@timcliff in working on our data analysis projects we found the following things that could help:
1. Who is maintaining/managing each API/Project?
For example, it doesn't take a lot of digging to find out that @furion is behind SteemData, but it would be helpful if the right contact for each tool was publicized.
2. What is the status of each project?
For example, if SteemSql or SteemData is down for maintenance, you really only find out when you run your script.
3. Node statuses
I know there are other resources that track node status, but it would be nice if the Steem Development Portal had that information.
4. Greater explanation on using and creating private resources for the STEEM blockchain.
The blockchain is getting bigger and bigger, and more resource-intensive. It would reduce the load on the public nodes if devs had a better idea of how to create their own databases, nodes, etc.
Thanks for your work on this! It's good to see witnesses keeping up with these things.