Danzar es servir.
14 Y David danzaba con toda su fuerza delante de Jehová; y estaba David vestido con un efod de lino.
11 Has cambiado mi lamento en baile;
Desataste mi cilicio, y me ceñiste de alegría
Exhortación a alabar a Dios con instrumentos de música
150 Alabad a Dios en su santuario;
Alabadle en la magnificencia de su firmamento.
2 Alabadle por sus proezas;
Alabadle conforme a la muchedumbre de su grandeza.
3 Alabadle a son de bocina;
Alabadle con salterio y arpa.
4 Alabadle con pandero y danza;
Alabadle con cuerdas y flautas.
5 Alabadle con címbalos resonantes;
Alabadle con címbalos de júbilo.
6 Todo lo que respira alabe a JAH.
It is good to look at the Youth serving God with their talents and virtues, God is joy and their heart is glad when the maidens dance like lambs in the herd.
that's my brother .. Thanks
Blessings to your sister, good praises of God.
Amen brother God gave a beautiful talent to my sister and thanks to Him he trains each day .. to glorify his name .. Blessings for you brother, greetings
What a beautiful power to dance to our Lord. God gives the talent to adore Him at all times, be it with hands, with trumpet. with strings, and dance, simbalos resonant. Only the one who expresses with the dance can understand that it is a dance in adoration to God, always when it is guided by the Holy Spirit.