SteemFest² Updates - New Names Announced - Announcing Pop Up exposition: Art At SteemFest

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)

Day and nights slowly begin to mix up and seem to start and stop at random intervals. Yes yes! Only 3.5 weeks till SteemFest 2!


  • In this post: New names added to the SteemFest² site
  • SteemFest's HF Hotels dedicated booking site closed, as announced before. No worries: Book directly through HF Hotels or via Act fast as prices will not go lower....
  • Come 1 day early and join the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon on Wednesday 1 November 9 AM, open to Designers, Conceptors, Developers, Creators, Thinkers and Humans!
  • In this post: Pop up Art Gallery in LX Factory, looking for your artwork: Art At SteemFest.

Lisboa - Tram by Federico on Flickr

New names talking / performing at SteemFest² announced:

  • @ana.telepova (RU): Flacoin Co-founder
  • @anasya (RU): Flacoin Co-founder
  • @detlev (DE): CEO, Speaker, Consultant, Author, Traveller, BBQ and BeerSaturday creator
  • @ballinconscious (US):Hypnotist, Therapist, and Musician

Week updates

Last week's wedding in Greece was nice, albeit having truly Dutch weather at the couple's wedding instead of a nice Greek sun. However both gf and I had shimmering fever / flu for all week and then a late evening flight with our 1.5 y/o son was quite the hell :) I was so happy when were finally home :) First world problems, I know.

This week was about making some printable stuff for SteemFest, visa invitation letters, calling with Lisbon, finding suppliers for print stuff, arranging temporarily package storage space and many one-on-one talks on, Telegram, Whatsapp etc.

Two days ago I had a 10 minute interview with Business News Radio, a national broadcaster, about SteemFest, Steem and Dtube, which was cool! Listen here (dutch).

With 7+ venues where the events happens it all brings in some logistics and back&forth mailing. Hey! I already received the lanyards & event wristbands here in Amsterdam. Will forward them to Lisbon prior to our departure in 2 weeks time, to have them in time at the event.

Art At SteemFest

Art at SteemFest is back, and how!

At the base of Ponte de 25 Abril, on former textile factory grounds, nowadays called LX Factory will host a Pop Up Art Gallery with the exposition: 'Art at SteemFest' for the complete duration of the event from 1 to 5 november! Very close to where the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon will take place!

DIY Citytrip Weekender. The gallery will be open to the public and mainly visited by Steemians during the 4/5 november DIY Citytrip Weekender ofcourse as on 2/3 November people are 'somewhat' busy with the main conference.The owners of LX Factory came up with this place and together with help of @everlove, @paolobeneforti, @skapaneas, @opheliafu, @toonpunk, @voronoi, @prc, @kolatz, @silviabeneforti, and @timsaid this will become a nice creative hub, especially during the

There will be prints, projections, screens with artworks by fellow Steem artists. You could opt to join a photowalk on saturday by @timsaid, or an art workshop by @opheliafu. Maybe work together on a canvas and more!

Calling all Steem Artists!

Want to be considered to be part of the exposition? Either in print or on a screen? Supply your work of art (drawing / painting / photograph) which you want to have at display on SteemFest. (1 work per user, so pick your personal best / favorite).

How can you apply?

  • Supply a HIGH RESOLUTION (printable, so really high resolution (1024 pixels wont work, lets go for 4000 pixels minimum) version of your work and your Steem username, the title of your work, year of creation, and country of residence via this form.


  • Submitting won't guarantee your work will be displayed at SteemFest
  • By submitting your work you give us, organisation of SteemFest the right to reproduce your work whether digitally or in print for the purpose of displaying it at SteemFest 2017. You retain all rights ofcourse.

Have a great weekend!

Liquid rewards from this posts go to @SteemFest
There are 5 pages

Happy to be attending & speaking at steemfest2 this year! I am looking for several volunteers for my presentation that would like to experience being hypnotized.

The one who has the strongest ability to go into the state of hypnosis, will be the one I choose for demonstrating it for the audience.

For everyone who is interested in experiencing the state of hypnosis (for those who are going to steemfest2), please comment below or contact me on steemit chat. Thanks.

