The Pi can run Linux with a graphical user interface it has USB and, RJ45 network connection, HDMI, audio jack.
Identical features with Arduino: GPIO pins, usb power, expansion shields, big user base, a lot of fun projects, cheap.
Boards starting from 5 to around 40 dollar, SteemPi most likely also will run on other Pi (clone) boards. (they need to be using / be compatible with the wiringpi library)
:) Trying again.
Worked :) thanks
Cool project.
Thanks :)
I've played with Arduino and Olimiex a bit before. Not really sure how the PI is different from those.
The Pi can run Linux with a graphical user interface it has USB and, RJ45 network connection, HDMI, audio jack.
Identical features with Arduino: GPIO pins, usb power, expansion shields, big user base, a lot of fun projects, cheap.
Boards starting from 5 to around 40 dollar, SteemPi most likely also will run on other Pi (clone) boards. (they need to be using / be compatible with the wiringpi library)
so you would say the Pi is better than Arduino?
i use Pi for things i need USB and internet acces and more power.
Arduino for "simpeler" IOT applications
Thank you. That's what I thought but I wasn't sure.