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RE: Introducing the first ever public steem testnet!

in #steemdev8 years ago

Very good work. Thank you.
I have been also working on some tests with a testnet with a different public key.
Just a question, how did you generated this new public key? What would be the best way to generate? Did you use a simple secret password as the own testnet in steem is working?

#ifdef IS_TEST_NET #define STEEMIT_INIT_PRIVATE_KEY (fc::ecc::private_key::regenerate(fc::sha256::hash(std::string("init_key")))) #define STEEMIT_INIT_PUBLIC_KEY_STR (std::string( steemit::protocol::public_key_type(STEEMIT_INIT_PRIVATE_KEY.get_public_key()) )) #define STEEMIT_CHAIN_ID (fc::sha256::hash("testnet"))


Yep, you can generate it with cli_wallet as well but make sure to build it with the correct address prefix first

what do you mean with correct address prefix first?