thanks a lot Ben for always being there! As mentioned, I would never take it for granted! :)
Wow, id never say you won't manage to get there.. especially with the quality of posts u r putting out..daily.. several times..what a pity! Hopefully someone will see this awesome post and just give u one ticket straight away.
It's kinda weird that u r not going as you're a professional content creator what's still not that common here on Steemit. We should value such people more as it gives a credibility to the platform.
Haha I've never heard the phrase "I'm jelly" but totally love it :DD
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow, what a compliment here haha. Thanks a lot for saying it and I'm actually ok not going now. That's why I'm giving away this 100 STEEM :)
'I'm jelly' is a real thing! LOLOLOL
You are so beautiful as well and your videos inspire me. Keep being you....
Much love from Nigeria ♥️
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks Chiama!! :)
We shall meet at SF4. My application did not work out so next year is for us ♥️
Posted using Partiko iOS
Oh no. Sorry to hear that and yes, see you someday! :)
Too sad. I thought we may have the chance to meet you at SF3 if I got the free offer.
Hope that we can meet again. Maybe in Bankok, maybe other cities.
Best wishes! I am not sure if I can go or not. So I would like to nominate @travelgirl and @joythewanderer since they have already brought the tickets.
We gotta meet again for sure SOMEWHERE! Hahaha :D Come to BKK soooooon Catty! I will bring you all around! :) Thanks for nominating!
Such a nice move you are having. I had the luck of being selected for that @nd price from @pharesim and must say that what he did really speaks so good about his heart and intentions about the Blockchain.
Now I see what you are doing and believe me is the way.. if I'm not able to go I will do the same as you cause that money must go for the attendees for sure...
Once again... really good move @waybeyondpadthai!
I just agree with all you say! and what!? I think you're going for sure!!! :D I hope you get there as I have seen you've been trying so hard. :)
I’m waiting for the steemitblog to draw my name in the raffle.
Till that happens is like to nominate @llfarms and @buttcoins.
That's actually the 2% I left out as a possibility to be able to go still haha. Thanks for the nomination! :)
Ohhh sorry to hear that. But I know what do you feel. I am the same. Thank you so much for the nice words about me. You actually made me realise that I tend to go and check for new creators now and then and engage with them trying to motivate them to do more 😉 because you are not the first one telling me this. I am glad I was from any help 😀 keep them coming cause You are brilliant ❤️
Posted using Partiko Android
Haha yes, you're one of those who's good at compliment people so yes, go motivate some more :D <3
Ehehe will keep trying my best to do it ❤️
Posted using Partiko Android
I upvoted your post.
Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless
Posted using condenser site.
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Chúc mừng @waybeyondpadthai, bạn đã nhận được một upvote 25%. Tôi là con bot của cộng đồng Việt Nam trên Steemit. Tôi được tạo ra bởi nhân chứng @quochuy và được uỷ quyền, tín nhiệm bởi các thành viên Việt Nam, hôm nay tôi vote cho bài của bạn để ủng hộ bạn. Tôi hi vọng sẽ được thấy nhiều bài viết hay từ bạn.
Chúc bạn vui vẻ, và hẹn gặp lại một ngày gần đây.
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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
Great post! I could use some donation of steems but I don't know who is going and i'm definitely cant go, keep up the good work! I wish I could produce my contents as good as yours. Good luck and stay Blessed
Thanks a lot! You have a great one and thanks for stopping by! :)
Hi @waybeyondpadthai!
Your UA account score is currently 4.934 which ranks you at #1144 across all Steem accounts.
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In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 279 contributions, your post is ranked at #94.
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It's a shame you wont be there!!
พี่เพิ่งเห็น....โทดทีมาช้าไป...ขอบคุณน้องโมเช่นกันค่ะ มาอเมริกาครั้งหน้า แพลนแอลเอด้วยนะ 5555.... เจอกันที่เมืองไทยปีหน้า อีกปีนึง 55555 ไม่นานเกินรอ
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