I love how you're giving yourself to this Steemit community @ballinconsciou. Presenting and offering a free ticket to SF2!! We'll be seeing you in Lisbon!!

Thank you, I am doing my best! I really want to provide as much value as possible to other peoples lives.

ah, nice to see a colleague! I just checked your profile and see your account @hypnosisawaken, what a coincidence! My business (not practicing at the moment due to regulations in this country/diploma's from another country...) is called: Pure Awakenings. :) Hope to see you at steemfest..

Indeed. Oh yes, that is my alternate account for all things hypnosis. I lost the password though for a long while so I never posted on it. Just recently found it again though so I might start posting on it again. Awesome, awakening is a very powerful word. See you at steemfest buddy ^_^

That's ideal @ballinconscious!!! There's really nothing else to do!

Perfect, Growing stronger day by day.

please foloow me and vote and comment me friends

@naeemahmed, if you want followers and voters it would be wise to invest your time in providing US with something to upvote and follow!! Begging is considered spamming, and you may find that others will flag you for such activity and ruin your reputation. Hopefully we can inspire you to step up to the plate and contribute to make Steemit an even more amazing experience for us all.

You should too follow and vote.

Lol that is funny

I´m nervous I don´t know what to paint !! :S

It doesn't matter @yusaymon!!! No matter what you do it will be AWESOME!!!! No doubt!

Thanks !!!! <3 <3 your words are magic and I'm feeling a deja vu with you dear!! :)

also follow me and upvote me as

what platform? Steemit? why would they do that?

Since we are roommates I expect a lot of hypnosis! If I do anything unseemly, we'll blame it on that, not the beer. Hehe.

hhahahaaha well planned!

Yeah, sure I would be happy to. Haha no, No body does anything that goes against their moral code during hypnosis. But I can hypnotize you to get really drunk without drinking alcohol!^_^

Nooooo... That would destroy my success on Steemit! :D

haha naaahh, everyone deserve a little fun once in a while. Any effect created by hypnosis can be nullified instantaneously. ^_^

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah? What about that new fork coming? Cash wins out?

Wow man, that's great! I wish you the best of luck and I'm looking forward to your talk :D

Maybe @things wants to get hypnotized?

Thank you, I appreciate it. Yeah me too, I am going to be covering a lot in a very small time period ^_^

Yeah, I am open to hypnotize anyone, including you if you want :)

Looking forward man!

Not quite sure if it's something for me, haha. What silly things will you make me do?


haha, your just being silly. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, so only things that you want to create for yourself will happen. I couldn't make you do anything that would go against you moral code ^_^

I really had something in mind such as making me act like a chicken - you know, that's what they do in the movies :')

So how does this thing work then!

Well that is possible, but it is much more fun for stage hypnosis related suggestions say something like a person feet are stuck to the ground; Then seeing their reaction when the can't move them is the best ^_^

Basically it works by connecting directly to the subconscious mind, bypassing the critical faculty of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind has no filters and has the power to make any idea become a reality. Accessing this part of the mind allows positive changes to happen for someone when they may resist it as being true any other time.

i'd love to. But i doubt my liver can shoulder hypnosis!

Great, but that is a false statement. Hypnosis has no negative effects on the physical body, it has nothing to do with your liver unless you would like to give a positive suggestion to that part of your body. Only those desired changes that you want to make for yourself and your body will be created.



hopefully i accepted on the art race@ballinconscious : I have signed up

Awesome, Glad you signed up for the art. My hypnosis presentation and the volunteers I am looking for are completely separate though from the art collaboration ^_^

I voted at your post. Please follow you and vote on my post.......

The website publicly condemn supporters Segwit2x

Am glad sir, hope to be there. It would be a great experience for everyone.

I am glad to. Yeah it will be an amazing experience for everyone for sure.

I am glad too, well I might see you there. ^_^

Haha... you will surely am positive.

I will indeed, thank you for the encouragement.

Am glad sir, hope to be there. It would be a great experience for everyone.

I love how you're giving yourself to this Steemit community @ballinconsciou. Presenting and offering a free ticket to SF2!! We'll be seeing you in Lisbon!

Thank you, I always share the gift and knowledge that I receive. See you at steemfest2, will be good to meet you.

Thank you, I always share the gift and knowledge that I receive. See you at steemfest2, will be good to meet you.

