For introverts attending a conference or a fest can be mentally and physically exhausting
But avoiding them won't do you any good, attending them can actually do wonders for you and your business
The good thing is that you don't have to change your personality in order to get value from confrences
Steem Fest would no doubt be awesome and i would definately attend if i have enough funds come November
When some people think of Steem Fest, they think of Five days of endless small talk, which is their idea of hell
If you fail to change this Mindset, then you will find yourself in Steem Fest glued to a spot and unable to go around and connect with people
Steem Fest is just once a year and they may so much pressure to make the most out of it and connect with most people possible
The one key thing you should also note is that you should attend only if you are genuinely interested in going, that way you will likely feel more engaged and have something to talk about with other attendees
Or you may find yourself alone walking around the streets of Lisbon
But if you feel that it is not a must to connect with others you can just attend the keynotes sessions and skip the meets and greets
But doing that would surely leave a big hole in your Steemfest experience
I am an Introvert somehow and i have found out that the problem i face is not actually talking with strangers, but rather making small talk with strangers, the trick is finding someone who shares a mutual interest with me
If i find such a person then i find myself making small talk for a long period
So the real question becomes: how do you get to that moment? You will definately have to go through other moments of small talk
A good way to find people of common interest is to first read their posts here on steemit and engage with them, so that when you meet them at Steem Fest, you will instantly hit it off
When you have met with this people at the Fest and reached a satisifying number then you can go back to your hotel room and watch a movie in your pajamas
How Do You Break The Ice With Complete Strangers In An Authentic Way?
Like I said before, i am not an Extrovert but I am not a full Introvert either
I come in at the middle
But I have found out that the best way I break the ice With Strangers is when I take an active part in what is going on, like being a volunteer or help for others, at this stage I have no choice but to Interact With People
So for Introvert, the best way not to miss talking with people is actually putting yourself out there and being of help to others
And if you feel like the interaction will drain you, then you can leave early everyday. That's right, you don't need to feel guilty about bowing out early or anything
Just ask yourself in advance: " What will success look like for me in Steemfest?". Does it mean meeting specific people( I will really love to meet @papa-pepper if i go)
The main thing is to set your goal, so when you reach it, you can go back home gulit free
You have to factor in all this variables or come November you find yourself in Lisbon and by the time the Fest is over, you will end up feeling like you did not achieve anything
Happy Steem Fest In Advance
Thanks for Reading
Follow @ogochukwu
Steem Fest Banner gotten from @reolandp Post.
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As always,on i wish i could attend also.
I am also in the middle of Intro/Extrovertism. I think they call this "Ambivert." Small talk pains me, too! Finding people with common interests I think is the key to avoiding this, and this seems to be an amazing place to do just that (I'm still new here), so making friends before you go is likely ideal for us Ambiverts and then networking from there should be a breeze.
Cheers, m8!
you may gain more insight into your personality and how others operate by studying the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI. It's opened up a lot of understanding for me as an Introvert as to why I interact well with some people, and why others just plain are a pain that I don't want to deal with.
I have heard of that! Thanks for the suggestion!
You should, it is quite interesting. It can amswer many quations you have about yourslef.
Great suggestion. Did this years ago and it has been helpful I'm a INTP.
yep, I share 3 of your traits. One thing I do is in noisy environments I put a little bit of slightly wet cotton in my ears to cancel out the confusion of background noise. It helps me think better.
Haha, great read. Receive my 100% upvote for your STEEMFEST fund. Hope you have the chance to get the visa. Write me when you come ; )
My introduction post might be of interest for you. Would be nice if you want to join the team. It is actually connected with this post:
We also have a partner office in Nigeria. Maybe you've heard about it?
Ohh small talk is the worst, awkward conversations about the weather etc, if you get to the pajamas stage then you know you are doing something right and made a potential friend xD I mean that in the most non John Candy from 'trains planes and automobiles' kinda way
Take my introvert's high five!

Very Funny @artz
nice ........
support me too...
How I feel in any social situation
Nice advice, so we have set it up to our purpose before going to that fest. Yes.. that is good advice. Thank you my friend! :)
Thanks for reading Hanto
I am introvert myself... thats one reason i prefer blogging rather than youtube. But i guess we have to break barriers now and then
gaining information on how you view and interpret the world helps understand others as well. I've learned a lot from studying the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. The more you look the deeper it gets, and helps clear the air in confusing situations.
This is my own contest to help fund someone who speaks Spanish to get to Portugual. Later, I made another post making fun of it over here. The reward is not a fixed amount but the liquid rewards. So, far the lucky winner will be rewarded with twenty pieces of gum or a cup of coffee.
Folback n upvote back mine bro @kakilasak :)
@ogochukwu nice meeting you here. Good to see that your Nigerian and igbo too and my brother. Pls i would like to contact you. Pls follow back.
sends you virtual high five from SEA!
136 dollars promotion cost for a mediocre post about how to behave at a meeting. A few lines above you said that you do not have enough money to go there. You are generalizing all the time as well. "you mustdo this in order to achieve that". Don't take it personal now please I am saying this a a critic!
Good post and actually true ;-) Thanks @ogochukwu
I really look forward to going and making some wonderful connections.i can't wait!
this is typical for introverts in my opinion. Part of the trick is not talking excessively with an extravert or your energy gets drained. The other factor that comes to mind is reaching for a common area with some depth in it, versus superficial conversation. Of course there are other factors involved, especially if you've studied personality theory via MBTI. In which case focusing on an area of mutual interest definitely helps keeping the conversation going. Of course avoiding "dead air time" can be a tell tale sign that the conversation needs to move in another direction.
Refeshingly honst and
Even if it turns out to be bunk Spain is still a beautiful country. If I had the money I wouldn't miss out on the chance to see both
Conan is that you ?
Hey @ogochukwu
I would like to apprecite the thinking of yours your really amazing person with a good idea .. You done a lot of effort for creating that content I would like to apprecite thag your making valuable content for the people of steemit
I must apprecite your effort in a really way .. I don't have word to explain how you guided us in a real way
Thanks For Effort and Support
Thank you for reading @sophiaolive.
And thanks for your appreciation. It means a lot to Me.
God bless you.
upvote my comment for no reason?

Well I would absolutely 100% go and soak up as much knowledge as I possibly could if it were in Texas, or even near by. I've traveled in at least 15 countries and I couldn't tell you one thing about Lisbon other than they seem to have a big bridge in the background. Really do wish I could go so I can to grow within Steemit.
Well said @ogochukwu . Like you, I fall somewhere in the middle. Small talk can be boring, but if it leads to a genuine friendship, then it is soooo worth it. I've made some good friends by starting small talk with someone standing next to me at the grocery store, also picking out fruit, lol! All the best to you. I hope you are blessed with many meaningful connections in life.
Hello @denisechips
Thanks for reading and your kind words.
God bless you.