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RE: Proposal: SteemWorld Support

in #steemdao6 years ago


The fact that NO other person has created ANYTHING close to Steemworld should be proof in itself that he deserves funding, especially considering the distinct lack of support from Steemit Inc.The blatant ignorance of some people regarding this issue is astounding. The Steemworld site is used by MANY people and is an invaluable tool and the amount of time and effort that @steemchiller has put into making this beyond useful should absolutely be funded. I have yelled about this for over a year.

Look around at all the bullshit projects that keep popping up, adding little real use just another front end or some game, yet get constant funding from various sources. Why has Steemworld been forgotten about? @steemchiller has been very reserved in asking for funding over the years and now when he does ask, some people suddenly freak the fuck out.

I find Steemworld so useful that I have @steemchiller on 100% autovote and have transferred steem to him at various times to show I value the service he has created. It may not be much but it is what I can do.