I love how you're giving yourself to this Steemit community @ballinconsciou. Presenting and offering a free ticket to SF2!! We'll be seeing you in Lisbon!!

also follow me and upvote me as thanks

Very nice info thanks very inspirational.I will follow you.

This is an incredibly exciting announcement @roelandp!!!! Creativity is the basis of life and I'm grateful you are giving importance and attention to the strong artists' community here on Steemit. We have a lot to share! I'm excited to exhibit the collaborative works of nearly 100 Steemians--we've made over 480 pieces of art together in the Collaborative Art Journey already. I have no doubt that Art At Steemfest will be a potent stop on our Lisbon journey. Your hosting of this event is greatly appreciated @roelandp. You really know how to throw a party!!!

And I'll be sending you some art of my own. Bless! <3

I'd forgotten about actually submitting some of my own work for this- thanks for reminding me :D

You organisation skills are amazing @roelandp - I'm very excited to be a part of this great event!

Yeah, I think so too. Roelandp is a good man. One love!

That's great May be I join in this event ..

Excellent news! I will 100% be submitting artwork and I recommend everyone do the same! Let’s show off our artististic 👨‍🎤 guns 💪 I know we have some massive talent here on steemit so I expect some awesome work! Can’t wait to visit the gallery , I’ll keep my art school crit myself 😉

Have an excellent weekend as well @roelandp and awesome to see you speaking @ballinconsious!!

Very nice info thanks very inspirational.I will follow you.

Those who follow me follow you back.

Maybe I'll browse my beer photo repository... Why not!

Interessant interview! Goede luisteroefening voor vandaag.
Ik voel me in de nederlandse les nu.


Tot binnenkort in Lisbon!

hey @roelandp .. I'm still trying to fund my way to SF2 ... hope I can make it. I have submitted my digital artwork in 5000x5000 pixel. Hope you receive it. Here was the post which I highlighted it previously Cheers !

Excellent work @roelandp. You seem to have it all put together, great man, my respect for you just leveled up +1000.... I wish you the best at steemfest and I hope to attend the next one if not this one.... At least I'd get to meet @ballinconscious and experience hypnosis....Hahaha

Wow! I wish I could be there! Maybe my art can be there in my place. I will look through my works and select something to submit. Upvoting, following and resteeming to get the word out and to make the registration info easier for me to find.

I already sent my art so that it can be analyzed. I will not go to the Steem Fest, but I hope my work of art may be there. Muito Obrigado!

great! Silvia and I will send our works to be printed, and will help as we can to support the art hub :)

Powerhouses on deck!!!


please follow me i will follow you

greeeat!!! I was SO looking forward to this post, last year was a great experience knowing my art was on Steemfest. This year I am so exited to have an oportunity to be part of this party again <3
Till where is the deadline to submit the artworks?

don't wait up to long but let's say until 25th oct?

Excellent. I need to get a really awesome (and hi res) photo asap!

okay! I have enough time then. I'll make it this week :)

Good morning to the incredibly awesome, planner extraordinaire, @roelandp :) I know that you must be one of the busiest men on the planet at this time, and I realize it's a great deal to ask, but I sent you a message in chat (It might appear there are a number of messages, but they were actually failed attempts to upload something, I promise the message is no longer than this one, haha!

I completely understand if you don't get a chance to take a look, but if you do my gratitude will know no bounds! Did I mention you were awesome? Also incredibly handsome, second only to my husband, lol!

Love seeing all the exciting updates!

SteemFest just keeps getting better and better! I am most looking forward to meeting all the fantastic people that are going to be there. I just finished my Creamy & Delicious interview with you! Quite Satisfying!

Man, if I had the money to get there, I'd give you all a slideshow of pictures and music like nothing you would have seen before!!! If only...

@quinneaker generously suggested me to participate in his contest to win a free ticket to STEEMFEST II, but it doesn't cover the plane ticket and extra money while I'd be there... the cost is prohibitive for me at this moment in time, though I'd LOVE to be sharing this kind of journeys with you all.

