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RE: Self voting will now NOT be default behaviour

in #steemdev8 years ago

It would have been nice if someday we'd at least see even delegation added to Condenser, let alone Beneficiaries... What need would there be for whaleshares if it was easy to use a feature that is in the consensus logic?

I don't think this 'upvote the newbies just because they are new' strategy really helps anyone. It resembles a heroin dealer giving away free samples more than anything else. You would miss a lot of important elements of how this system works if you ignore the fact that it is pretty much a Skinner Box. I doubt over the long run it really does the system any good either, because many people will just abandon the platform in the conditions of a sliding price and lack of 'gifts' from whales.

Fucked if I know how you draw the conclusion that a self vote should not be possible by the rules of the consensus logic, is force. That's like saying that the referee at a football match shouldn't give out yellow and red cards when other people use force and don't play fair. If I was playing a game of football and other players were barging and high tackling, I'd rather not risk my neck on it. At least when there is a referee they will have to sit out for at least half the game after breaking rules of common decency. Oh, but the referee is using force. No, you consented to the consensus logic when you joined the network.

The central goal of my advocating these things has to do with putting more necessary tools in the hands of users, without requiring them to learn how to code python or javascript. Self voting is short sighted activity, not considering the non-quantifiable but nevertheless vital capital of peer respect.