Steemcleaner Report for May 4, 2017

Steemcleaners Posts & Guides:
Tag Spam & High Frequency Posting Guide
Plagiarism Guide
Identity & Content Verification Guide: When to Ask and When Not To
Adding Value to Steemit through Sharing
When is sharing another contributor's content appropriate?
Why Cite Sources

If you feel that a comment left on your blog post or a flag was unwarranted, you may respond to a comment from @steemcleaners or speak with someone in steemitabuse-appeals.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the project or report abuse can find information here:

Announcing SteemCleaners, the Steemit Abuse Fighting Team!
The SteemCleaners Guide for Dealing with Abuse on Steemit


LinkAccount AgeAbuse CategoryAction
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksSpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksSpamcheetah, Flagged
Link2 weeksSpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksSpamNM commented, Commented, Flagged
Link1 weekPlagiarismNM, Commented, Flagged
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented, Flagged


excue me but you are going around making MONEY off OTHER peoples Content!

You are STEALING! You are using OTHER PEOPLES ARTICLE titles in this post! According to copyright law, that is just as bad as posting the article itself! The copyright applies to the title! This is how they want to shut down Matt Drudge! (Do yousee how ANNOYING it is when someone NIT PICKS your post and accuses you of plagarism and stealing content for simply mentioning a website or an article or its title?

You are making money by INCORRECTLy accusing people like ME of THEFT

You are only here to make money! Dont act like you are doing us some sort of great service! All you do is accuse others of theft an ask THEM to PROVE their own innocense!" "if you are the original author of this post yaa yada yada"

look maybe u think your helping but You cant go aroun calling innocent people like me a theif! I am basicaly homeless and steemit is the only income ive ha in years!

To have some fuckin asshole with over five THOUSAND dollar steemit account tell ME that I CANT make money off my posts because YOU THINK that I MIGHT have plagarized something when i DID NOT just really made me really mad....

i hope you can understand that...

hey man, look, i hope u see why i was mad, im livin in a shack, and steemit and recent crypto invesntments into altcoins are the only money ive seen in years!

And i go out of my way to cite articles and i only copy paste paragraphs when i cant rephrase stuff any better or if i am in a hurrt to just get the article onto steemit while its still new so i can keep my fellow steemians and my followers ahea of teh curve! I really wish u would think before commenting and i should too! But u cant just go around accusing people of being guilty of plagarism and theft without an acual investigation! Your bot isnt oerect and the fact tht u have made so much steempower doesnt make you perfect!