Many blessings for the update, new names and offers. Keep on thriving, keep on Steeming and smiling, namaste :)

you are luckiest commentator i like too

Thank you so very much, I definitely appreciate the graces, more deeply than any words could share... Too many blessings to even consider counting them, there's simply too many of them! ;)

Namaste :)

it would be a pleasure to meet you in Lisbon, @eric-boucher. Crazy miracles do happen, so you never know what may come!

Would you wish to consider helping me put sound and a slideshow of the Collaborative Art Journey together for projecting in the art space? I'm really excited to share the works of the amazing artists that participate in this initiative.

Very nice info thanks very inspirational.I will follow you.

@everlove, I can only agree with you, crazy miracles do happen, that's why I believe anything can happen at any moment. It kind of convinces me to never take anything whatsoever for granted...

This said, as it stands so far. I don't have enough money to afford a plane ticket, even if I won the ticket to partake to the events themselves. I do more than wish to help put sound and a slideshow together for the Collaborative Art Journey and would be more than glad to share this journey with you. On one level, I can prepare at least one, if not more... Working with you on such a project would be an honour and I strongly believe a major blast only equalled to the one of giving exposure of other Steemian Artists to the rest of the SteemFest Crew and, especially, the world. I strongly believe we could make them shine!

If the opportunity rises, so be it, we are going to be an amazing team together. If not, we are still working toward the benefit of it all and, if it is ripe for the universe, it shall come to fruition.

Thank you so very much for reaching out my way with such kindness, with an open heart as wide as your mind... We are blessed! Much gratitude and light abounds your way from my heart too. Thrive on, Steem on and namaste :)

Let's hold space for the newness of opportunity. Never taking anything for granted or limited ourselves by what presently is are very wise moves @eric-boucher.

I will contact you on Steemit Chat and see if your skills will benefit these artists. I so thank you for your optimistic and open perspective, willingness to step in and be of service, and for the blessings. Thrive On Indeed!!!

I did not find you on SteemitChat. Is there another way to contact you?

Well, maybe you can just send it to:
Eric Boucher
24 Riley Pl.
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9T 5B9

Is it an option? Namaste :)

I would need to have a bit of a discussion with you to tell you what it is I need, and the files I have are digital so no need to mail. Perhaps an email?

I just sent my photograph application for the SteemArts Fest! Joy... Namaste :)

as I can't seem to have access to the so-called, maybe you can email me at If it is too small an option, we could jump onto instead? I' not sure I follow you right here, but I'm openly ready to hear. LOL! :) The pleasures of communication!?. Talk to you soon, namaste :)

Hi Roeland, also check my #2 blog about Portugal/Lisbon 😊 Always handy for people who want to get a glymps of the Lx factory

I'm going to visit your blog, as I'm going to visit Portugal @lizzykazoe!! Thanks for sharing. I'm excited to see this venue.

greeeat!!! I was SO looking forward to this post, last year was a great experience knowing my art was on Steemfest. This year I am so exited to have an oportunity to be part of this party again <3
Till where is the deadline to submit the artworks?

Great post, again,! Thank you for what you're doing. Upvoted @ 100% my friend. Keep up the good work.go ahead.we are with you all of luck

Many many thanks for upvote our comments. @thing-2 @upvoteing you are a great man.i salute you boss.go ahead.we are with you all of luck


Great additions to the list - love to see @detlev on it. Enjoy it there - the more you add on the speakers list the more i get jealous for not being able to join, ext time please do it around September / October or even May / June time frame.

As a total noob here and without any connections but some marketing experience I hope this event will be the WOW Happening to drive Steemit to the platform to, Steem to be the token everyone needs especially for businesses. I will check all news around it! Hope the marketing strategy will announced and Steem has a real chance against Waves for example, not speaking about bitshares or EOS as i think they are not even far related to becme successful at all

see you in Portugal!)

Nice idea with the steem fest. Good luck

Thats my motivation for the hard work everyday. To reach one day my goals.

Greatest post on steemit so far, loving what am seeing steemit loveit

We should get a countdown! With prizes reverting to @SteemFest!

Over the countdown, people can just point out ideas for extra joy or to simply boost current participation. A pool I would say...

So in resume: A countdown with a pool... every week.
Anyone out there that knows about embedded pool questionnaires that can integrate with steemit posts?

