ABout the total amount going to projects, should be 10% of the reward pool which is
Total Reward Fund: 878,354 STEEM (Worth: $359,247 internally; $315,034 on Bittrex).
Total reward pool for steem is around $315K USD every week, so 10% of that is about $31K a week mate, maybe more as "total inflation" is separate from reward pool
hey so i remember i saw this post in the @blocktrades post from @dmitrydao showing THIS Ui
And now its looking even better like this
and its MOBILE now! SO COOL! maybe the original one is still desktop?
Man SO COOl I cant WIAt to see @ned realize he MUSt create a mobile app for steem and take care of the infrastructure and create steem FOUNDATIOn for scholarships and steem need sto be in school districts, free accounts for teachers and students etc, thats gonna be my big steem proposal
Thanks for mentioning. I'll double check the rewards distribution to a proposals fund. Previous UI was created with a different technology and used a lot of stuff I found useless so this one is fresh and will have a ton of features on top of what you already see now.