I am all for it. I feel I should have more say in what goes on than someone who put in 25 cents. I also feel that someone who put in months or years of hard work developing this blockchain and put in thousands of dollars deserves more of a say than me. Should there be a limit? That is all I am asking.
But there is a democracy involved in its governance. The blockchain as it is currently could fall under tyranny based on the centralization of the stake. It is just one solution to the current issue that the blockchain is dealing with.
Agreed, @allcapsonezero. It is facinating to watch governance evolve in DPOS, yet the human committees should be left to the EOS side of the experiment while STEEM seeks software governance in my opinion. It seems too early to assume EOS governance is the answer.
You could very well be right. This is a natural knee jerk reaction to the reality of not knowing where 44 million steempower is going to end up. I appreciate the "experiment" you speak of. It seems accurate.