Well-done work, my friend and the best way out, in my opinion, is a manageable, reasonable consumption of information, which is also accompanied by its comprehension and use in practice. Read news and blogs, listen to the radio and watch TV and you can and even need to throw food for the mind, but you need to manage this process to remove harmful effects (the same information overload) and leave useful ones. I would recommend :
First. We determine and take control of the main "channels" for which information is received, we limit them.
The second. Classify incoming information before use by urgency.
Third. Classify incoming information on the topic, choose the most important topics - in advance.
Of course, these three councils do not exhaust the problem of info overload. But here it is quite possible to act as the three whales on which your system of correct work with incoming information will be based. Thank you @cryptoctopus