After A "Long" Day's Work

We just found the place for our community event, planning a great fund raiser for a great cause. Decided to blow off Steem and have a drink! 😋🤣

Keep an eye out for "Beers and Buddies" to support the Las Vegas ASPCA

Much love to @steemcafe, @ogc, @whateever, @thehoneys, and @eventspeaker for helping create something awesome for animal lovers everywhere!

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Fine I'll move to Vegas so we can all hang all the time ! Looks deelishhh

Don't threaten me with a good time luv! You're always welcome. I'll have a plane ticket ready for you when the temperature in Toronto drops below "can't go outside" 😋

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@lifesacircus There is always a strong mixed drinking waiting for you. Vodka Soda or whatever. And all the silks & rigings you want.

I've never been to guys are tempting meeee!!!! And it's tequila soda bruh ;) xoxoxo

Lol, it's not going anywhere. When your ready to step your game up we'll be here 😉

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You must be holding the bourbon in your hand that’s not in the picture… Right, @captainbob?

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The flask is on my back pocket lol

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Sounds cool , what a great idea for a great cause @larrymorrison , and I do love my beer Lol! upped and resteemed 💕✌👍🍺🍺🍺🍻

Awe sweet, and thank to Karen. Hey I would love to have you in my show if you're game

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Awe thanks, I'm quite busy right now working my last three days this week then preparing a big move out to the country in the next few weeks , just waiting to get power to the property,but yeah maybe in the future once I get settled in @larrymorrison ! Thanks 😊👍✌️👌

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Sounds good Karen, a move out to the county? Cool

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It will be great once we get power and satellite internet hooked, then connect and put together the other part of the small house next summer and put in my garden ,thanks for your support it's much appreciated 👍😊💕

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