Hello, dear @steemchurch and Community Steemians, my name is YSOLINA CARABALLO, I have 53 years of age, I live in PUERTO LA CRUZ ESTADO ANZOÁTEGUI VENEZUELA, proud to be of this beautiful land, I am a Christian I have a beautiful family and also my brothers in Christ Who are a great family,My earthly parents are asleep, but God gave ME a spiritual mother who is a great blessing to me and family, a woman passionate for God, a woman directed to carry this ministry with much love and wisdom with her beloved family.

Today I want to talk about how God changed my life, it was not easy as it was dragging many things, at that time was a woman who was in witchcraft was what they call spiritualist, I thought that was good but was not pleasant in the eyes of God.
But always his infinite mercy towards this woman.

Suddenly one day my life gave a course 180 Gdo, God knocked on the door and let him in, started cleaning everything inside me taking out the dirty, which annoyed him and gradually was shaping and doing what I am a fearful woman today , in love with every day, life will not reach ME to give thanks for what has done and continues to do in my life, in my family, That blessing God to put in my offspring, my princesses, SARA DANZORA and prophet declares from the womb of his mother this girl is a miracle of God, SAMANTHA psalmist and DANZORA of the kingdom, FRANCHESKA Evangelist and DANZORA of the kingdom and ROXANA server along with my HI JA ISOMAR and my person.

God marked this family and I say with joy that without God we are nothing I love him is everything to me and every day we must pray and put everything in his hands.

I thank God for having put us in this great ministry as is the church where we congregate and where we have as a spiritual mother a great woman to whom we love and respect, and our beloved prophet who is a great blessing in our lives and all the HERMA US of the church that in one way or another are our family.

The love of God always in our lives, I have companies, a nursery plus a branch and trusting in faith that soon a RESTAURANT that will be of great blessing are so many things I have to tell about what God has done in my life that I have to make a novel.

What I can tell you is that God is always waiting for you to look for him and understand that he gave his son for us, and that grace to his sacrifice we have eternal life, but clarifying that we are all God's creation and that we spend making children when we accept and declare By our mouth that is our Savior and only God.
The people that he chose to inherit for himself.
I love your post ;)
Bless you