Awesome! I can't wait for Steemfest. I am interested in participating in the art exposition. My camera can do a maximum resolution of 4000x3000px. Would this meet the required minimum?

Hi Roelandp!
I've participated, but just wanted to to double check the artist rights with regards prints.
Are prints intended to be sold or given away?

Hi @roelandp, All this seems amazing with lots of positive and thrilling vibes. I want to say thanks to @opheliafu, @toonpunk, @voronoi, @prc, @kolatz, @silviabeneforti, and @timsaid for their efforts. Well done!

By the way, for some reason, this is funny:

Come 1 day early and join the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon on Wednesday 1 November 9 AM, open to Designers, Conceptors, Developers, Creators, Thinkers and Humans!

Please don't forget to share the live streaming.

You people are an asset to the Steemit community. So stay awesome.

Great post. Loved all the updates.

Steem On! , subscribe and you are the first to know when the livestreams are up. Livestreaming from Day 1 & Day 2 conference.

original post is here
@roelandp I think this is one of my best artwork, I created after joining steemit , please check if it deserves little part at steemfest

great. noted. thx.

thx. I hope we'll have a great Art event and it will be a new start for the art community on Steem

this is great, I will send one of my works :)

OMG I´m so nervous I´ll do my best!! I´m excited ^-^

Thanks for letting us know!

i really impressed this picture

What is the benefit in it?

Thanks and congratulations for a successful post.


I think this is a best effort and great gift of god which he give a great success to this post.

Great guy @roelandp you guys are doing great ...with all those great steemians sure this i already a big success ...

I wonder how many millions of tourists were photographed in this chair? 😃Next to the famous Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. You will walk along Lisbon, you will not pass by. This is the area of ​​Shiado and the famous café "A Brasileira", where you can have a snack and drink luxurious Portuguese coffee ..., say hello to Fernando!

You know.. the tricky thing... I have passed this place... like ... 100 times... never took a photo, never sat on the chair, never shook his hand! But at Portuguese school, I had to read all the "required" books, and remember him several times over the years.

Interesting... life!

It's not Shiado, it's Chiado.

That's the name of the Hostel, not the name of the place. Believe me, I'm Portuguese ;)


hope one day i ll be there too ; nice placebig respect for Portuguese , thanks for the info @pipokinha

Very nice info thanks very inspirational.I will follow you.

Okay dude, this is getting awesome day by day, thanks for your timely updates. Apart from your updates I am just lost in that photo which you have shared above, it is so deep. Thanks

Yeah its beautiful. Btw if you look in the above picture's title tag I added the source (CC) from where I got it (CC licensed)

Didn't notice that, but I actually liked it a lot.

vet man !
SUPER VET! great and useful. happy to be able to add insight with this post.

jexblackmore (US): Interdisciplinary artist and activist. Spokesperson for The Satanic Temple.

upvoted. WTF @roelandp ?

this is a very good post

great! I will send our works to be print and will help as we can to support this art hub ;-)

@rolandp Geachte heer, toen ik me ging verdiepen in wat het 'steem fest' inhoud, werd ik echt enthousiast toen ik vernam dat er ook een 'steem art' evenement zal zijn. Omdat ik persoonlijk denk dat ik een kunstwerk heb die erg goed zou aansluiten bij wat de steemit community is. Namelijk een open visie over zowel technologie als alle vormen van creativiteit. ' Books vs Ict' is een kunstwerk waarbij ik net de veranderlijkheid van technologie en de bijhorende kennis wil aankaarten. Waarbij ik de evolutie van boekdrukkunst tot sociale media wil laten reflecteren door de verscheidene fotobewerkingen en de daarbij horende short film. Meer informatie vind u . Mocht u net zoals ik overtuigd zijn dat het kunstwerk 'Book Vs Ict' wel een plaats verdient op de tentoonstelling die plaats vind tijdens 'steem fest' verneem ik dit graag van u. Alvast bedankt.

oh really i ken do it

click here.Congratulations @roelandp, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 22 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1269.06. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

I wanna go so badly

I voted at your post. Please follow you and vote on my post.......

I can hardly wait now! This is coming around so quickly. Looking forward to meeting many Steemians.

Thanks for your incredible hard work getting all this set up Roeland and for all you do.

There are 5 pages