Yay! Glad we had the same favorite moments. Of course we would. We also hate flavorless chemical sticks with the same intensity. And we laugh at metal thingies in the...well you know.
Lol. If it weren’t for your complete lack of care or concern for pretty much anything , leading you to basically “tell all” about...well...you...and a sleeping baby, we would not ya r firmed this bond. I do not believe in fate. I think things just happen but I’m glad that weird series of events took place leading us here.
Yay! Glad we had the same favorite moments. Of course we would. We also hate flavorless chemical sticks with the same intensity. And we laugh at metal thingies in the...well you know.
Lol. If it weren’t for your complete lack of care or concern for pretty much anything , leading you to basically “tell all” about...well...you...and a sleeping baby, we would not ya r firmed this bond. I do not believe in fate. I think things just happen but I’m glad that weird series of events took place leading us here.