what if someone intercepts one of the signed packets shown above?
Yea but what are the odds of that happening if dont' mind asking? all these come out a bit difficult but it's def worth the time to learn about it.
- Thanks in advance!* 🙏
what if someone intercepts one of the signed packets shown above?
Yea but what are the odds of that happening if dont' mind asking? all these come out a bit difficult but it's def worth the time to learn about it.
there are many cases actually, for example if the data is not encrypted (ie. http versus https), or if packets are sent via email. and while it may be less likely to happen on an encrypted site, why risk leaving such a large potential attack vector open?
As such, the graphene blockchain takes it to a whole other level than even what I've described. If you'd like a better understanding of how STEEM validates transactions, @xeroc does a great job in explaining it in his post, "Steem transaction signing in a nutshell":