Kindly need your support for the upcoming SteemFest²!
The visions of me being at SteemFest² won't let me rest. My fellow steemian friend @yoshiko motivated me and I have decided that I want to travel to #SteemFest2 and started making my reservations. Unfortunately no rooms can be reserved at HF Hotels Lisbon at the time of this post. I thought I would ask if anyone could share a room before I buy the air ticket?
Payment can be done in your terms (reasonably).
It will be me and my baby son - he is a very quite and curious baby and this could be his first historic trip across the world from #Korea! How awesome would it be to tell him that his first ever travel in his life was a trip to SteemFest²!?
Thank you steemit community in advance and I really hope my dream can come true! It would be super nice to meet some guy named @ned ;-) organizer @roelandp and others! Dreams of learning and progress! Ahh.
Here's my introduction post so nice to meet you :).
Hey @hannaju - I also checked, there are indeed some good airbnb options. Let us know if you ended up going or not. If not, next year would be great too. By the way, I read your introduction post and felt that it's such a small world as I am currently living in Toronto. I'm following you and looking forward to all the great content you would share with us on Steemit!
oh my dear @steemit-foodie Thank you!
If I fine right one , I'll let you know then!
by the way! YOU also in Toronto now??? wow!!!
it's really such a small world We are living now!
So, great to hear from you! I do not feel like a lone.
Thanks again! @steemit-foodie! keep in touch!
Good luck to you friend - please keep us posted.
i am not there, so i can't help with that, but an upvote and resteem might help, hopefully
Thank you !
Check out plenty of options there
Hi @chiefmappster, I just opened my laptop, I'm going to check it out!
Thank you a lot!
You're welcome. I saw several rooms around 50-70 USD. Good luck :)
맞아요. 에어비앤비가 희망이죠. 우리집도 그걸 하기 때문에 그 효과를 알아요. 어떻게 잘 해결되셨나요?
휴~ Steemfest 가려고 늦은 임박에 준비하려다가 아쉬운 마음 저버두고 다음을 기다리고 있습니다. @tata1님 ㅠㅜ
그러셨군요. 스팀페스트는 1년에 한번 있는 이벤트인가요?
넵~ @tata1님 일년에 한번 있다고 하네욤^^
이번에 가려고 했는데... 늦게 계획 잡다보니
생각되로 진행 못되 캔슬하고 다음으로 미뤘습니다.
와....미국에 계신것도 아닌데 거기까지 마음을...거기서 어떤 일이 벌어지는건가요?
Sorry darling, this post got buried under a ton of shit posts by people only caring about money. 😐You will have another chance, promise.🐯
@kaliju I felt so sad here at the moment! Wow
you ahould contact authority
Thanks your attention!
하나주님~ 다음번 스팀페스트에 참여하실건가봐요!!
넘 멋저부러 :))) 묵으실수 있는 숙소를 꼭 찾으실수 있길 바래요 ^^
그나저나 사진에 하나주님 너무 아름다우세요 >____<
저 진짜 이렇게 쑛숏커트인데 여성미 풍기시는 분은 하나주님이 첨이에요!ㅎㅎ
늦게라도 관심가지고 읽어주셔 고마워욤^^
늦게 결심하고 스팀페스에 가려고 했는데...
생각대로 안아서요... 이번엔 그냥 패스했었어요...
다음의 기회를 기다려야죠~^^
쑛커트 생각보다 반응이 괜찮았어욤^^
출산하고 과감하게 빡빡이"로 변신했었죠~
지금은 많이 길어서 저정도 입니다. :D