in #steemchurch6 years ago

Text:Proverbs 19:17

When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back.
(Good News translation)

Who really cares about the poor? God does and when God is serious about something, then those of us who claim to follow him need to take it pretty seriously too. So, for us helping the poor isn‘t optional, it's who we are. Everyone of us wish and want to help the poor, we even make it one of our top reasons for desiring great wealth, but that is the easy part. The bigger challenge is actually going ahead to help the poor. But to really address the problems of the poor we should first of all ask ourselves "What works and what doesn't?"

The word of God does not make light of helping the poor, it tells us in
Text:1John 3:17

"lf anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
and in Deuteronomy 15:11 God admonished the Israelites well ahead of their new settlement in Canaan by saying that "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land."

Sometimes the only way to help the poor is to give them something. A starving person or child needs food, now without it they will die. This is charity and it is the most obvious response to the poor, but charity has its limits. When charity continues after the crisis has passed, it makes the recipient helpless. Getting too much charity for too long robs a person of motivation and the will to provide for self and others.An excess of charity rapidly becomes a curse, so the goal of charity is not to give, but to restore the dependent person to independence and interdependence.

After giving, we must take the further step to empower poor people to become disciples of economic independence through education and training in essential matters of health, agriculture, business, and faith. if we don't teach the poor how to care for themselves, make their own resources productive, plan for their own future needs and opportunities, and embrace in their own hearts ethical Christian principles of diligence, thrift, and stewardship, then we have really not given them nothing of lasting value.

While providing charity and emergency assistance to the poor, we need to balance it with a strong emphasis on imparting the disciplines of a positive productive life into the hearts of those we are helping, so that they do not perpetually remain a burden.


God cares about everyone. We all should have less privileged in our minds too. SteemChurch is made up of people from different classes of life, the support that is shown shows we are in unity.

Thanks for sharing your views.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Giving should be a part of every Christian lives. Because it reflect on how generous our God his, when we give to others it makes the happy. We, therefore, make an impact. The bible makes us to understand that there is more happiness in giving than to receiving. So I urge everyone of us to be givers, Let's give to those in need and make life a better place. Thanks for this thoughtful writeup.

No matter how small you feel it is always give you the pot for the lord will always provide for you in a thousand ways

Your post is extremely touching tenny its lone GOD that truly thinks about each one of us for we are valuable in his eyes,but we on our part ought to do well to help one and other particularly those in need,and while doing as such we ought to apply caution not taking credits for ourselves yet rather to our wonderful father, Jehovah for his endowments.

Just as it is said that God loves a cheerful giver,help as much as you can to people who need it,i personally love anything relating to charity, getting people to stand on their feets etc.
Kudos on this post!!

Giving ought to be a piece of each Christian lives. Since it think about how liberal our God his, when we provide for others it makes the upbeat.

It is difficult to answer as to the intention of the people when they help the poor. Whether they care about poor or otherwise is a moot question. But the fact is they do help.Many reasons can be given for this & this help may come from anyone irrespective of their status. The nature of help may be of any type. In the form of food, shelter or clothing, education, money. Best to assume that they simply help, with or without any expectation.

Very good post, this is very useful for everyone in living this life. In our life we as human beings of creation of God, must help each other for human beings, because god teaches it to us all to help each other. If we have wealth, then we must help the poor. That way, God will always facilitate all our efforts, and God will also give us more sustenance. thank you... :)

GOD blesses us to bless others....
Thanks for sharing

Your post is really touching tenny its only GOD that really cares about every one of us for we are precious in his eyes,but we on our part should do well to assist one and other especially those in need,and when doing so we should apply discretion not taking credits for ourselves but rather to our heavenly father, Jehovah for his blessings.

The act of giving should be part of any true Christian life, and God also said is there anyone who has giving into me and I didn't replaced, since refusing to do for your neighbour is refusing to do unto the Lord. Thanks for blessing us this morning.

We must care about the poor because Jesus cares about the poor and because we were commissioned by him to preach, heal and deliver those in distress. When Jesus was anointed at Bethany with "expensive perfume made of pure nard," didn't he chide those concerned about using that money for the poor with the words, "The poor you will always have with you" (Mark 14:7)? Some may take this to suggest that Christians should not be obsessed with lifting the poor out of their poverty. "After all," they may say, "isn't God's ultimate purpose on earth to redeem a people to himself from every tribe, tongue and nation (Revelation 7:9) and not to bring an end to hunger? Wasn't the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord upon Jesus not to feed or clothe or house the poor but to 'preach good news' to them (Luke 4:18)? Isn't his 'Great Commission' to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) and not to go and feed all nations? Why, then, should we as Christians care about the poor?"

Your post is amazingly touching tenny its solitary GOD that genuinely ponders every single one of us for we are significant in his eyes,but we on our part should do well to help one and other especially those in need,and while doing all things considered we should apply alert not taking credits for ourselves yet rather to our great father, Jehovah for his blessings.

Giving ought to be a piece of each Christian lives. Since it think about how liberal our God his, when we provide for others it makes the glad. We, subsequently, have an effect. The book of scriptures makes us to comprehend that there is more joy in offering than to accepting. So I encourage everybody of us to be providers, Let's provide for those in need and improve life a place. A debt of gratitude is in order for this keen writeup.

God thinks about everybody. We as a whole ought to have less advantaged in our psyches as well. SteemChurch is comprised of individuals from various classes of life, the help that is demonstrated shows we are in solidarity.